ITT we discuss Elliot Page, his career and upcoming projects

ITT we discuss Elliot Page, his career and upcoming projects.

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He’d make a good Vivec

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Ellen, you are a monstrosity and you will never be a man. Kill yourself.

Why does this girl keep posting shirtless picks of herself?

Fake abs cost money

She's flat FLAT

Funny how Ellen became a tranny after she hit her mid 30's. Can't really land those "awkward but cute teenage girl" roles at age 35, can you?

if someone told me 14 years ago that ellen page would be posting topless pics for everyone to see I would have called you crazy

She's a very ugly and mentally ill woman who couldn't act if her life depended on it

>Tfw she embraced the cunny lifestyle

They teach this to children, so brave

Should have stayed a girl. She lost the benefits of being a girl while gaining none of the benefits of being a man. Just a total loss.

Functioning testes my dude? A prostrate gland? No? Alright take it easy.

She took the wall meme to heart and tried to evade it by becoming a man. It's a bold strategy.

He seems happy desu. Ellen always had that deer-in-the-headlights tension that’s gone now.
It looks like his career is over though. Not a ton of roles for short men.

I respect FTMs. Takes some metaphoric balls to want to go from easy mode to hard mode.
Especially since they're all manlets, that's Nightmare.

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probably because he had to start taking 400mg zoloft before they'd allow the top surgery

cheat strat

Isn't she quickly realizing just being "some guy" very rarely affords you the luxury of access to sex?

>Tattoo "Mr"
>It's MISTER. I've even written on myself! Look, I'm a real man, otherwise why would it be written on myself?

I imagine her doing 20 abs before taking the picture and flexing at maximum during the shot.
I know 'cause I used to do that when I was a teenager and had sexcams with my virtual girlfriends at the time on MSN.
I even saved some caps on floppies but I lost those floppies. and it's prob illegal anyway since they were not quite fucking 17 yet

Validation from the left.

>voice work

YWNBAW. No one wants to hide trannie “manlets”.

Imagine being born, winning the lottery by becoming a successful multi-millionaire actress, and then literally throwing it all away. Clown world.

>Not a ton of roles for short men.
shes not a short man, shes a tranny. there isn't a single believable male role she can play not even a comically short man. she can only portray a tranny or a woman.

Don't care what she looks like now, saw Ellen Page's tits

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Chaz bono plays normal male characters all the time.

>Not a ton of roles for short men.
Most actors are manlets

Can someone shoop in a sausage on the bottom right of thispicture lmaooo

She can live out her Hollywood interpretation of what a man's life is like. She just looks like she's riding a wave of dopamine that will subside when she realizes she's not getting the female attention she wanted.

>give up being a cute petite girl to become an ugly gigamanlet
She's in for a rude awakening

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So what's her target for a couple now? A man with a chopped penis?

Closest thing you'll find to a cuntboy IRL

Her chest scars still gross me out.

She's a manlet's manlet.
The average manlet would look like a giant next to her.
I am a 5'5" manlet who lacks so much masculinity that I am basically a girl with a penis but I would still mog Elliot Page to the next town.
Too bad I look more like an SJW than an actual cute girl.

I wish I could get some natural growth plate reopening modification alongside some HGH implants to make myself a giant, but it would basically be me transitioning into a real man.
I would make myself prettier and whore myself out on OnlyFans and Twitch if it meant that this kind of extensive body modification can become a reality and I can partake in it.

I am 5'11 (so 6'0+ to women, remember all women are spacially blind); all short guys need to be like Danny DeVito.
Cool, confident, own their size, be really cool and interesting and have something to contribute and make everyone feel better by being around.
No not make people feel better because you're so short or whatever; make people feel better by being funny, compassionate, interesting, light any room you enter.

