>it's a Mario autistically runs the same segment over and over again to try and shave 0.01 seconds of his personal best time episode
Will it be kino?
>it's a Mario autistically runs the same segment over and over again to try and shave 0.01 seconds of his personal best time episode
Will it be kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do trannies love to speedrun games so much? I.e. replaying the same level 1000 times until it's not even fun anymore (they all look bored and dead inside)
They're neets. They have fucked up dopamine receptors. They need a way to kill time. They don't know how to do anything else.
>enjoying the Mario movie with my family. A genuinely fun, funny flick. I'm so happy to had ve snag these tickets for the opening weekend.
>Mario crouches
>think "oh boy what's going to happen now"
>he stays in the crouched position, nothing elese is happening on screen
>3 minutes has pass and my kids are desperately asking what's going on
>we leave after 10 mins when my kids begin to cry
This is actually insightful. Thanks
>Why do trannies love to speedrun games so much?
They like being good at something. As opposed to the far right who want everything to be handed to them just for existing.
I don't get it
it's incorrect btw
the overwhelming majority of trannies have autism. autism is actually the primary cause of trannyism, and autism and speedrunning go hand in hand
you cannot participate or spectate it without having autism
>chris pratt stares directly at the camera and begins a 90 minute monologue on what constitutes "half an A-press"
16 star runs are pretty comfy if you do it casually
>They like being good at something.
And the best thing that comes to your tranny mind is completely static, simple video games designed to placate children?
The far right dislike of speedrunning shows that they are literally not human and have zero understanding of actual accomplishments and wanting to earn something. For all of their talk about entitlement culture, their very existence is inherently incapable of understanding the concept of being good at something. They are failures, in every way it's possible to be a failure.
>look dead inside
Has Cosmo still not killed himself?
i expected him to do it 5 years ago
No, the first thing that comes to mind is a artistic pursuit. Video games, most of which are not static, simple, or only for children are a distant fourth.
Evidently, trannies also often engage in artistic pursuits because, again, unlike you they are not entitled whiners and actually care about being good at something.
Who is this post about, user? Are you okay?
Hope this is satire
>Not explaining to your kids what an A press is
Shit parenting. I bet they don't even know about parallel universes
Don't ever ever try speedrunning bros.
Like painting your nails and anime, its gateway to trooning out.
The far right. Entitled morons with no skills, no ability to understand a desire to have skills, and no understanding in general.
See example.
No way in hell I'd have guessed the "I'd really prefer you were quiet" guy would transition
>Evidently, trannies also often engage in artistic pursuits because
Because it's easier than engaging in a trade or whatever occupation that could actually historically support a family. This and this only is the reason why so many trannies and leftists saturate shit like free online moderation, Discord servers, programming useless garbage, working on emulators, etc. Of course even all these things are a great credit to society compared to just replaying the same game over and over again.
Learning something inside out is the opposite of a skill. That user is indeed mentally deranged.
Yes. Skill. If you can't understand that either, I will gladly add "Unable to understand the concept of skills" to your list of failures as a human being.
>TJ """"""henry""""" yoshi.
>Video games, most of which are not static, simple, or only for children
Are you retarded, most video games are exactly all those things, especially Mario games, everything is scripted and always the same which is exactly why speedtrannies do it
>Don't ever ever try speedrunning bros.
Literally why would I? 99% of games aren't even fun enough to finish them ONCE let alone 24/7
>spends all day and night shaping his turds into figurines
>goodness look how skilled I am
just because something takes time and effort doesn't give it worth, just look at yourself if you need proof of this
Goose's speech still holds up
he did not
his twitter got hacked and he uses a different handle now
>Bro I can't beat Glass Joe in under 10 seconds. It's on my resume bro!
Sounds more like you're blaming this "the far right" for your own faults.
>Because it's easier than engaging in a trade or whatever occupation that could actually historically support a family.
1: Artistic pursuits could historically support a family. All of those famous renesaince painters often had families and got paid. 2: Define "Trade", we live in a service based economy nowadays. Working as a blacksmith isn't going to earn you crap.
>programming useless garbage
How the fuck is programming not a trade?
>Learning something inside out is the opposite of a skill. That user is indeed mentally deranged.
Learning something inside out is literally the definition of a skill.
>The far right
Did you just come here from 2016 in a time capsule? You should play less shitty video games and live more
It’s almost like everything he said is a symptom of autism.
> most video games are exactly all those things,
Maybe Super Mario bros, the one on the NES, anything made after that are insanely complex and far from scripted.
>everything is scripted
Ah, so I can also add "Doesn't know anything about videogames to the list".
