Our flag means death

Beginning was a bit slow but once Blackbeard is introduced it only gets better.

Also the ending hits really hard.


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I wanted to watch this for the pirate kino but gave up once I heard one of the characters is a tranny

What? Someone lied to you buddy.

>tranny in fucking pirate shit
God I HATE JEWS. I can understand gays and blacks, pirates were the trash of society. But TRANNIES in fucking what, when does it take place?

get your testosterone levels checked, seriously.

There were plenty of pirates who were female and dressed as men so they could be on ships

It's legit shit
Like actual legit shit
between that and season 3 of what we do in the shadows I think taika has lost it

Well, pirates were Jews.


What the fuck are you guys talking about? Jim? The non-binary character?

Fucking learn the basics before criticizing, you apes.


The concept of non binary shouldnt be a FUCKING THING with pirates. Why don't you learn history fake female?

...Do you not understand the concept of fiction? Do you only watch documentaries?

That's even worse

>...Do you not understand the concept of fiction?
Where are the iphones and nike shoes and tanks? ITs just fantasy BRO! Ignore the fact its the same agitprop being shoved into every show now and sponsored by blackrock

what is ann bonney
what is mary read

>Noooo that's Jewish propaganda!!!! They aren't reallll!!!!

This is literally part of what makes the show interesting : it puts elements you wouldn't expect in this setting.

Are you also bothered by the way the characters speak in a modern way?

Nobody brought up women. Plus do you think female pirates magically had the same bone desity as males? Most of that shit is propaganda. They existed but its exaggerated, like the dark ages.

>This is literally part of what makes the show interesting : it puts elements you wouldn't expect in this setting.
No, its propaganda. I don't want modern retardation in things based on history. You're justifying retconning of historical eras, tranny. Lying ugly fake woman.
>Are you also bothered by the way the characters speak in a modern way?
I havn't watched it but thats even worse. Typical LE QUIRKY taika cohen

i watched the first episode and thought it was complete dog shit, does it really get better?

>user has an entire working memory dedicated solely to the genders of every pirate in history and he has confirmed that there were no masculine-women, bearded ladies, or androgynous anywhere in time immemorial

Attached: heh.png (481x371, 208.3K)

I saw an ad for it and it looked kinda interesting, I didn't see anything that looked that bad in it there. I watched a trailer for it with my boomer dad, and I was like hey, what do you think of this? Does it look interesting? And he was like, no it looks stupid, I saw an ad for it before and it looked dumb, then we watched the trailer and he said, yeah, it looks dumb. Reading this thread and hearing there was a non-binary character makes me think that a bullet has been dodged now.

Why does it even matter? Nowhere does this show claim that it's historically accurate.

And even then, from what we know of Blackbeard and Bonnet's story, they might as well have been fuck buddies.

The first three are a bit slow, but once Blackbeard appears in the fourth episode everything becomes much more interesting because of the contrast between him and Bonnet.

>Crossdressing mentally ill jewish golem makes a snarky quip because HE can't think properly and is insecure because he has a weak father
A masculine woman is not a tranny, its a dyke. Bearded women are not TRANNIES. They have hormone imbalances. Androgynous is not tranny, its just a twink. I'm androgynous as shit and I'm not a fucking tranny. You literally just want to rewrite history to push your mental illness on normal people

>Why does it even matter? Nowhere does this show claim that it's historically accurate.
Because people don't want retarded jewish propaganda in stories about pirates? Because it destroys verisimilitude?
>And even then, from what we know of Blackbeard and Bonnet's story, they might as well have been fuck buddies.
I'm not talking about gays. I'm talking about fucking non binary jewish commie shit

I watched a few episodes. In fact, I read every reply in this thread using the MCs voice. Made it a pretty funny thread.

It’s probably the best thing on right now. Just an all around fun series, don’t listen to /poltv/.

>lets make everyone's favorite and beloved pirates gay the show

Attached: yo....jpg (462x359, 36.13K)


>he doesn’t know
Anything goes at sea, user

Why are conservatards so easily triggered?

>the people who cry about their fake pronouns calling us triggered
reminder that multiculturalism failed.

But non-binary people have always existed, user.

Again, please inform yourself before sharing false information.

>user thinks people disagreeing with him is snarky/quippy
>user thinks instead of reads, like a history book
>user skims a lot of what he reads and misses finer points
tiresome, bore, drag, yawn

No tranny, jewish theory is an invention of 20th century communists. Its true that mentally ill people have always existed though.

