They swim now!?

Attached: A Tyrannosaurus Rex Swimming.webm (1280x720, 1007.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Walking with dinosaur bros.. we got too cocky

>no feathers

Attached: 1620229576690.png (600x800, 82.32K)

He's walking no?

Yeah they doggy paddle

that's an awful camera cut

Attached: 1648978542547.png (896x896, 1.14M)

In 2022 ... Spinosaurus is forgotten

Attached: mr-burns.jpg (1193x732, 295.44K)

Spinosaurus is simply too controversial

why are dinos so unsettling?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1589x832, 272.7K)

We evolved to fear them

that's how you're supposed to feel when a predator looks at you with forward facing eyes. We're desensitized to lions and tigers but look at a croc or a leopard seal looking at the camera and it triggers your lizardbrain. the simple bit keeping us going where the deepest simplest instincts are kept.

Attached: file.png (960x960, 1.95M)

>shorter arms than ever

trexbros, it's getting ogre

I feel like this when I see a pack of niggers approaching me on the same sidewalk

Unironically almost made me shit my pants.

do you have more pictures of predators looking directly at the camera? this shit is awesome

Attached: YSECWY2UN3OBTCIEDR5ZQC3Y4Q.jpg (1920x1280, 342.95K)

he cute

you just know someone, somwhere fucked a dead alligator and it was his best sexual experience ever.

pretty much anything with a wide mouth and forward-facing eyes will do it

Attached: file.png (611x869, 671.23K)

Attached: creepy dolphin.jpg (500x328, 28.45K)


Attached: file.png (640x480, 587.21K)

>do you have more pictures of predators looking directly at the camera?

Attached: weak should fear the strong.jpg (480x630, 76.29K)

because they didn't exist but were cooked up by "psychologists"

The t-rexes are taking over the water.
WHATEVER HACK SHIT """SCIENTIST""" is LYING about these fat fucking lumps of SHIT being able to SWIM needs to be dragged into the light and publicly SHAMED.

Attached: avfjcyaj7gc21.jpg (1024x768, 93.81K)

Fuck off


no feathers
they roared not growled
simple as

>he's smiling :^)

>rexfags are coping so hard that now they're trying to copy spino
Spinochads, we just can't stop winning.

Attached: 1588978313555.png (1001x748, 595.63K)

None of these giant dinosaurs were real, so who cares? Their bones would be crushed under their own weight, and they would be unable to pump blood to their extremities (even paleontologists now acknowledge that Brontosaurus never existed for this reason). How would T. Rex stand up if it fell over?

>t. clueless about dinosaur anatomy and biomechanics

Why didn’t he drown?

>animal the size of an elephant
>no way it could stay upright without breaking bones, t. rex is impossible!
Ever been to a zoo genius?



Attached: cassowary beach.webm (720x404, 2.9M)


Attached: spino swim.webm (854x480, 2.79M)

>look at a croc or a leopard seal looking at the camera and it triggers your lizardbrain
>"What the fuck is this user talking about"
>Open pic
>Literally feel instant discomfort
Ok, you got me.

just imagine walking through the jungle when this motherfucker looks at you like your kitty looks at a ball of yarn

Attached: 870916795fc9a4d9678043191b8dcc91.jpg (735x490, 102.09K)

Aquatic beasts are the true apex predators. Once this world returns to the Ocean, and it will return to the Ocean eventually, they will take their true place atop the food chain.

that's a handsome boy

man how the fuck do science do this? how do they know how a billion year old lizard sound like?

they don't
99% of paleontology is complete bullshit

they don't.
but they can make estimations based on skeletal structures, other living animals and physics simulations.
the head is this big,. so the throat would be this wide, the chest is this large so the lungs would be this, the mouth is this size so the sound would be released in this way.

Attached: Tiger chase.webm (198x360, 1.3M)

lions must be pretty common there if they don't even stop to take a photo

looks like barney

Dinosaurs are a meme.

Orcas are already poised to take over the next water age

>big but fast
>smart as hell
>global distribution
>has culture/language, can pass down techniques

Attached: jump.webm (600x600, 2.96M)

It's an educated guess, but it's a pretty good guess all things considered

Reminds me of a cassowary.

Nigga that's a tiger and yeah that's somewhere in Southern India iirc.

>We're desensitized to lions
user I still get the feeling when my poodle looks at me weird and some light is hitting its eyes.

There's a good Gene Wolfe (guy who wrote Book of the New Sun) short story about this called Feather Tigers. It's a good read, you should check it out.

who do I have to blow to see a depiction of Carnotaurus as speed demons

Attached: Carnotaurus_2017.png (2560x1488, 1.24M)

When I was a kid about 6 of so my grandmother dressed up in a velociraptor outfit and ran at me down a corridor making this screeching noise and I was so badly frightened I sprayed diarrhea all over her shag carpet because I was in short shorts with no underwear on. As a grown woman of 26, I have serious nightmares about dinosaurs.

Attached: ahi.png (600x450, 89.83K)

thanks user, i will

show us your tits