ICarly Season 2 premiered and it's ready for us to download!




Follow her...butt?

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>not victorious


lol remember when all the retards thought season 1 would have a sex scene?

They replaced Sam with one of those?

No thanks

Is Sam back?

no she refused to do it

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I will only watch if there's a scene of her and Sam scissoring

There's a YouTuber named Quinton who made multiple hour long retrospectives on the original show and Victorious. Along with videos about subjects like Garfield and themed McDonald's. And I was always impressed by how boring a mans interests can be.

Not bad and very funny, but you know, resolving a final-season cliffhanger off-screen is very bad continuity writing. Don't do it again, Miranda.
So, Carly sucks and gets a vacuum. Ah, that's so Yea Forums, I remember some user telling Miranda's mouth was a fucking vacuum lol.

Damn, Miranda is so fuckable.


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nah, she is wife material

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Past the age of #metoo and the cancellation of Weinstein, how did he get to walk free? Was he actually innocent? Hard to believe.

>And I was always impressed by how boring a mans interests can be.
That's genuine autism for you.

>rebooted version of a kids show
>actors still look the same as they did a decade earlier
>surprise sex scene
I don't understand why people might have thought that, they tune in for the nostalgia and not some sort of gritty Bel-Air type reboot.

Miranda looks awful now

body of a 13 year old unathletic boy

His videos amount to nothing but just giving a plot synopsis of every episode with little to no analysis while scoffing at a statuary rape joke or wagging his finger at every transphobic / racist / sexist joke.
>proceeds to make jokes about murdering children
Statuary rape is worse than murdering children apparently.

It's kinda ironic Miranda showed more skin in the original iCarly than now.

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No adult situations, and zero feet scene. Dan, we need you again!!!

Do you think she still stops by Dan's house and lets him chase her around his couch for old times sake?

No iCarly iNipples, no watch!

iFunny Powder episode pls

>And my real fans never left me
True words spoken, Queen.

Fun fact: Pearl's actress is Mia Serafino, who starred with Miranda in the NBC sitcom Crowded.

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you're awful

no she’s a coal burner anyway and they replaced her with 2 sheboons

I went to her school she is a major slut

Nathan Kress was so cute when he was little



I miss when Freddy was jacked

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He looks like he could be either 14 or 40. Very strange nowadays.

>talking about Victorious for 13 hours

>turn down ezpz money with iCarly reboot
>do a 1 man show called "I'm glad my mom died" instead
Jennette is a mental case now

How so? Story?

>must be 18 to browse Yea Forums
>paramount decides to shill a children's show here
>not just a children's show, but a reboot of a children's show where everyone is an adult now, so not even the pedophiles are interested

Whatever happened with the sexual situations? Show is kiddie as always.

It's a massive hit actually lol

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Has a different tone than season 1 it looks you think it could be kino?

yeah because anything with more than seventeen and a half viewers is top percentile for paramount+

a handful of 20-something girls checking it out just for the nostalgia memes isn't something to be proud of


Did someone shop his hand

do tell

serious question, is this not just a kids show? Can't you check her social media for hot pics if that's why you watch?

>Carly: "people who hate watch on repeat"
I think Carly was talking about you kek

Its a adult show now, but very tame.

why is paramount always so bad at shilling?

the ghost of ucla

any videos of those scenes and the almost upskirt ?

I remember the first time I went to a USC party that Miranda Cosgrove was at.
It was at a frat house and I was hanging out and talking to people when this huge guy, probably around 6'5 came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulder and told me very sternly to "come with me, newblood". He led me down to the basement, and that's when I saw her.
She was completely naked, on her hands and knees, on top of a large blue tarp. A single bare lightbulb swung from the ceiling, and two massive football players were fucking her, one in the ass and one in the mouth. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, and she was covered in semen. The words "COCKGOBBLER" were scrawled on her forehead in permanent marker . The one fucking her in the mouth bust a nut down her throat, and she swallowed it all. She then started screaming "FUNNY POWDER, FUNNY POWDER" over and over at the top of her lungs. The guy that led me in handed me a ceramic plate covered in cocaine and instructed me to blow some in her face. I bent down in front of her and she coughed up a huge glob of cum onto the tarp and looked at me in the eyes, all while still beng fucked in the ass. I grabbed a handful of cocaine and placing it in my palm, I blew it in her face. I had tears in my eyes and silently mouthed "but you were in iCarly". I stood up and another massive jock took my spot and started ramming her in the mouth. I then tried to leave but the guy who took me to the room told me "you have to stay until all the coke is gone lardlungs". I sobbed for the next 3 hours doing my duty until all the men were satisfied and she was passed out in a pool of jizz.
It was the worst night of my life.

Yep, but they blurred her panties in the editing room.

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whats the point of watching if they do this?

OH Dan. Never change.

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where is naked miranda cosgrove?

face to big
wouldn't bang

Miranda aged horribly. Her face is botched. Meanwhile Jennette is still cute.

>tfw your waifu is too pure to do sex or nude scenes
Life is suffering, bros ;_;

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Can't believe anybody watched the first season

She should keep doing whatever this is.

I used to think he did all the shit and worse but he's lived through multiple metoo level events. Not a peep from anyone. He's still into feet honestly but I don't think he raped anyone now

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