Oi mate what do you think of seaspiracy?

Oi mate what do you think of seaspiracy?
>fishing means climate change
>eat the bugs

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I haven't watched it and I am not interested. I'd rather eat bugs than wild fish however. The sea is the sewer of the world, and I guarantee you that all those heavy metals, chemicals, hormones and plastics fish spend their lives consuming are responsible for the tranny menace.

And I was told chicken and beef were poisonous.

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>Its bad to overfish
>therefore give the state and corporations more control of your life
Do leftists really think this is true?

Industry farmed chicken and beef, probably. I try to stay away from those by hunting and eating chickens raised by my parents, but unfortunately it's not enough.

>Not calling it ConspiraSEA


What is your solution to overfishing then?

why do zoomers love conspiracy theory movies about how the world is ending if they don't have anal sex, love on the pod and eat the bugs?

I find it incredible how you guys are willing to believe everything you read on internet from aliens, through jewish conspiracies and rich people drinking blood of infants but climate change is where you draw the line?

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>We’re all going to spontaneously combust on January 1st, 2030 if we don’t eat ze boogs
Do you know how stupid you sound?

No one is stopping you from eating The Bugs.

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remove industrial society by going full butlerian jihad and throwing away all technology or at least destroying social media. Everything will fall into place after that. Also deport non whites back to their homelands.

Every climate model is off by a large amount.

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That's only a short term solution. You need to dumb down the population to prevent advanced technology from ever existing again.

i think that it won't answer the age old question as to why i should give a shit about a planet that's going to be inherited by kikes and their nigger pets.

I’m all for environmentalism and protecting animals. But I think we should do it by only buying local, permit hunting seasons to cull herds and stop letting in millions of third worlders who leech off the system and bully the natives because “Muh racism”. But the elites think that’s nazism and instead you should eat bugs and let’s your kids get molested by drag queens cuz….oh yeah climate change but they get to drive SUVs and live in giant houses where they dine on steak and wine

seaspiracy is a more memorable title when spoken


Prevent non whites from having access to tech. Or at least. any race with an average iq under 95. We're screwed either way because of multiculturalism

I'm allergic to fish so I don't really give a fuck

Only good part was how those MSC etc. "dolphin free" stamps don't mean anything. You can just buy it for your brand and nobody ever checks anything. Had to research it myself later (since some of the stuff in the doc was a little sensational) and it seems to be completely true.

What was sensational? I’m not criticising you I genuinely want to know because it was very OTT

It's funny how in any situation other than being "red-pilled", being an uninformed retard who regurgitares meme phrases would be recognized as stupid an useless.

Had to call me out, huh?

In fact after a quick googling my post seems to be completely full of shit lmao. The part about MSC was sensationalized. Basically accused them of not saving every single dolphin in the world when they have apparently reduced dolphin killings by 95%.

If it makes you seethe this hard, it’s working.

>remove industrial society
>Also deport non whites back to their homelands
You need to reread your Ted. Long distance transportation is not an option in a post industrial society world.

This is the correct take. Climate change is real, but would be mitigated if nations were self-sufficient, and didn't have to depend so much on imports

If everyone was eating local and hunted meat there would not be a single non-bug animal left to eat after the first hunting season.

Send them on horseback and wooden galleons then you retard. There was long distance travel before the industrial revolution

>Surely I, a fat virgin who posts on a Mongolian Basket Wearing Forum all day and will literally melt if the AC goes higher than 72 Fahrenheit, will survive and thrive in this world without clean readily available food, water and antibiotics. Only those Liberals and minorities will die and everyone will make me king instead of using my flesh for stew.

Just allow them to breed more for a couple years then cull

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>wooden galleons
That's technology m8, and as we know even simple technology like wind powered ships breed more technology. All blacks and whites will simply have to swim back to Africa and Europe.

>Mongolian Basket Wearing Forum
go back

People want 2 meals of meat daily. There's 67 million people in the UK. 2 million deer would feed the country for like 3 days.

>People want 2 meals of meat daily
Fat American hands typed this

>You need to reread your Ted. Long distance transportation is not an option in a post industrial society world.
Yes, lets go back to a pre industrial world.

Lol climate change has nothing to do with fucking imports or immigrants. It has to do with-
1: The Fossil fuel industry refusing to allow the world to switch to nuclear power.
2: The destruction of quality public transportation and the rise of car culture (aka sprawl), because living a 30 minute drive from literally anything worth doing and making a 2 hour commute to work every morning and a two hour commute back in the evening is how we know we're free.
3: Unnecessary factory farming practices. Sure we could easily grow the same kinds of meat more efficiently and more sustainably, but that would cut into the next quarters profits.

>2 meals of meat daily
Do fat people really

user I'm uniroinically in good shape, was almost a model once. I also like survivalism as a hobby and grew up playing fallout, LOST and reading canticle for leibowitz which made me want to understand survivalism. I hike and go out in the bush a lot.

>t. glowing vegan

You can thank the pajeet curryniggers for dumping shit and fuck knows what else in it

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Channers don't believe in anything that won't justify them treating women's like Cumrag and hanging minorities. Because once again, 4cjan is a white supremacist website that have to keep the appearances of a debonair "le funny 2000s edgy Internet comedy hangout" to avoid being delisted like their Eightchan buddies

I don't give a shit lmao, I just won't eat anything that lives in that crap.

