April 8, 2006 - Five more boards are added: /cgl/ (Cosplay & EGL), /ck/ (Food & Cooking), Yea Forums (Music)...

>April 8, 2006 - Five more boards are added: /cgl/ (Cosplay & EGL), /ck/ (Food & Cooking), Yea Forums (Music), /n/ (News) (Changing the previous /n/ to /an/ - Animals & Nature), and Yea Forums (Television).

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Other urls found in this thread:


They really need to add new boards

>2004 is closer to when rousseau arrived on the island in '88 than to today

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it was either this or a "my super sweet 16" joke
sticky when?

How long has /x/ been around? I feel like I've been occasionally browsing that one for ages.

>been here since 2009

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>I’ve…seen memes you people wouldn’t believe. Green ovals posted at 7 pm every day. I watched celebrities be photoshopped into the Navi from avatar. All those shitposts will be lost in time like…planes to bane. Time…to die.

class of 2009 here

if there was a better forum to low effort shitpost anonymously, I'd use it, but there isn't

>tfw there is actual evidence of me posting here as early as june 2007 because of a post on a forum i made talking about Yea Forums being down
i can't believe i've been here ~16 years

2005 reporting in

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The rest of ya'll know

Yea Forums was the fourth board I discovered. I posted about how Niles' Rachmaninoff pun in the Frasier episode "Slow Tango in South Seattle" was the greatest pun ever uttered on film.
I left the board soon after and didn't return for about three years, around the time of the Bane suicide flight in France.

Oh cool that was my birthday. I wasn't here yet for a few more years though.

wow me and Yea Forums share the same birthday

there are probably niggers here right now who werent even born when this board was created

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I’ll Durn you in another life brotha

I regret nothing

would explain a lot about the posting quality desu

tell us a story, gramp-user

There was once a tripfag who was obsessed with a jiggle. He bought the star's shirts, to give them a sniffle.

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Happy birthday to the dumbest board on 4channel!

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>my face when remembering coming here from YTMND in 2005

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Is it true that /cgl/ has actual g-g-girls there?

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happy birthday

>tfw you will never durn to yah again

I tired to find a gf on /cgl/ but the faggot j*nny stopped my love quest

The ballad of davey

he feared your power

>celebrities be photoshopped into the Navi from avatar.

I remember that user who photoshopped those got a job on a news website or something. Nowadays we'll just use a filter lol

i came here at 2009 but browsed religiously at 2010 til today.. something happened at 2010 what was it and it got alot of people angry of the people it brought in i forgot

Lost ended?

remember that one tripfag who made it his life's mission to force memes that no one could understand, that would never leave Yea Forums?

im talking about Yea Forums in general

my first memory of Yea Forums is the Cloverfield sticky but i was here before

people could tell you started browsing

good morning america

Will an Asian television only board work?

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Holy shit, how long have you been waiting to post this?

16 years, clearly.

>tfw here since 2007

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It's unironically time to unban pony


>14 years ago

57 sharks out of 12

I spend more time on Yea Forums than anything else in my life combined probably. I only sleep about 6 hours a night. I'm on Yea Forums at least 16 of the other 18 hours.

end of 2006, beginning of 2007
I've been here since Halloween 2003. There was a board called lolikon, dont remember the //.
Also, m00t, who was the same age as me, allegedly, created yaoi before /s/.
I always thought snacks was moot and still, to this day think he actually developed the site

thought the anniversary was in october, something made me check last week, glad i wasn't late

smartphones and 3G data

I still have ptsd from Abatap

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kaiji was my mortal enemy

kaiji a pleeb

I fucking hated that dude, but I didn't hate anyone nearly as much Davey. Davey and his fetish for Joseph Gordon Levitt.

Davey, I hope you're dead.

Which one

He was here just last month


>letting tripfags live in your head
they all do the same shit for the same reasons. attention.

that said, satre or whatever legitimately bothers me to this day. his crusade to force memes that no one understood was utterly baffling.

Yea Forums is the only board to revere tripfags. Every other board rightfully hated them. Even Yea Forums, tripfag headquarters. What a weird sad board Yea Forums has always been.

Hey 10+ year oldfags, what kino TV and film have you enjoyed lately?

I really liked Possessor and Arcane

next time someone asks you to unconditionally support the ukraine, just remember that putin solved the abatap problem

>force it until you laugh

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I wish emotes stayed lads

is this the guy forcing the "i'm dunhier"/"i'm amanda mywurd" memes?
i feel like i'm having a damn stroke reading them

Yea Forums was originally antifa you fucking nigger, go suck Putin's cock and then soot yourself in the head and/or dick

>that's what butthurt haters actually believe
cry more

Hey those memes are pretty good

Probably. Most of those tripfags are still here, they just dropped their trips.

its definitely his style of autism.

>t. posts shitty memes no one likes

The Crown
The French Dispatch

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no, it wasn't. it was anti-neocon in the beginning but that's about as leftwing as it got.
it was always kind of propaganda matrix/alex jonesy, it's just back in early 2000s those guys were fringe and not really rightwing

Black Spiderman homo is absolutely still ticking


Same, great shows. Going back a few years; The Leftovers is an incredibly cathartic show, an absolute masterpiece.

>anti fascism is left wing

Yea Forums was apolotical until chanology. every stunt old/originalfags pulled was geared around understanding both sides and playing to exactly what would confuse the fuck out of everyone.

and then claiming to be from ebaum's world.

thanks man, means a lot