Name one show that dropped off as hard as this

Name one show that dropped off as hard as this

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The Simpson's, and it's been in a free fall for over 20 years. At least Sunny will end soon.

The lows of the Simpsons never reached the lows of its always sunny.


And if we're only talking comedy shows, then Community

Is there a TV comedy that didn't overstay its welcome (getting canceled prematurely doesn't count)

Twin Peaks after the first two episodes.

Arrested Development

It's not as consistent and its deviated from its core system of humor but it's still decent. Probably time to pull the plug though.

you can tell by their podcast that mac is ruining the show. every other second hes talking about LE MANSPLAINING!!! or saying how wrong they were for what they did in their old episodes. guys a complete faggot

>implying "Beyond Life and Death" isn't the most kino episode in the entire series

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>how wrong they were for what they did in their old episodes
they were

Every season in a sin wave of quality which stays more or less consistent over the past couple decades, no idea what you're talking about.

I've never watched any of these shows. Should I?

pic related was the nail in the coffin

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Listening to the podcast made me think Glenn's actually fucked in the head and perfectly casted for the cunt-characters he plays.

died in season 6

>liking nu sunny

I pirated season 1 and absolutely loved it, watched several times and still got huge laughs, but I started watching season 2 and it's not the same, I barely chuckle, was Danny DeVito such a huge detrimental factor to the development of the show after season 1? Am I missing something? Does it get good halfway through season 2 or is it that only some seasons are good?

>mac looks like oiled leather
>devito aged appropriately
>dee looks like the guy from Mask 2
>charlie looks exactly the same
how did he do it bros

Some of my favourite episodes are in the later seasons. The newest season was trash, but I liked all before it.

Definitely check out season 1 - 4 of Dexter.
Season 5 is okay, 6 has a few decent episodes, and 7 is actually pretty good. 8 is when the show officially dropped the ball.

maybe skip to season 3. 3-5 is peak

Example? And best ep to listen to?

>listening to the podcast
>it's funny
>they go video
>it's not funny anymore
>instead of just shooting the shit they're now preforming for the cameras
I hate it go back to no camera

Any other show that's gone over ten seasons?

Maybe South Park is the exception, but it does get a bit more hit and miss as it goes on.

Seriously though, hell, ten seasons is rare, a lot of shows fall off after six, or even just three.

I also think the first season is the funniest and closest to the kind if show they really wanted to make. It feels like they had to compromise too much in their writing to make DeVito fit in and became less natural and genuine.
I think it's the first or second episode in the second season when Mac says "You ruined everything" at Devito and I think that that's how they (or at least he) really felt about the casting

I like the idea of the show more than the show itself. Warm fun title and promotional artwork. Rewatched the first six seasons recently. The show is garbage but has occasional moments that are very funny.


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King of the Hill held up through the seasons very well.

The last season was actually painful to watch. The characters have become parodies of themselves by now.
>dennis went from charming sociopath to just plain crazy
>mac went from secretly gay tough guy wannabe to pozzed faggot
>charlie went from based retard to just retard
>frank genuinely has dementia now
At least Dee is still a bird.

There have been a few good episodes since. The zoo episode is pretty memorable, the escape room, waiting for big mo, all fairly good.

That episode was dumb though. The running joke with Frank fucking up his face felt way too on the nose. The whole episode was like this sudden massive increase in flanderization.

He is

The perks of being a babyfaced manlet

Maybe you can convince me, but I'm not convinced. Any time I turn on zombie simpsons it is hard to watch. Unless I'm getting unlucky and already picking the worst episodes, it means there is probably much worse than the random episodes I turn on.


Sorry for being a coomer faggot, but mac was so hot when he got ripped, I watch just for that.

Up until this episode, the entire premise of the show is that they are all neurotic and selfish people who are only out for themselves via backstabbing and schemes. The hilarity comes from the fact that none of them have a moral compass or ever learn a lesson. Tender moments would sometimes be teased before they were ripped away by one of the cast being insane.

This specific episode just dropped the entire foundation the show was built upon for some ham-fisted attempt at being "deep, when it was just pretentious garbage.


it's funny was never as high as the Simpsons

this. It's 100% mac.


