Show us your cock!

>Show us your cock!
How did they get away with this? What would you have done?

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Whore on the left is married to Judd Apatow. You just know she cucks him relentlessly.

Stacy gen X
Becky zoomer
The middle aged woman socially dominated here. Zoomers hsve no authority.

with Seth Rogen


Why does Dakota always look like she wants to eat the person she's looking at? I don't want to deal with a psycho like that, is this really what you busters want?

link to video? I want to jerk it

women past the age of 35 turn into legit semen demons

iMaGiNe iF tHe GeNdErS wErE rEvErSed!111

He literally pays and films her to. Same with Tim Burton.

what a forward young man he is

Unironically based. Everyone’s having fun.

Does anyone have those pics of Dakota Johnson hanging out with her friends with their tops off?

Just Google Addison Timlin or Dakota Johnson leaks

google images - dakota johnson topless with friends

Yeah but if someone posts them we can talk about them.

She looks like she's high 24/7. Probably on some sort of bpd medication

anne hathaway is so hot

dakota has been nude enough where it's nothing exciting but i'll never get tired of seeing Addison Timlin nude. I think she fucks her boyfriend in the leaks too


I never saw it until that video. You can genuinely see her eyes light up like a cat that's just discovered a baby bird to play with. Hot af.

coomers come up with the darnedest things, complete detachment from reality


No line is as big as self report as that one

I wish they would bully me.

Fun fact:

I'm actually Dakota Johnson's third cousin. Her great-grandmother Lena and my great-grandmother were siblings. Never met her, but I spent a ton of time with her grandpa Wayne Johnson. He was a really good guy (died a few years back). From what he said (with nicer language), she's pretty much a degenerate Hollywood whore and Wayne was pretty embarrassed in general of the way Don's kids turned out.

Don started his career as a male prodtitute. It’s not a secret he used to marry and divorce wealthy older women to make a living before his acting took off.

Tell us more stories.


this grandpa's real name? Albert Einstein.

Might be true. Don's sister Linda always claimed he was a homosexual. Might be some truth to it. Wayne didn't believe it, though. But he might've just done some gay prostituting or something.

My grandmother always liked to brag that she had wiped Don Johnson's ass as a baby lol

I tried for years to get Wayne to strong-arm Don into coming to the Breckenridge reunion just once (that's our family connection and Wayne always came), but it never happened. Then Wayne died and they quit having the reunion the last couple of years because of covid. Don't know if they'll ever have it again. Wayne had a farm here in the Ozarks, but I don't know if Don kept it after he died. He really doesn't have much reason to come back here now, though. I don't think his siblings live around here and I think he only has two sisters and a brother left (two brothers died, I think).

leslie mann is fucking how like prime milf well into her years, she is one of those women who have scaled the wall

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Here's more info for you that you can verify that's WAY too obscure for me to have Googled.

Don's dad is Wayne Johnson. Don's grandmother was Lena Breckenridge Johnson. My great-grandmother was Lena's sister, a Breckenridge also (not going to say who and doxx myself, sorry). Lena Breckenridge had 22 siblings. Don Johnson has a metric shit-ton of Breckenridge cousins in the Ozarks because of this and I am one of them. Not all of them stayed in the Ozarks, but my Breckenridge line did and so did Wayne Johnson's.

Tell us about soms cool shit Dakota did.

Here's some more for you. This is Don Johnson's great-grandfather (the father of Lena) James Breckenridge. The listing only has 15 of kids on there, though. There were actually 23 (a couple of unnamed stillbirths and such).

>why yes i do think men should have their lives ruined for trying to flirt with women

I've been blessed with a big cock, I'd whip it out.

Attached: 1649171936080.png (847x456, 608.4K)

Take that reddit "MeMe" elsewhere

why this nigga fapping to a DAW

This but i'm being interviewed by Hunter Schaffer.

>trying to flirt
>life ruined
That‘s what I meant by self-report

>Louis CK loses most of his career for consentually taking his dick out in front of 2 women
>Unironically defending this
You are so pathetic. I dont know who youre trying to simp for but shes not going to fuck you

louis is still performing, not in jail, still a household name in standup comedy. he'll be fine, the entire situation is just a joke now anyways

Lost his show and couldnt tour for years

>How did they get away with this?
They're women.

what do they see in that wop?

>what would you have done?
Followed the one on the right home, pinned her down and spread her bubble buttcheeks and then filled her rectum with as much semen as physics would allow and then chop her whore head off with a machete.

>taking your dick out
I don‘t know man


based semen demons

Why are you being so fucking obtuse? Are you honestly telling me if a male actor asked a reporter to show him her pussy during an interview, no one would give a shit? You are such a dishonest pos

Craig Ferguson has asked actresses weather they shave their pussy and has asked others to take their dress of. Just because you spergs can‘t read social cues and can‘t flirt doesn‘t make the people doing it evil or hypocrites.

Yes. Unironically. Creepy perverted women are disgusted abhorrent creatures of satan

This may be hard for you to believe but men and women are different

Youre right, women will ruin your life after explicitly telling you its ok to do something

where do they say
>show us your cock

it's the implication

They don't. Notice how little time he had? They were just ramming journos through all day, a few minutes at a time. They were just bored and decided to fuck with the next one.

Women who act this way in real life usually come off creepy/gross and are usually never as good looking as these two. I've been in 'similar' situations with older women hitting on me and it usually comes off really desperate, it's cringe and you just want to leave in reality.

Chris Van Chad

fuck off

hi Dakota


he looks kinda bogged now

>Zoomers hsve no authority.
when did teenagers ever had any authority, genius?