I agree with your first point
There’s no way you can make public transport decent without disposing of undesirables
>grow meat
Ok WEF shill

Why are you gay?

no, they primarily eat plant products such as gains and sugar

>I built a campfire once to make s'mores and shot a deer with my factory-made tricked out hunting hunting rifle. And I even remembered to bottle plenty of clean water from the kitchen sink for the tip!
>Surely I will be as the cavemen of old, Completely able to create the gargantuan amount of calories required to keep the human body going every day for decades non-stop. I definitely won't be shot and looted by some other schmuck and his gang on day 4 of Mad Max world.

Yesterday I unironically spend my entire 1 hour lunch break listening to a guy (a slim Norwegian desu) ranting about the fact that the school his kids go to have introduced "meat free mondays". He was absolutely livid about the idea that someone would have to eat one (1) meat-less meal during a week.


Who says I'm gay?

pretty much. I only stay here anymore for few threads like Jazz general and my fat kino. I feel like the discussions are stale. People blaming jews for everything, talking about who/what is white but never actually agreeing on anything, and lastly muh hollywood hiring blacks etc.. Its same thing each and every day

>>I built a campfire once to make s'mores and shot a deer with my factory-made tricked out hunting hunting rifle. And I even remembered to bottle plenty of clean water from the kitchen sink for the tip!
I've studied survivalism for over a decade, make frequent trips camping, and understand bushcraft. I own multiple books, audiobooks, have watched tons of youtube videos and docuementaries, I've hunted, fished, built a small shack to see if I could, know how to find water and food, etc.

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>earth is turning into a paradise
>hey western white man, yes you, motherfucker
>stop breathing, stop driving, stop everything, you know what? just fucking kill yourself, because your mere existence is literally the end of the whole planet

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The aim at the end of the day should be (for every able body) to be self sustaining and to sell excess food at local markets.
No large corporation or government is working in your interest

forcing every country to be self sufficient and halting global trade would eat even more resources than it does right now, expecting every country to have their own agricultural, industrial, electronics, automobile, chemical or mining industry would create a whole lot of redundancy and kill the concept of saving time and energy with production by scale.
its a pointless concept and would only fuck everyone over because there is no way to hold our standard of living this way. every country in the world needs the global economy

>The switch to subsistence agriculture caused the human life expectancy to plummet and lives of drudgery.
>Now lets undue all the advancements that allowed us to escape from that. So I can larp as ye olde medieval farmers market.

hint: fascists don't understand shit about economics.

free trade is evil.

>doing backbreaking fieldwork all day for the rest of your life to own the libs

What do you even do on a field every day? I know nothing about farming expect
>clear field
>plough it
>plant seed
>wait for crops to grow

free trade enables your lifestyle. if it was all about self sustained living like caveman, nature would've weeded you out a long time ago

>greening represents an increase of leaves on plants
So, not the actual number of plants then?

>Implying anybody who disagress with free trade and world government is a fascist
Do you know what omninationalism is?

I don't care about living, I just want the world to exist as it should

if you dont have modern fertilizer or pesticides, you will be busy all the time clearing away unwanted growth or bugs that kills your desired crop.
plowing a field can take weeks if you dont have industrial machinery
depending on the crop, harvesting it can also be difficult because sometimes you only want specific parts of the crop that are very fragile and need to be picked by hand
all in all, farm work is very difficult, time consuming and exhausting. it's so bad in fact that people used slaves for it since forever

right wingers are such faggots. as soon as climate change starts to snowball all of them are gonna cry "uh ACTUALLY when I said it was a jew lie i meant it was real and caused by the jews"

Free trade leads to authoritarianism and immigration which leads to war and implosion. Its already happening now in america and western nations.
>free trade enables your lifestyle. if it was all about self sustained living like caveman, nature would've weeded you out a long time ago
Projecting urbanite?

Only Fascists think the only alternative to free trade is autarky.

what does that even mean you retard? this sounds like the rant of a doomer who has lost every connection to the real world

Not everybody based their political opinions around their own selfish survival, you socialist faggot.

>right wingers are such faggots
Leftwingers worship homosexuals
>as soon as climate change starts to snowball all of them are gonna cry "uh ACTUALLY when I said it was a jew lie i meant it was real and caused by the jews"
Virtually nobody on the alternative right denies that climate change exists wholesale. What we debate is
>how bad it is
>who causes it
>what can be done if anything that ISNT giving your rights up to the state or corps.

>If it rains too much, the Jew are trying to drown us.
>If it rains too little, the Jews are trying to ruin our crops.
>If it rains the right amount, The Jews are trying to lull us into a false sense of security.

Autocracy and oligarchy are the only two options. Democracy is a joke and isn't real.

violent conflicts have been going down all around the world for decades. making global economies depend on eachother only reduces the potential for conflict because it will always be hurting everybody.
mixing the european economies with eachother has been the best thing that ever happened to them, it enabled a historic period of peace and prosperity
immigration is already heavily restricted in every wealthy nation around the world, sandniggers invading wealthy nations to fuck white women and steal money just is a pol meme

>If it rains too much, the white christians are trying to drown us.
>>If it rains too little,white christians are trying to ruin our crop
>>If it rains the right amount, white christians are trying to lull us into a false sense of security.