>spends all day and night shaping his turds into figurines
You basically just described pottery, one of the oldest professions on the fucking planet.
>just because something takes time and effort doesn't give it worth
You legitimately don't understand what a skill is, don't you?
No, not at all. Why would you even think that?
Cockroaches like you are still around, sadly. I'll happily stop talking about you when you are all lying in a shallow grave.
I get that posting images of trannies is the only thing resembling a skill you have, but I'm afraid your talent is still quite lacking.
>I jump out of my seat and yell "KINO!"
>pottery is shaping literal shit
kek reaching coping seething /reddit/
>Video games, most of which are not static, simple, or only for children
>or only for children
>1: Artistic pursuits could historically support a family.
Rushing through video games isn't art. It's in fact the opposite. It's ugly, mind-numbing and through and through uncreative. It's actually the absolute absence of creativity since you will just try to follow a preformed path as sharp as possible like a robot. No idea why you even thought this was a good deflection.
>Define "Trade", we live in a service based economy nowadays. Working as a blacksmith isn't going to earn you crap.
You can Google definitions, and I explicitly mentioned generally primary sought occupations, be it accountant, electircian or a physician assistant.
>How the fuck is programming not a trade?
I didn't say programming. I said programming useless garbage.
>Learning something inside out is literally the definition of a skill.
What the fuck was his problem
>Maybe Super Mario bros, the one on the NES, anything made after that are insanely complex and far from scripted.
99% of Mario 64 levels are always the exact same, retard. That's why speedruns are always the same with minimal deviations. At least play more dynamic games or fucking PvP games, you freak
>Doesn't know about clay.
>Doesn't know anything about video games
You can write entire books about everything you subhumans don't know.
I fucking hate aussies man
>clay = literal shit
>Why do trannies love to speedrun games so much?
as said, it's autism
the proof? in this very thread
What made people like that think Yea Forums would be a good place for them?
>Rushing through video games isn't art.
It's a hobby. I never said it was art.
>It's ugly, mind-numbing and through and through uncreative
No, not really. if you think so it's only because you have no talent or ability to understand to understand anything you talk about. As well as just a general lack of experience with speedrunning.
>No idea why you even thought this was a good deflection.
I would ask the same, but it's clear you don't understand English.
>You can Google definitions, and I explicitly mentioned generally primary sought occupations
That includes artistic trades.
>I didn't say programming. I said programming useless garbage.
That literally purely arbitrary. Social media is useless crap in my opinion, but working at Facebook is still a job.
Nice to know you have no argument.
>Learning something inside out is literally the definition of a skill.
even if this is true then it's a boring skill. imagine watching someone learn long number sequences on Youtube. this is literally speedrunning
The fact that I can watch you pathetic subhuman behavior here. That I can expose you for the scum you are to anybody normal watching. And finally, always, force you to cry and wish for a safe space away from even the smallest hint of criticism.
This faggot actually offed himself over speedrun drama. Spiritual tranny.
>even if this is true then it's a boring skill.
Subjective and irrelevant.
>imagine watching someone learn long number sequences on Youtube.
That's called math. You can argue it's boring to watch, though don't say that to a mathematician, but it's 1: A skill. 2: A very useful skill.
>this is literally speedrunning
Even ignoring the fact that's a arsine comparison, learn what "literally" means.
Observing animals in their natural behavior is a skill as well
>does absolutely NOTHING wrong in your way
Absolutelegendbros loses again
>It's a hobby. I never said it was art.
you just brought it up though
Nah. This is closer to somebody arguing television isn't just for children. It's a big medium.
I would make a joke about old people, but frankly I imagine you already do both of these things.
>A very useful skill.
playing the same kiddy game over and over again isn't useful and not helping anyone. you are a waste of space. this is a fact. and don't even compare yourself to mathematicians you useless piece of human jetsam
>That I can expose you for the scum you are to anybody normal watching. And finally, always, force you to cry and wish for a safe space away from even the smallest hint of criticism.
it's an anonymous image-board
you can only lose arguments here
You are the laughing stock of this thread, dude. Also speedrunners are the biggest laughing stock in the video game fandom for years.
>mario BLJs out the screen
I brought it up because somebody claimed artistic pursuits were not a real craft that could not support a family. Which is just objectively wrong.
It's fine to not understand English. It's a complex language, I don't expect subhumans like you to grasp any of the words I write. But you could still ask your parents to read it for you rather than trying in vain to create a response.
is it true that trannies are becoming trannies because of growing up fat?
too bad you are arguing against 5 of my alt accounts