What a guy

what a guy

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How do they get a candle to melt like that?

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>Hello? Based department?

Now that BCS exists Jimmy seems like kind of a bastard for not caring when Walter murdered Mike. Mike saved Jimmy's life in season 5.

I think you got mixed up with who saved Jimmy.

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At that point, Jimmy was watching his entire world collapse around him thanks to Walt so he really didn't have time to think on it. I'm sure he felt bad making cinnabuns. The icing machine makes the same lip slap sound Mike does anytime he says a word over 2 syllables

Lip slapping and snotty mouthbreathing sounds make me want to hang myself

>*lip smack*
>Military greyaaaahhhhde
>Cough hack
>Old guy fart

then he threatened to break saul's legs or something in one of the later seasons of breaking bad when he was after info

can't wait to see how saul and slippin' kimmy JUST howard's life this season

Howard is the true protagonist

Jimbo was scared shitless of Mike at that point of the show, just like others have pointed out. In BB he knew what Mike was capable of, in BCS he just sees him as yet another old geezer but with a temper up until the later seasons.

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Legit everything about him is geared toward villain.
Costuming, casting, the way he's played and speech pattern. His role in the story.
You're just waiting for him to reveal some evil machinations or do something dickish or particularly condescending toward Jimmy but it never happens.
He's just a well spoken clean cut lawyer man who might be a little on the autism spectrum.
And hes a nice person.

they dress him like an antagonist
but he's just a decent guy trying to do his job caught up in a pissing contest between two shithead brothers

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He's a big wuss even

he's unironically a good guy that got stuck in a bussiness full of mentally deranged snakes
if he had it his way Jimmy would've been partners with HHM from the moment he revealed he passed the BAR

I don't think the writers want anyone to look at any character and pidgeonhole them as a "good guy" or "bad guy" desu. Howard looks like a saint compared to how crooked Jimmy and Kim are, but he's not perfect either. I think his attitude towards Kim in part of season 1 and the majority of season 2 just seemed petty and indignant, and the fact that he tried to swipe Mesa Verde out from under her the instant after giving her well wishes shows how he's a bit more slimy than he lets on. He's also more than happy to go along with Chuck's plan to entrap Jimmy. I still love Howard though, and again he has nothing on the kind of shit Jimmy has done.

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he wouldn't have got straight to partner, just followed the same track as kim, associate then partner eventually
unironically the kind of boss you would want as a mentor, regardless of the minor hurt he did to kim which in fairness she had coming

BCS is better she Breaking Bad.

good morning sir


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>rewatching BCS
>it's a mike episode
>skip it

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i didn't mind him in breaking bad but in bcs he just acts like a retard and gets away with it because of plot armor

>I don't think the writers want anyone to look at any character and pidgeonhole them as a "good guy" or "bad guy" desu.
Fair enough but they do trick the viewer into thinking he's worse than he is. Up until whichever season the scene where Chuck reveals it was himself that didn't want Jimmy making partner, and Howard would have been ok with it from the get-go.

>associate then partner eventually
Probably, but also consider that he's only in HHM because of his father. He probably would've thought it was only fair to give Jimmy the same chance after he proved himself.

>le reddit bad good guy
>obviously a frail old man
>unrealistically strong and skilled fighter
>"alpha" behavior while just being a total shithead
>literally a conman and a killer for hire
>is put up on a pedestal for it and gets to lecture other conmans in killers

fuuuuck miiiikee

Mike threatens to break his legs and straight up kill him in Breaking Bad.

Mike episodes aren't the problem, it's Gus episodes that Mike is in that seem like Mike episodes.

Unironically love this guy and all his scenes.

>Waltuh, did I ever tell you about the time I rescued Saul from an ambush in the desert? Saul was trying to run 7 million in cash for his client: one Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca, the cousin to the Tuco Salamanca that you yourself knew and the most cunning and deadly of the Salamanca clan. Through some machinations of our mutual employer, Gus Fring, who has maintained a vengeful shadow war against the Salamanca family for years, Lalo had been placed in American prison on a 7 million dollar bail. What became of Lalo you ask? A good story, for another time. Anyway, Saul Goodman, who's real name is actually James Morgan McGill, was retrieving this money for Lalo from a drop-off point on the Mexican border when he was set upon by hired guns. After narrowly rescuing Saul from this ambush, we found ourselves without any working vehicle, and we had to wander home through the desert over a grueling 36 hour march. Saul nearly gave up and died at many points and had drink his own urine just to make it through the ordeal. In the end all his sufferings amounted to a measly 100,000 dollars, something you make over just a few sessions of comfortably cooking meth in a discreet lab. Although we pretend to dislike and barely know each other now, he was a good friend, and a cunning lawyer.

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i heard a high pitched fart toot when i read the last line

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guy is an insufferable know it all and do it all perfectly fag, but after shooting a bunch of niggas from a sniper rifle he just walks in the middle without checking if anyone is still alive because plot

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>waltuh... forget the legacy costs, i will make you whole right here and now

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>it's a Mike doing boring maintenance work at a major corporation's warehouse for 37 minutes episode
>it's a Mike doing bland covert operator stuff on a desert highway on Gus Fring's orders for 29 minutes episode
>it's a Mike hangs out at the bar thinking of his dead son for 41 minutes before beating some armed gangbangers who were harassing him on the street episode
Yep... I'm thinking it's boringkino

Best character? Best character.

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Did we watch the same scene? He shot some guy who was still breathing before moving over to Jimmy.

Did mike manage to get any money to his grandkid? kinda fucked.

Watch him dying one day before premiere and getting an episode in his memory

I'm watching bcs right now for the first time and I'm on episode 6 of season 1 please do not post spoilers in this thread

Chuck dies


My favourite episode is the one where Chuck wonders why Kim is into Saul and turns out it's his hughmongous dick and tht's why he hates his brother, it was dick envy all along

Jimmy dies, Chuck dies, HH&M gets burnt down in the new season, Kim leaves Saul for a better future, the Salamanca guy that was namedropped in BB is kino here


This season is going to look so retarded. Everyone is playing a version that's supposed to be them 20 years ago

The best character in the show doesn't show up until near the end of Season 4.

It takes place like 5 years before BB

Make up artists did a really good job, Jimmy looks twenty years younger apart from mike, he is a walking corpse

I specifically asked you guys to not post spoilers. Now it's all ruined. Thanks.

BB starts in 2008, it's 2022. 60 year olds are playing characters in their 30's

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>turn simple drop into a greenscreen CGI
>add no reflection
Was this scene even necessary?

Walt killing Mike was where he lost me. Up until that point, I was still hoping he’d make it out alive

I think they're really just trying to make Lalo as cartoonish as possible on purpose.

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Nope, his lawyer gets caught by the DEA. He ditches his granddaughter at the playground once he realizes he's fucked, then gets shot by Walter and dissolved in a barrel of acid. Pretty grim ending.

oh my fucking god

so this guy was in vietnam or was it ww2
how old is this geriatric goon anyways?

But mike is in the first season

unironic kino

Nothing wrong with being a conman and a killer for hire.

He has old man strength

Same. Fuck walter

It really harmed both of their characters. Mike's final rant was absolutely ridiculous.

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It was a necessary scene to show us that Walt never really cared about his family in the first place and did it to feed his ego, so when his ego got insulted he lost it