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Marvels has been in the zone for years. DC on the other hand keeps fucking up with some exceptions like Joker.

This reaction is pretty obvious.

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All marvel movies feel like the same 6/10 movie.

stop the ironic india shilling, it's not funny

the majority of people are idiots so obviously

Quality > quantity

who gives a shit? how does it compare to spidromaine no way homie ticket sales?

I know, I stopped watching by the time Black Panther came out but I still can recognize the impact they have on the common denominator.

Nothing will ever compare to the hype of No Way Home. Not even Batman could do it.

What are you 15?

No, I'm just able to accept facts. The movie had insane hype and pulled insane numbers, and no superhero movies in the foreseeable future will have the same pull.

Eh doctor strange and the spider man movie was the only one's I was looking forward to

You understimate how the machine works, wait till they revive Iron man and bring back Steve.

>wait till they revive Iron man and bring back Steve.
Isn't RDJ getting to be ridiculously expensive to keep casting in addition to them already setting up that one chick to be the next Iron Man? Undoing Tony's death would also be a ridiculous slap in the face after Endgame and could potentially damage the brand pretty heavily after the "I am Iron Man" scene.
Chris Evans also disliked the pressure he was under to keep in shape all the time for the Steve role which is why he almost didn't even sign on for it so chances are he really doesn't want to go through that again.

Why would you only buy a ticket for the first three hours of a film?

Give it some years, they'll come around. Nostalgia is ever expanding.

Years ago we never thought we will see Spider Tobey again.

Sure, but in Tobey's case he isn't dead within his movie universe and unwilling to play the part. Not to mention he's way cheaper than Chris Evans or RDJ.


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Can confirm.
I didn't give a shit about The Batman.
But I really want to see Doctor Strange 2.
I like Batman as a character but "The Batman" movie isn't appealing.

It's not the same situation but reviving a character and an actor caving years later to return to a roll happens. All this years down the line, maybe ten if the bombs don't kill us. (I hope they do)

I want to think the souless monsters that plan these movies have more hype shit stored for the consumers.

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>I like Batman as a character but "The Batman" movie isn't appealing.
it doesn't help that batman has such well made animated movies
there's not even need for live action movies

>DC on the other hand keeps fucking up with some exceptions like Joker.
I agree. Leto Joker was awesome.

If marvel movies are the same all the time then seeing BATMAN ORGINS NUMER 8 is also the same.

I loved this new batman movie but is nothing new in terms of story. I hope it becomes a steping stone for NEW batman stories though.

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>it doesn't help that batman has such well made animated movies
Yeah historically but it seems like they're even starting to fuck those up lately. DC's incompetence is astounding.

This guy gets me. we need more Leto Kino.

sam rami has nver made a interesting film ever in his life.
He has great ideas and he can make a decent film but he has never BLOWN my mind.
This shit is going to be dog shit

I just want this universe to stick for a while. They already have Batfleck for the DCEU back somehow so he can have his own standalone movies too, but the Pattinson Batman was a neat variant of him and I quite like the mystery of hunting down Riddler. It only goes dumb after Riddler is found in my opinion. I also really liked how they shot Gotham in this one, it just feel right.

Too bad "The Batman" had neither.


all the spiderman, evil dead, darkman
all a joke
creative but a jokey movie wihtout any impact
He is great at doing interesting shit but doesnt mean he is good at displaying emotions on the big screen

DC has quality? Kek. Maybe Nolan's Batman movies, but that's pushing it.

Can somebody who cares about how much Disney and Warner Bros movies make at the box office, explain to me why?

>Maybe Nolan's Batman movies, but that's pushing it.
lol nah I used to like those but I rewatched The Dark Knight recently and except for The Joker it was all shit.



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Box office decides what films are made. It saddens me whenever soulless shit gets a lot of money, because that signals to the people in charge what to churn out more of. That said, the last time I was invested personally in box office numbers was DUNC, because I enjoyed the film a lot and was hoping it'd make enough money for them to okay Part 2.

Cringe take. Spider-Man 2 and A Simple Plan both have fantastic dramatic components. But it's beyond that which makes him a great filmmaker. The way he frames his shots, the movement of his camera, the visual storytelling. He's fantastic at creating mood, balancing tonal shifts, creating tension. Raimi is above all, a showman and the way he crafts his films clearly demonstrates that.

You sound like you're in the pseud phase where each movie has to have a profound message or meaning. That there needs to be an overall statement, and it needs to be delivered in a "sophisticated" way. You're closing yourself off to a lot of the artform with this mentality.

Raimi's camera work alone alone was innovative. He's revered the way he is for a reason.

batman flicks are always more cerebral and a slown burn, normies don't like slow burns, they want big explosions and mindless things that are black and white

>I really want to see Dr strange 2
Why? Plot leaked. It's the same stupid formulaic safe tripe. Spend your well-earned money elsewhere. Or at least on a better film.

>keeps fucking up

damn shut the fuck up stop the marvel vs dc competition bullshit

the flash will be better cant wait till june 23 2023

It's all about consistent quality (even if like 7/10), and correct use of the characters and fan service. They're basically able to give fans what they want almost every time. Nobody else is currently able to do this past the rare exception. Take a look at how DC is trying to swap out Superman and Batman for Supergirl and Batgirl. Zero idea what DC fans want. Many such examples.

>maybe ten if the bombs don't kill us. (I hope they do)
>he thinks Russia maintained their nuclear arsenal

I managed to not view the plot. That's a shame if it's formulaic safe tripe though. Can't say I expected better.

Batman was a 3 hour long reboot, it made more money than spiderman Homecoming (comparable reboot) in every country that wasn't on lockdown so he's still king

You are a lonely piece of garbage to continue this weird A vs B shit about baby movies. I suggest you stop and use your time more wisely.

Joker won the golden lion in 2019

so true and it made more money then shang chi and the eternals

shut cho ass up dumbass

>Evil Dr. Strange is just same actor
>villain has same powers
Getting real tired of this shit. Could have made kino choice by Pierce Brosnan or someone like that playing him.

he’s already playing Dr. Fate in Black Adam

>Dr. Fate in Black Adam
which is literally just dc's version of doctor strange


You would have to pay me to see a new Marvel movie. I assume 50% of those tickets were purchased by Disney.

Did he write it wrong? I’m learning English through here.

Nah it's fine.

If you're learning English then you should learn that people can both laugh because something is/sounds funny and not just laughing at the person. There's laughing at and laughing with.
English isn't just words and it's good to learn about other cultures.

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BTFO Silent of the Lambs too

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NHW made 800 million. The Joker movie made a billion.

I’m glad, thanks friend. Kind words like yours are really rare here. You’re a good man.

How gay


>You're a good man

I try to be but I'm not always. I'm actually an angry person but I can keep it in check most of the time. I've never understood people who make fun of ESLs. I think it's admirable to want to learn another language. It's probably just their racism that makes people angry at different languages. I'm a racist but there's a constant battle for people that try to be morally good and also racist.
Being a good person is much harder than being a bad one because I honestly think humans are naturally evil. The reason being that if you have an evil man and a good man, the evil man is likely to survive and that's why it's easier to be evil.

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>noooooooooooo i need sequels to le consoom


The company that reports this stuff is Fandango, they also own Rotten tomatoes. Their CEO is Paul Yanover, not just a lifelong disney suit but the guy who literally ran disney's viral marketing department, he's the father of disney shilling as we know it