
>cliffhanger ending
Aaand it goes down to 4/10
Bitch, is this a season finale or what? Get the fuck out with your unresolved bullshit. Literally fuck off.
>impossible to recommend to other people because this season doesn't actually have an ending
Good fucking luck getting any word of mouth. "Well, this is a "great" show, but it doesn't have an ending, so you'll be stuck waiting for season 2, and then probably every season after that." Great.
This shit is the one thing I hoped they wouldn't do, but they sure as hell did it. Biggest disappointment that sours the whole thing.

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Bullshit finale. It's another LOST.
Oh well. I just started season 2 of See and it's based as fuck without lame soap opera cliffhangers.

why do you faggots fall for these meme stream shows every time


ending was great. stop being an impatient faggot that expects everything wrapped up in s1

There have been plans for a season 2 since the beginning. If they shoe horned an ending in Season 1 it would’ve sucked. There should not be a Season 3 though.

tiktok obsessed zoomers need instant gratification and cant understand what a mutli-season plot requires

agreed. total kino.


If they simply erase the severed memories and the plot will be back to pretty much square one, I'm gonna be so mad. I think what is more likely is that Mark is going to get de-severed with the help of the black scientist lady whose plot went nowhere this season and will try to get the other follow the suit. Outie Helly is going to be a tough sell though.

weird cope for a finale where barely fuck all happens
>40 min finale
>tutturo opening a chest for 10 minutes
the cliffhanger jew must end
>"you will watch s2 you will shill the show"
fuck off

It's more like Westworld. Kino first season, everything after that gets worse and worse as the plot gets grander and more ridiculous. From this point on you won't have anymore comfy office kino.

The only thing this show does interesting is that Helena's outie is the villain moving forward while everyone else's outie will probably be good guys

>>"you will watch s2 you will shill the show"
this show in particular was going to have a second season from the very start if you didn't get that from the extremely slow pace. not even a fan but this complaint is ridiculous and very reddit.

I have been ignoring these threads due to spoilers but I finished S1 now are there any popular theories about what they are doing? All I got is aliens or crazy religious cult



>Christopher Walken came back to acting to play a faggot
Is someone high up cashing a favor?

Apparently Turturro asked him to play the role since they've been friends for a while.

I was so titillated by this episode but I had no idea it was the season finale.
THAT alone is a huge disappointment.
I am so hooked on this show, sad I won't see it for another year?! ugh. why.

I thought the thing the father egan dude said was weird, what was it a revolution? Some reason that made me think the egans import their memories and personality ect into other peoples bodies, hence Gemma being at lumen.
I think she's dead and someone else is using her body, idk. would be sad tho

I am 99% sure whatever the plot ends up being, the goal being to train and brainwash your innie so it replaces your outie will be the goal. Why? We will find out but I am pretty sure that is the ultimate goal for something

I got ep 5 and turned it off hearing there was a second season
I fucking hate shows not wraping shit up.
If a movie can do it in 2 hours you can do it in 8

You are just really mad that the show hooked you and you now have to wait. You're kind of retarded and probably a dopamine addict.

Every human is a dopamine addict you fucking retard

I guess I had a little hope for this show, but now I'm convinced that they're gonna run this into the ground.
Cliffhangers are annoying and worst of all, boring. Especially when you watch the season all at once later on. It's just this weird fuck of a pacing.
Worst of all, it's not a fucking surprise. We can infer what's gonna happen, just like people did with pretty much everything that happened in episode 9. Nothing actually novel or unexpected happened. Yet, here we are, having this show do this shit again in ep 9, ready to deliver in an inevitably underwhelming s2e1 this same brand of shit, 'the thing that you saw from a mile, wow, it is that exact same thing! isn't that exciting? wait, what do you mean 'no'

sodabrain zoomers taking major L's this morning I see

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Did Yea Forums forget what a season of television is? I dont remember anyone getting this mad over a GoT or BrBa season finale.

The show has like 37 different plot threads going on, you expected everything to be wrapped up? I don't understand.

Apple needs hits so they will keep throwing money at Ben Stiller to keep this going another season. Every show these days has a fantastic season 1 and everything else dog shit

>haley is an eagan
>walgay is with another boy
>cobel is mentally ill baby snatcher
>mark spergs out about the book
>and then sees his wife's photo, promptly yelling that she is not, in fact, dead
>everybody saw this coming in the threads
>it's the only thing that happens in this episode
wow such exciting, unexpected, subversive, totally new, absolute kino. peak television.

Irving would have been a more interesting character if he was straight as an outie but we can't have that because the faggots will whine then about being gay being a choice

Well, think of it this way then.
They're giving you exactly what you want, but they're making you wait for it.

You said you knew what would happen, because you determined what you wanted to see take place.
Don't argue with me that you just looked at it objectively and guessed which direction the show would go.
Yeah it's a shitty way to do things but it works.
Keeps people buying/interested.
You don't play an addictive videogame because all the outcomes are terrible and unpredictable.
They're rewarding and satisfying but they keep the carrot on a stick.

just saying, it's kinda shit at actually delivering

>I have been ignoring these threads due to spoilers but I finished S1 now are there any popular theories about what they are doing? All I got is aliens or crazy religious cult
have you read the lexington letter?
they are killing people

can i get a quick rundown on the goat man?

