A female quarterback?! This is the dumbest fucking thing in the entire movie
A female quarterback?! This is the dumbest fucking thing in the entire movie
quarterbacks are the most protected player in the NFL nowadays. This takes place in the future where you probably aren't even allowed to touch them. The field looks like half or even a quarter the size of a real one, so you don't have to lob the ball 40 yards.
Diz could kick the shit out of you guaranteed
Everything in the movie was outrageous. Get over it. I'm doing my part.
I'm doing my part!
That would be the kicker.
Bro, it's fucking high school.
>you don't have to lob the ball 40 yards.
Football without DRAGONs is like sex without orgasms.
It's closer to Arena Football.
They are all wearing exosuits
Bugs that can think? This is the dumbest fucking thing in the entire movie
I want a Dizzy gf so bad bros
fair enough, but you'd have to say the quarterback is the near second. the way the NFL is going, I could see Starship Troopers being a plausible scenario.
Obviously it makes sense that he would want Denise Richards over Dizzy just from looks alone, but Dizzy is the girl you'd want to fucking marry.
Why did a redditor like Verhoeven make fascism look so cool?
Liberals think cool things are evil. Who knew.
I mean objectively yes, but Dizzy has this very specific phenotype that really does it for me. Plus like you said, she’s better wife material than 99% of female characters ever written
>>grr im a wal-mart manager
>>have sex with me
No thanks girl. Enjoy death.
>flip-six three-hole
>quarterbacks are the most protected player in the NFL nowadays.
Women cant throw overhand, you fucking moron
watch countless videos of women throwing a football, you fucking retard
Women literally cannot throw overhand, you fucking moron, its physically impossible, they cant even throw a full 90 foot baseball pitch length
>A female quarterback?! This is the dumbest fucking thing in the entire movie
The center spends the entire game with her hands between his thighs. Then everyone tries to sack her. Yeah, I'm in.
Boys want Carmen, men want Dizzy.
Also Dina Meyer aged like wine and Denise Richards aged like milk.
She's meant to be a tomboy character. Sure it's still dumb.
once again, watch countless video of women doing the very thing that is "physically impossible". Also, the imaginary movie created logic for you with such a short field so you wouldn't seethe so much. Get fucked
you want to marry a man you homo
I want an arachnid gf so bad bros
thats not a queen. i repeat NOT a queen. you are gay.
i wish she would
>Why did a redditor like Verhoeven make fascism look so cool?
because he's a hack and his fuckup resulted in greatness
Because it is fucking cool
Is she the one that gets killed at the end???
She was fucking hot.
He tried to do a satire but failed and landed in "genuine fascist propaganda" instead
I would quarter my ball on her back.
If you follow what im saying
Is that Chris Pine?
Yeah, I think I catch the drift.
Wrong girl died
>dizzy helped me get laid IRL by teaching me to go with the girl thats already giving you "the fuck me eyes" over chasing some disinterested object of affection.
Thank you Diz you truly were the best girl.
saddest tits in movie history. how do you have saggies when you're basically flat-chested?
>but Dizzy has this very specific phenotype that really does it for me.
Ashkenazi Jewish?
You have good taste user.
Because fascist propaganda is made via good looking people. Starship troopers is a fascist propaganda movie that Verhoeven is meta-satirizing.
They clearly had powered super suits or something
that lesson cannot be learned from a movie if you learned it you must have already learned it else where
T. Watched the movie and learned nothing
Witnessed brother. Forgive my naiveté but, do you mean the sex perchance?
I'm sure there's some athletic freak female that could do what Tom Brady did at least
No, Denise Richards looks retarded in the face
movie is just jew propganda
>we're the real nazis
>nazis bad
Even back then Dina was superior
What part of THERE IS EVIDENCE OF WOMEN DOING THAT VERY THING do you not understand?
No, i mean i would ground my leathery orbs over her grassy pitch, sex is wrong unless ypu are married user
The blonde cadet next to Carmen in the Shuttle was the cutest!
shes getting mogged hard here. wtf do you mean
>Dina Meyer
Don't look up her Early life on Wikipedia.
>because he's a hack
A hack who made a bunch of great films
Jesus Christ you're so brash!
A brain bug? Honestly I find the idea offensive!
>SAT results
>leaves Rico for another man
>comes crawling back when the guy gets bugged
>Rico accepts her