British actress Talisa Garcia (Baptiste) has been cast in anticipated Disney+ series Willow, marking the first known occasion an openly trans actor has been cast in a production from Disney-owned Lucasfilm, home to the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises.

We understand Garcia will play a Queen and the mother to Tony Revolori’s character who takes part in the quest. Garcia’s role is a small speaking part and the actress may ultimately only appear in one episode.

The casting also marks the first known time a trans actor has portrayed a cis character in a Disney+ film or series. During the shoot, we hear there was pride and support among many of Garcia’s colleagues about her casting.


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Other urls found in this thread:


only pedos willingly give their money to this shit company

Why do Disney shareholders allow this? Why hasn't there been a shareholder revolt? Disney is costing its investors billions with this LGBTQPedo shit.

> trans actor has portrayed a cis character
But never the reverse. I feel bad for the small segment of not batshit troons


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These days it feels like a rapist stole a time machine and is raping us as children. I know no other way to describe the feeling.

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Cancelled my Disney plus after they put trigger warnings on old movies. Still have the DVDs as a reminder when disneed had actual talent

They've already had trans representation in the original. Further proof that /pol/scum raiders aren't here to discuss movies and only here to bully our trans allies and ruin our board with their backwards views and tiny insecure egos and dicks.

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Just a reminder that trans/tranny is one of the code phrases that activated the Discord bots.

Sounds like shes playing an actual woman. How is that different from a cis playing a tranny?

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>willow series disney+
No one under the age of 40 even knows what this is.
Hollywood is dead

>Disney+ series

There is literally no fucking need for Willow 2.

Based. I hope he rapes Warwick Davis onscreen

It's ok when they do it.

My wife was saying yesterday about signing up to disney+, I said no because they are pushing lgtb shit, this news justifies my stance

>a man dressed as a woman to dodge a (deserved) ass beating
>this makes him trans
Wait... that actually tracks.

Trans is accepted by most of society at this point.

>[citation needed]

Nope. I got my ID updated back to my birth name and gender. I told them "I am tired of confusing people, and living a lie." The people at the DMV agreed and said they're too afraid to say it, but they are absolutely disgusted by trans. Got the best treatment I ever had at a DMV because of it too.

>children either laugh or cry at the sight of you
>every sane person is physically repulsed by you
>the women who claim to be on your side would vomit at the sight of your naked body
>have to try and force sane people to follow your delusions
>cry out for censorship when people say what they really think about you
sure sounds like universal acceptance to me

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With more Trans acceptance, we'll be able to see more Trans visibility.

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>lgbt acceptance literally plummeting because of cock choppers

And everybody clapped?

you know you're losing, right? most of the site is left wing again, and "fuck off back to pol" is basically the one piece of uniting board culture at this point. so why don't you follow the breeze and blow back to your board, little snowflake. and while you're at it take a moment to think about how you're literally voting against your own economic interests and all your views are just a byproduct of grifters fleecing you.

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>you're literally voting against your own economic interests
Why is everyone who says this a white woman voting for money being put into black/immigrant/trans programs instead of programs that benefit...white women
its hilarious

>left wing again
welcome newfriend

remind me who anonymous targeted in the sites heyday, will you chud? oh...




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Anyone and everyone if it as fun or funny, newfriend

Lol, no. The Lea Thompson shit really opened a lot of normies' eyes to how bad the trans stuff is.

What’s warrwick said about this?

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The most high God is going to destroy all transgender abominations.

anyone and everyone huh.
and the people they target today? neo-nazis and the likes. i guess they just "went woke" right?
go and look at the pattern of who they take down and get your mental exercise in for the day, newfig.

>Lea Thompson shit


They did get the memo, but chuds can't read.

>invalidates every single woman competing
>proves men are superior to women
>women vote for this
>trans women act like men and are based while also looking like women
Explain to me why I should hate trans people again?

So is Willow 2 a remake of Freaks or what?

They are demons from Hell itself, fren

>If I declare myself the winner then I actually win!
It's that easy, huh? Okay, so now I'm winning and you're losing.
gg no re, time to pack it up bucko, this is a checkmate you won't recover from.

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You know /qa/ lost, right?

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I've never been to /qa/.

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Some black women actually look like that so he probably did really pass.

>tfw she has a bigger dick than Warwick

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NTA but this is what you look like

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Imagine seeing Warwick Davis shopping at the mall before Christmas. You run into him on the third floor, carrying dozens of bags that are far too heavy for his stubby little arms and puny fingers. He's struggling, sweat is pouring off his deformed little forehead as he tries to get his gifts home for his family. You feel the rage build up in you, looking at this decrepit little gnome pulling all these bags, making little grunts in his stupid little high pitched voice. Unconsciously, you find yourself striding towards him, with venomous intent in your eyes. He catches sight of you approaching, his tiny freak head lifts slightly, you can see the fear in his eyes like a zebra looking at a lion on the hunt. In an instant, you grab him by his tiny legs and begin walking over to the balcony that overlooks the mall floor, Warwick too weak to fight back, only whimpering. Three floors up is a good height to a human being, but to this imp? It might as well be the Grand Canyon. You lift him over your head like a sack of potatoes and you toss the little midge over the edge, and you hear his goofy high pitched yelps as he falls. He smacks his head off a cupcake kiosk, his tiny brains splattered all over a group of Chinese tourists like a Jackson Pollock painting, the elves from the nearby Santa Claus chair rush over, thinking one of their own has committed suicide again. In this moment, you feel triumph.

>the chud smurk

>woke stroke

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Boil all trannies in oil

Holy shit they actually need a manual? I guess people were right when the say the left can't meme lol

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>a modern american production has cast a mentally unwell person!
What a pointless declaration

Last I checked it was literally illegal to not "accept" trannies. Pretty sure that is what you're seeing.

Why do you have footage of random middle-schoolers in your PC/phone?...

ah, so it is you? sorry chud, no expectation of privacy.

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Disney doesn't deserve to exist.

>so it is you?
...Why the fuck would you think that from the post you're responding to?
Are you schizophrenic?

sorry chuddy but i'm not taking it down. nice try though. good bit of mental exercise for you. now go to bed.