Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

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Why did he make Gordon Ramsay cry?

He didn't

It was our choice really

There's a live action Shrek now?

yes, and he loves knorr stock pots and olive oil

>I don't recall what he'd done wrong but I yelled at him and he lost it.
>Gordon crouched down in the corner of the kitchen, buried his head in his hands and started sobbing.
It was Gordon's choice really.

simple as just leave me swamp alone

If by which you mean "is he massively autistic" then yes.

The chad to Ramsay's virgin

>>I don't recall what he'd done wrong but I yelled at him and he lost it.
What did he say? "I'll rape your mother the cunt." Possible explanation for sure.

>"I wish I had a wife like that. A pig in my opinion should be fat.. like a woman."

That would be, dare I say it, based.

Can a massive autist be married three times and cheated on all of his wives?

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When you're under a lot of stress for a long time, it just happens


lil bit (2L) of olivol

When you do as much cocaine as MPW did in his 20s you have to do some fucked up shit to get your dick hard.

le tuff looking cooking man much better than le tv angry yelling man cook! le meat raw le mayo ;______;
so based reddi/tv/ bros

>continues cooking

>watch me eat raw meat and shit and vomit all night

The fat wasn't even rendered, it needed more cooking,

>MPW makes Gordon cry
>Ramsay makes others cry
It's a vicious circle, chef. Why not embrace your inner kindly grandpa instead?

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Putting MPW next to this guy is like putting chocolate next to the turd I just took

it's just a basic butter baste you eat it right after he salts it so its not really cooking to much

>the pasta my dear mother cooked for us when we were children
>the only difference is it has a touch of taste
jfc Marco

Yes. He's based, and very wise.


God I loved the YouTube shit he put up during COVID. Just a dude digging shit out of his fridge and garden and making a meal for his family.

Who the fuck pays for this shit?


I can take a legendary funny looking turd but at the end of the day it will still be a shit no matter how entertaining its shape, texture and color are

Not really, it's the nouveau riche people who want to pay for an overpriced experience
Millenials have no money to go to Salt Bae

wasn't it a competitional thing? Gordon always wanted to compete in every way. Marco wanted ot make the sauce but gordon made it without telling him. He knew the meaning behind that and went after him and he cried like a bitch. now that you think about it, his answer it was his choice kind of make sense. It wasn't a mistake. Gordon is just a snake.

Now that's something I've never heard about before

French onyo fuck

he also stole the entire booking list from the front of Marcos restaurant. What a cunt


Im tired pretend stock cube is not good for cooking

i use it all the time when I don't have stock. I mean who keeps them all the time anyway. when I stew something I always add stock cubes.


It's our choice, really.

But the answer is yes.

>Tory voter
>son is complete a complete wigger druggie trash
Like poetry.

>some people put olive oil in
>I never bother

I wish I were a Britcuck to truly understand this.

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Why the fuck would you do that?

He has another restaurateur son tho

to be fair white and ramsay were operating on nearly all cocaine at that point i dont think anything they did was rational

You lose your booking list, you lose your work for weeks

Nah they replaced him with the Hairy Bikers in the Knorr stock pot adverts

I am team Ramsey all the way! Fuck you special snowflakes!


"I didn't make Gordon cry - he made himself cry."

I can't ever picture MPW doing something similar to what Gordon did with the grilled cheese episode.

knorr stockpots.

his newer show is so rustic i have to think if its the end game of pretension or actual sincerity

plus he talks about food the way i like it, he talks about family and sunday dinner. gordon is a sociopath hes like AHH YES BREAKFAST. MORNING.

Is he still shilling Knorr? It was disappointing to see that because it's so damn transparent. I guess he was having financial troubles.

Ramsay refused to use a Knorr stock pot

I have no idea how he could have money issues unless he has a drug/gambling problem. The dude is a legend, he could have a show on any network he wants to, he could do youtube, sell cooking equipment, consult restaurants or whatever