If you're androgynous and on a ship during some old age what makes you think people are going to call you androgynous and not some era-appropriate word for faggot/tranny?

>>user thinks people disagreeing with him is snarky/quippy
You responded sarcastically, I responded in turn. Disingenuous crossdresser
>tiresome, bore, drag, yawn
You write like a woman, but you will never be one.

Have you ever been evaluated for psychopathy or sociopathy? Because I feel like you lack any sense of empathy.

Imagine if all your life not a single show actually portrayed what you lived or felt like, wouldn't you be ecstatic once it happened?

Why can't you understand this is what's happening for a lot of people?

The character is obviously male. Do you think pirates gave a shit about modern terms that didn't even exist back then? What era approraite word are we talking about?

Internet historian was better

You need to go back

What does non binary even mean?

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I don't care about the show's historical accuracy, it's a pirate comedy made by comedians. The only issue I have is with your retarded commentary about history.
The fact you completely butchered any understanding of my question proves what I suspected.

I could forgive everything else, but making Blackbeard and Bonnet gay instead of just being best bros was over the line for me. Why can't they just be bros that really care about each other and have fun adventures together without being butt buddies?

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>Have you ever been evaluated for psychopathy or sociopathy? Because I feel like you lack any sense of empathy.
Leftists are more likely to have schizophrenia and manic depressive personalities per capita, you can stop projecting and concern trolling. People shouldn't have empathy for trannies, they're ugly demonic fags.
>Imagine if all your life not a single show actually portrayed what you lived or felt like, wouldn't you be ecstatic once it happened?
You're so naricsistic you can't identify with a character unless HE IS YOU. You don't give a shit if history is destroyed if it serves your mental illness.
>Why can't you understand this is what's happening for a lot of people?
Why can't you understand you're ill and need to be put in a mental hospital and that you've been brainwash by jewish bankers?

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Worth watching? I love Pirates of the Caribbean. Political bullshit is annoying but I can look past it if something is decent

It's a retard who thinks he or she isn't a man nor a woman but a third gender even though everyone can tell their actual sex just by looking

No sarcasm at all, honestly. The arrogance and insecurity needed to make sweeping statements about history pivoted off a comedy show made me disdainful. You're the character in my reaction image, but I bet you haven't even seen that episode of that show to know how midwit you actually are.

Do you know how to read Greek?

>I don't care about the show's historical accuracy
Normal people do.
>The only issue I have is with your retarded commentary about history.
The fact you completely butchered any understanding of my question proves what I suspected.
I don't know what you're speaking of

Leftists aren't more likely to have mental illness. People with mental illnesses are more likely to vote for people who advocate for mental health, advocate for healthcare, and advocate for therapy. In fact, in terms of suicide rates they skew right in the USA. Which is either because they're all closeted gays in dead bedroom marriages with 2 kids they never wanted and they own a gun and the guilt to pull it off, or because they don't get the mental health advocacy needed to feel secure enough to seek help and they own a gun.

You need to come back to the modern world.


>The arrogance and insecurity needed to make sweeping statements about history pivoted off a comedy show made me disdainful.
Trannies using they them pronouns did not exist. Its shit pushed by jews. You are a liar.
> You're the character in my reaction image, but I bet you haven't even seen that episode of that show to know how midwit you actually are.
No, tranny. I'm not stupid because I havn't seen an episode of a tv show.
>Do you know how to read Greek?
No, spanish, russian, some korean

Mate, you realize that no one has talked about "trannies" here except you? They actually live in your head rent fucking free.

It's honestly not the funniest show ever, but if you like WWDITS give it a shot.

Give it 4 episodes at least though.

>Leftists aren't more likely to have mental illness.
I never said that. I said they are more likely to be schizophrenic and manic. Those are specific types of mental issues. Rightwingers are more likely to have autism.
>In fact, in terms of suicide rates they skew right in the USA. Which is either because they're all closeted gays in dead bedroom marriages with 2 kids they never wanted and they own a gun and the guilt to pull it off, or because they don't get the mental health advocacy needed to feel secure enough to seek help and they own a gun.
No, its because men vote right leaning and modern men feel compleatly alienated by modern culture which is evil demented effeminate shit meant to demoralize and control.

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>globohomo propaganda
no thank you

>Trannies using they them pronouns did not exist. Its shit pushed by jews. You are a liar.
You're confusing multiple terms in your head. Please, please read about what you're talking about before saying things like this because right now you look like a fool.

it's all under the category of mental illness, so what does it matter?

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.