>zombie simpsons

kys reddit the simpsons was never even that good

Actually, by technicality, the lowest episodes of sunny can be hard to watch, like the all singing episode, or the episode that takes place in the 1800s. I don't really count those episodes because they are kind of "non canon" trash that is easy to skip. But yes, if you count those episodes, I will say it's probably hard for simpsons to top it in cringiness

I only listened to a few episodes of the podcast. The episode that made me think that way about Glenn was the one where he accidentally talks about hanging himself and he's talking about having a "touch of bipolar" and how coffee makes him a cunt. Both Rob and Charlie were saying shit like "wow, coffee really takes you to a dark place, huh" while he was outright saying to Rob shit about how "well I guess you never grow out of your insecurities" or something.

The way he also commandeers the podcast is fucking weird. He can talk all he wants for as long as he wants but if it's Rob and/or Charlie talking then he cuts them off and turns it back to the podcast as its own entity despite Rob and Charlie being the more fun ones to listen to. It's like the whole podcast would be better if they were all just shooting the shit yet Glenn can't stand if he's not involved for longer than a minute.

>I hate gays! Don't I look super straight now?!
I honestly don't give a shit about this episode. And I have 2 kids that were birthed from a woman I actually ejaculated inside. I really don't understand the obsession with this episode. Why does this make people mad?

Glenn seems kind of gay about woke shit as well. Charlie clearly cares the least and is the most normal.

How i met your mother.

>>charlie looks exactly the same
He also has been getting roles in actual movies, too.

>he accidentally talks about hanging himself
Talks about accidentally hanging himself. Fuck.

dennis was always the bulk of what made the show great.

>I hate gays! Don't I look super straight now?!
What is it like to be such a smooth brained redditor? A lot of the jokes in the show lean on Mac being gay while he is in denial about it. Do you really think it's about "muh homo hate", or because the episode was just shit? If you can't see the stark contrast between this episode and every single episode prior, go to a doctor and ask them how best to manage your mental disability.

>Why does this make people mad?
Because "Mac is gay" is a funny background joke where the punchline is that someone is gay, i.e. not a good thing
You turn into "the identity" of the character then it stops being the punchline and it stops being funny
Like, imagine of they did the same for Dennis being a serial killer.
He admits his one and is celebrated for it and occasionally the show will mention that he strangles women

Yeah I agree. He's a fucking good actor too even when it comes to Dennis being in the background and giving reactions to whatever characters are the main of the scene. I was just surprised to find out he's such a fuckhead out of character too.


Malcolm of the middle's later seasons weren't as good as the earlier ones, but it still ended on a good note.

Peak brainlet


First post best post


Despite it's shit ending, Seinfeld left right when it started to slip.

You have a weird read on the situation. Glenn is a guiding force on the podcast. He's the defacto host when gangly Megan isn't ruining things by speaking out of turn. Here's the reality. Charlie doesn't want to be there and doesn't care. He seems like he wants it to be canceled. All Mac ever does is talk about his failing apple tv show and apologize for not being woke to current standards in 2006.

They need a hand to guide them. They need to be interrupted and corralled and forced into a specific cone of talking points. They need Den- I mean Glenn. He's their ruler. Their master. The host.

Isn't there an episode where Bart becomes a feminist?

KotH started majorly flanderizing Hank and co. Like Hank suddenly thinking sticker price of a car is the best deal (when he's shown repeatedly in the past to know the deal with car salesmen)

>I was just surprised to find out he's such a fuckhead out of character too.
if he's narcissistic/sociopathic out of character i'd forgive him, that's exactly the personality you expect from a good actor. they're sick people, but entertaining. if he's some woke retard though that'd be sad, not surprising just sad.

he is a very good actor though, unlike the rest of the cast imo.

The podcast started off comfy now that female dave grohl bitch has made herself a starring character get back behind the curtain

I could see that. His god awful apple show is one of the worst pieces of shit Ive seen in my entire life

Around the time they introduce Lucky the show takes a massive dive in quality and becomes too hightened