Why did this anger so many Scorsese fans??

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This is literally only Goodfellas

and Irishman and Casino

more like
>10% of Scorsese movies
but it's twitter, so retards have to exaggerate every statement to the point of absurdity


this is age of innocence erasure and we scorsese fans will not stand for it

Shot and scored and acted well this would still be Marty kino, which capeshit can never hope to touch.

the violence of the medieval serf Tibetan class system is strangely overlooked in Kundun

and it was kino

>Marty kino
If I knew nothing about the film and you told me that The Irishman was some film student's attempt at making a Scorsese film, I would have believed it.

There is no such thing as Marty kino anymore. He's washed up.

yeah hes old now, but he still made good movies. marvel has yet to make any

Irishman, goodfellas, casino, the departed

>The Departed

>>The Departed
Ok its not doo wop music but the overall vibe is the same youtu.be/u5AuLTra3t8


top kek

Why does masculine kino trigger sois so hard?

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Scorcese likes Raimi's Spiderman movies


It only does this for the opening (admittedly he goes 100% Goodfellas there with Gimme Shelter etc) but the rest of the movie is rather different.

20th century New York City is the most kino city of all time

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You mean the overall vibe of the 1-minute intro where Costello mentions the what it was Boston was like when he was younger? If those are your standards, then pretty much *all* directors are just making the same shit over and over again.

Kek. Was waiting for someone to post this.

what is that song bros...

The Sneed Vikings

>Why did this anger so many Scorsese fans??
Did it? Just seems like some twitter nobody tweeting into the abyss.

Almost as if it was directed by the same person

>3 hours of transition shots of people loading things on trucks punctuated by violence

Always kino, always will be.

Scorsese is pretty fucking bad. Taxi Driver was decent, and the King of Comedy was good, but that's all.
However, marvelniggers and their capeshit is far worse.

No one brought them up until you did. Based superheroes kino living in midwits head rent free

It's obvious that most anti-scorsesefags are subhuman shitskins who watch capeshit.

Make sense to portray the average channers as amoral mafioso nigger. Same pattern of cowardice and degeneracy in both mafia and 4chin

The Chad superhero kino vs the virgin crotchety Scorsese with moldy mafia movies

Hong Kong is at least as kino even today. Must have been even better back in the day.

As I said, I dislike both. But I hate niggers a lot so obviously capeshitards are worse.
Your brown skin is hideous.

>t. butthurt jannyc uck

Nobody even knew about that old fuck until he shit talked marvel movies. It was all a publicity stunt, and the worst part is it worked.


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Excellent, fuck Jannies


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>and the King of Comedy was good, but that's all
what an incredibly braindead post. you didnt even watch his other movies then, probably nodding out on opiates the whole time. disgraceful, you should be ashamed

Make sense to portray the average channers as amoral mafioso nigger. Same p—ACK

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I've heard it in 1950s and 1960s doo wop compilations on youtube but i don't know what's it called

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Bringing out the dead, raging bull, after hours

LMAO its even the same shop as from irishman


thanks man

>shoo bob shoo bob

>>shoo bob shoo bob

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There's not really anything capeshitters can say on this subject that doesn't sound retarded. So you like the most assembly line produced McFilms ever made that everyone likes and no one loves and will inspire nothing, it'd be more respectable to just rest on that instead of being butthurt at an actual film maker.

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Holy shit what a qt pie. I want to hold her

That is funny

I can tell you have no friends

he only made 5 movies?

somebody clean up this site. i dont want this pussy around here any more