Why are 13-16yo girls so horny?

why are 13-16yo girls so horny?

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Teenagers/zoomers are annoying and I hate them. Fuck you OP. Fuck your shitty thread. These people are ruining the world.

Despite what society says is the fertile time and age to get pregnant. That's why people at that age beat their meat 24/7

>zoomers ruining the world
>95 year old geriatric fucks are in charge

You can literally jizz on your hands, and then be folding laundry and touch some 13 year old girls panties, and when she puts them on there’s a chance she can get pregnant. That’s why we’re wired to find 13 year olds so attractive, that’s when they’re peak fertility as you said. It’s the primordial part of our brain seeking out what is most fertile as most attractive

Do you have male x male version

Getting a kiss for the camera =/= getting the sex

>that one slut who went straight for tongue

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How I know you never had sex

He's not wrong tho. But you, what is your argument?

if they're so horny then why aren't they fucking me

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do teens really just go to clubs and randomly kiss each other

they're equal, actually


why are zoomers so baffling?

based zoomer

Not how it works you retard

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I did that a lot in college

They were given hairbrushes at a young age

>He thinks it stops at 16


i hope he suffers. i hope everyone successful in life suffers. i had dreams of wanting to be seen and do something significant, but not everyone can. i will die unnoticed in some milquetoast little corner of the world and my name will never be uttered again. i will never have fans, i will never make an impact, i will never influence anything or anyone or create something of worth. i will drudge out an increasingly boring and depressing existence as people i love suffer and slowly die around me and my life slowly fills up with tedious unhappy commitments until i’m just grinding out my little corner of pointless invisible nothingness. one day i’ll be an old man who nobody thinks twice about, just some old doddering idiot you see in passing and are glad because you aren’t him, aren’t so near death having done nothing with your life. i hate everyone who is better than me and has done more than me. it’s not fair. i want my pain inflicted on them all

Damn, that second chick got really pissed.

Unironically me

Lmfao she shoved him into a different universe. Needs a 9/11 edit

It can happen actually. True story.

If 13 year old girls are so horny then how come I’m a friendless virgin with a porn addiction?

>being such a twig that a teenage girl is able to physically push you at least 10 feet
>still able to pull a dozen broads in one night

whats your excuse then teevee?

>i hate everyone who is better than me and has done more than me.
You got the reddit mentality but the Yea Forums honesty. You are fucked.

Because you don't talk to anyone, leave your basement or probably look like shit.

Nah he's pretty wrong. Sperm is dead within a few minutes of being outside a body so this would be an extremely quick turnaround of jizzing, folding (some female's?) laundry, then said female putting on laundry filled with cum and getting pregnant

So is the coom well just a dream? How is the village go on then?

That's nice but don't mass reply

99.99% of humans live this way and 100% die this way. Even the few historical figures that "survive" through the years are misrepresented and ultimately have no actual impact on who is alive right now. Dying a somebody and dying a nobody is a convenient way to avoid the fact that you'll die no matter what.

True ascension is coming to terms with your insignificance and accepting that death is inevitable.

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>that virgin lanklet

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I think that was a school dance. And maybe he's the quarterback or class president etc. because he's not that good looking.

Oddly feminine looking

Yeah, status plays a big role in making bitches wet.

looks like a femboy

It was facetious hyperbole. I guess it must’ve been lost in translation through text

She also seemed the fattest.

>it's a Yea Forums is winning episode
honestly if this was several years ago i would be cheering, but now it's concerning

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thats just how zoomers look now. i've never seen one zoomer look more masculine than a 6/10

/fit/ in shambles

>already in my 30s
>i will never fuck a chloe from life is strange
fuck my life
i just want to date a broken retard once in my life

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So all those girls were there with dates??

I think they're just young, which is the problem.

you want to date yourself?

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he's keyed. he's based

user, (you)...

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He could have kissed like 30 teen girls...

>the look in the eyes of the 3rd from last blonde

Realistically speaking, what percentage of gen z men will get married at some point in their lives?

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oy vey

>quarterback or class president
LOL uh yeah right he's probably a fucking tik tok faggot

Relatable desu

I used to want notoriety, now I'd be happy just to have a family.

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