>ITT: we complain about tv shows not explaining everything in the first 9 episodes
people like you killed Twin Peaks back in 1991

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>It's another LOST.
You should have seen that within the opening 5min of the show. That would have been the time to stop watching. They're playing you, and you allow it, so they keep going.

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Why do they store his dog face asian wife like a tyrant from resident evil?

>can i get a quick rundown on the goat man?
Possible it's just to make ingredients for the innie world?

The Asian dogface wife was brain dead from the car accident so they were allowed to use her as a test subject. She has no outie only the innie personality that created for her after her outie became brain dead. She has no memory of her outie life. She will fall in love with innie Mark with her new personality as a twist and want nothing to do with outie Mark. This is what I think will happen. Lots of conflicts. By the end of the show show of the innie and outie positions will flip permanently. Mark innie will 100% become Mark outie.

I also think Irving will have a tragic story. He will force Walken against his will to recreate his innie and force his innie to be in control I think. Innie Walken will convince him it isn't right to hold outie Walken against his will when outie Walken has a life and a family. Innie Walken will perma kill himself somehow

Ritual sacrifices of some kind which is why he was so protective of them.

marks sister knows (and ostensibly everyone at the party after she explains it even if he switches back) and if they can connect the dots that he's talking about gemma/miss casey it's going to be hard to keep that quiet

I don't mind cliffhangers but this shit was fucking retarded. Cutting back and forth between 4 different perspectives trying to build tension all for no payoff. Absolutely nothing new was learned except that Helly is an Egan which people were already calling after episode 1. There's so much random bullshit happening on the severed floor that will probably never even be mentioned again.

>I made up something in my brain, and now I am mad about that thing I have made up in my brain

Keep gobbling up dogshit television because its the new watercooler show. I bet you were fucking cheering at your phone watching some 70 year old faggot shuffle papers around and take 10 minutes opening a chest.

>Hey buddy, guess what, I made up something ELSE in my brain, and now I'm mad about THAT


>make predictions about what could happen in the show
>said predictions turn out to be spot on, complain that said predictions came true
Isn't what the point of these threads is? To discuss and speculate? Complaining just for the sake of it like you are a teenage girl is not a good look.

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its still possible polnigger

>Keep gobbling up dogshit television because its the new watercooler show
confirmed retard, 90% of people who chat shit about tv in the office dont have apple tv+

no it's not

yeah, couldve been Burt's brother or whatever.

I like the idea that these two guys have an instant connection with each other and, due to their naivety with emotions, believe they have to be romantic about it, instead of just bring bros

don't say the n word you stupid edgy fuck

we didnt get any clues about irving's sexuality

He's a faggot

I still don't understand what they meant by this

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never pay more than $20 bucks for a computer game


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Mark looks like the offspring of a human and an owl

I think they are trapped in a video game. Like this entire company just creates fancy immersive video games that extend to real life. Thats why the office looks crazy. That's why they have that fat bitch watching Mark. The pictures fighting and killing each other is just PVP. The music and some of the artistic elements come off as a video game. The entire snowy town is a resort for rich gamers. It's a knockoff of Westworld

Possibly the most reddit shot ever made.

good to know there's no actual rebuttal for this shit show

>navy uniform in the trunk
>not sure if he's gay


I am more interested when he pulls list of severed employees it has guy with glasses on it.

Do you need it spelled out for you with a Dick sucking scene?

i mean his outtie, genius

it is quite literally the only look the innies get into what the world looks like outside of their floor

Just finished watching the ending and holy kino. The best show that has been made in a long time. Maybe the best show ever.

>I have to planet needs me

would've been more interesting if Burt was straight imo

>Every show these days has a fantastic season 1 and everything else dog shit
because showrunners can work on a pitch and script for years and then whatever streaming service asks for season 2 and they suck their thumb

>Hell - y
How have we been missing this the whole time

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Again this implies you aren't born gay but you choose to be gay. No way will they allow that plot point

I hope Dylan is alright....

honestly thought milichek would stab him

That song after they found out Selvig is Cobal is perfectly placed

which song?

Dylan is a bad guy. Its time to come to terms with that now. They are disarming you with his nerdiness and friendly demeanor. He is the only one who we haven't seen his outside life outside muh kids. He loves the waffle shit which is clearly code for something more nefarious. Most importantly, the fat white bitch said the best way to control people is to make them think they have freedom. This line will cone back to haunt them.

The big muscular nigger HR guy also clearly will be an insider for that black woman who killed the head of security. So your expectations about who is good and bad will be subverted

>Thanks, Ms. Cobel
what a fucking asspull
He was behaving very smart and calculated with everyone else up until this point. She's the one person he knows he can't make suspicious at any cost, yet he just calls her that without knowing if they're on a second-name-basis outside or if it's even her real name.

He had no reason to assume her last name was any different

What a finale. Definitive kino. The biggest surprise for was how fucking ripped Natalie was. Wish she choked me out with those arms hnnnnnggg

Dylan is Ultra Based

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tldr Dylan's job is to be a spy and a snitch. Thats my guess. He is the office gossip archetype anyway.

>He loves the waffle shit which is clearly code for something more nefarious.
no its just a horny dude