ITT: shows that are nowhere near as deep or clever as you used to think they were when you were a teenager

ITT: shows that are nowhere near as deep or clever as you used to think they were when you were a teenager

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It's absolutely the most clever dialogue in a cartoon. You can rewatch episodes and still discover a new joke or something you missed before.

Most of you were crying that it was a crappily animated cartoon at the time

its literally just lol dude subversive set up with a joke you didnt see coming bro!!!! oh and we subserified it again for you HAHA xD

Half of the jokes are edgy atheist shit.

It’s much more nuanced than like Wonder Showzen

We must have watched different shows.

Most of the jokes are pretty easy to understand though.


>edgy atheist shit
atheist sure, but there wasnt the same genuine seethe and venom like you get from fedoras. if it isnt mean spirited then its not so bad but you can usually sniff out fedora anger and its always uncomfortably weird

What? This show is pretty spiritual when addressing topics like religion. Either you haven't watched the show or you're hyper sensitive.

This. Sometimes it feels like the show's fanbase is composed by the same people it relentlessly mocks.

It's taking the piss out of spirituality, nevermind the fact it's not just targeted at Christians and fires shots in all directions like an ape with a machine gun

>the same people it relentlessly mocks
all of humanity?

Bringing it up here because same creators.
I love Wonder Showzen and Xaiver but do not like Shivering Truth. The animation is great and sometimes a joke will make me laugh or something will make me wince but the show can't seem to decide if its making fun of horror anthology or taking it serious

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I enjoyed Space Ghost a little more back in the day, but I don't see why XRA is so hated these days. It's really no more or less different than other AS weird-core.

midwit reddit repellent

youve been filtered

It got a resurgence a few years ago with the intention to make R&M fans seethe.

Space ghost is on another level

Attached: SPACEGHOST.png (266x200, 100.29K)

people always say this but there's literally not enough jokes to miss, unless you're retarded

People don't realize how avant-garde XRA is. There is absolutely no other show like it, not even 12 oz mouse or any other Adult Swim show. The dialogue is extremely dense, it has more jokes per minute than the early Simpsons and as the other user said, upon rewatch you discover jokes you haven't caught before. Just listen to this dialogue and tell me this isn't genius

the first episode of shivering truth was decent. the rest were terrible, completely forgetting to have any purpose or humor whatsoever, just absurdist to a max

Loool user is being....le reductionist!!!!

Reddit and did now watch the show

No other show has the dedication to go such lengths just to land a series of corny jokes. They take five hundred retarded jokes and somehow manage to shove them into a 12 minute episode and that in itself is impressive

Space Ghost paved the way with multiple episodes of insanity. Same with PFFR’s earlier show Wonder Showzen.

>did now watch the show
just now? what did you think?

name one clever joke that goes above most people's heads for the first time

It's not supposed to be deep, it is clever tho
You can literally take an hour to watch one episode if you stop and rewind back a second every time you miss a joke, that's how many there are. And the majority of the jokes are creative and good/funny too
The show wasn't trying to break new ground or anything, it just had good people behind the wheel

If I ever get your stinky mug in my line of sight I swear to Chekov I'll cock your clock off.

see name one impressive clever joke that you missed the first time around

>So close!... Was the phrase that pays and we give praise.

Damn he sees right through me. He can tell I'm sane!!

Got to hooddink this wink into thinking I'm king crazythink.

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KEK are you serious?


Yeah but it's mostly because the guy was talking too fast for me to pick it up.

SG just gets richer with time

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This sacrifarce is no way to appease the deidees.

Let's give this sadisdick sun god a taste of his own META--METASIN, man.

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He tells her she doesnt need to read the contract but when the hymen guy comes to install her new hymen she complains and he tells her she should have read the contract. Thats a great joke.


Slither to your freedom satan's sweet scaly succu-bye bye!

Scamper home my five fine freed fried friends!

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you cant be serious

I think space ghost is the best adult swim show. It really did pave the way for shows like athf, sealab obviously, squidbillies, 12 oz mouse etc. That brand of surrealist humor defined early adult swim and was what made so many of those shows great.

Didn't you ask for examples?

Crack a window Willie AHAHAHAHAHAHHA

I'll smuggle you to heaven via the underbrown maleroad. Once I shove this up this trojan arse, you'll be the first gay homo in heaven. The Blacky Robinson Uncle Tom Crusoe Mo!

Attached: underbrown maleroad.jpg (858x460, 85.03K)

Wrong tard

Explaining a joke to a poster with asbergers syndrome is a herculean task. Might want to just cut your losses and stop replying to the guy.

thats not clever or something you miss the first time unless you're both deaf and blind

If you like X:RA you should also check out The Heart, She Holler. Has similar word play. It's pretty good, especially the 2nd season.

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I just realized that he wears fingerless gloves. I thought his hands are just fucked up, like the rest of his body

It helps no one to be reductive!

>It's God's Blood

I just now relaized meta sin is "medicine". Fuck's sake, this show.

For now to face your fear, you must first face the fear of your face.

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It was a fun show but Patton is a buzzkill


I have never ever not one single time laughed at this. I have watched multiple episodes


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Season 2 is full of these absurdly dense wordplays

Frittata! Family achieved!

You're now psycholegally abducted.

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>looks like it was arson
>no, it was MY son

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lmao, ya seethe bitch?


>It was Euwho killed me
Who was Euwho and why was he never shown in the show?




We are gonna have-a to put them to the death
ay chihuahua..

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