It's extremely hard to do, and at first the only way to become something is to pretend to be it. Pretend (as in act it out, not as in lie about it) to be that ideal guy for long enough and you'll start to become it.

im curious how they will write her out of umbrella academy unless they like CGI her or somehow filmed scenes way long ago before her untimely mutilation

I feel like people who read books like those are on another planet. I just can't relate. I'm reading about history and social issues and they're reading Asian memoirs and author biographies.

I remember meeting a girl and we were both super stoked about each other reading and it turns out we had absolutely no overlap between the most popular/relevant works in our libraries. It was weird, we were just kinda describing our interests to the other with zero interest in everything we've read.

To all the transphobes in this thread: Who hurt you?

When tested, Yea Forums was the lowest IQ board.
They don’t have the wiring for proper impulse suppression or certain levels of abstract thinking.

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>chopping your dick off turns you into a woman
>abstract thinking

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>Jake, this is the leading man i was telling you about

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Imagine thinking that this is legitimately the way to act like a ‘man’. Take off your shirt and take a “””sexy””” selfie lmao

not even homos like trannies lmfao

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>I imagine her doing 20 abs before taking the picture and flexing at maximum during the shot.

They're literally fake abs, she probably can't exercise properly with them in. Flexing would do nothing.


>that arm on her lower back

what a playa

This, I mean manlets can't even be considered real men.

This is why being bisexual is king. Everyone has an ass I can fuck.

how long do you think she's going to try out this phase?
I think she'll revert within 5 years when she realises she doesn't actually enjoy male company and doesn't think like a man at all and can't understand or actually identify with straight men at all and only feel comfortable around women and fags

Lmao. Should have asked the surgeon to just relocate the tits under the muscle, those fake abs under a totally flat chest look retarded as fuck.

Dammit why did I wish upon that monkey paw to see Ellen Page topless

they aren't actually going to hard mode. They don't actually live as real men. they live as deformed women in homosexual coddle zone. None of them provide for a family. most of them are perpetually looked after by doting parents as though they were handicapped.

yeah im gay and throughout all my gay circles from the most fem faggots to the gym fags and everything in between, they all hate trannys and they think they are disgusting mental cases. trannys are literally in direct defiance of nature, twisted by the insanity of the human mind left to its own devices
also every tranny that i unfortunately know through acquaintances, run into at parties etc, are all ugly af
not a passing/decent looking one in the bunch. it seems they are all like this too, barely passing and disgusting

>changes sex
>immediately posts a pic in a dick pick pose
I guess it's just something with hormones that makes us do it

Wait she really got her tits chopped off!?!?!!?
The fuck

hmm so people say that gender is a made up concept and not tied to biology yet they chop their tits off going f2m confirming that they in fact tie gender to biological sex.

Really makes you think...

Whats the point of breast removal when she barely had breasts in the first place?

Same reason other guys post shirtless pictures

It disgusts me so much.
When this pitiful sickly excuse for a human had tiny little pitiful tits, it complained about objectification of women all the time.
Now that it is posing as this repulsive excuse for a male it is flaunting its nasty little fake midget body all over the place.
How dare this cretinous filth objectify men in its dirty little charade after complaining so much about women.
On top of everything else its a hypocrite.

she's just performing what she's seen men do to women. all "transgender" views of the sex they wish they were are based on superficial mimicry of public behaviour.

They copy what they've seen men/women do in public because that's what they've seen. They don't act like men/women in private because they aren't actually men/women and they have little frame of reference for how men/women behave in private or amongst each other.

That's why you get men who wish they were women aka "transgirls" constantly acting like creepy out of touch freaks with girls and asking to do slumber parties and trying to start pillow fights because they think that being a girl means acting out hollow cliches from movies because that's their only reference for what being a girl is.

bisexuals and dl "straight" top guys like trannies because they just enjoy fucking holes and the more feminine that hole is the better for them.

You're just another degenerate. At least you don't demand that others partake in your self image

Someone should shop an erect dick

She can't land those awkward but cute teenage girls either.

>It looks like his career is over though. Not a ton of roles for short men.
Unless you're pre-Parkinsons Michael J. Fox.