We have a /trek/ why no /sg/? It’s got a ton of seasons and spin offs in the same universe. Not enough fans?
We have a /trek/ why no /sg/? It’s got a ton of seasons and spin offs in the same universe. Not enough fans?
I mean come on
SG started on Showtime, then became a Syfy channel thing. not everybody had cable back then and if they did they may not have had much beyond basic.
Trek was on network TV.
honestly in current year I really don't want to see stargate mangled. I have zero interest in seeing a reboot
generals are trash, you should be happy your show doesn't have one
generals are propagated by bait and trolls but everyone universally loves stargate
I don’t think it would ever be rebooted it just surprised me more people haven’t gone back and watched it now that it’s all over. It kind of road along side the trek spin offs for a while and even competed in some ways. They make a bunch of trek references too.
the pilot was showtime, the first 6? seasons were fox or something. syfy picked it up way later when it became farscape
When it was on showtime weren’t they intending to make it a lot more pornographic? Somebody said they were going to make it a lot sexier
there were egyptian alien tits in the pilot iirc
>tfw all of Stargate is now freely available on Pluto TV
Just started on season 1 again. gonna watch every episode, even the stinkers cause I haven't done that for a long time.
>honestly in current year I really don't want to see stargate mangled. I have zero interest in seeing a reboot
Well Amazon owns it now and there's been a new stargate project in the works since before that. I'd say it's only a matter of time.
> Pluto TV
I haven’t even heard of this. After it left Netflix and Amazon I pirated all of the seasons and spin offs I was sick of it not getting renewed places. It really is kino most people should watch it
Was the James spacer movie the pilot?
no, i don't think that had tits either. pretty sure it was pg13.
>I haven’t even heard of this.
It's rather recent. within the last couple of weeks it was added.
>there were egyptian alien tits in the pilot iirc
yeah i think that was the exec's doing. After the first episode it went tv-pg basically. They even re-released the first episode edited with the boobies removed.
it's always best to have options, even if you edit them out.
I loved seeing all the trek actors show up in Star Gate. It’s too bad a cross over never happened even if it was just for fun
Why do you have to ruin another board with generals. Jesus Christ you people are faggpts
/trek/ is largely sustained by incels who shill the new slop being shit down their throats 24/7
shitty syfy quality Mary Sue garbage, family guy cartoons, Picard character assassination, they chug it down all the same
Stargate isn’t currently being raped so there’s nothing new for drones to spam
>bros please help people want to talk about a show they all watch on my board where I shitpost!
Kys faggorino
Yea Forums is ground zero Yea Forums-user
lol so mad, /trek/ is all voyager and TNG memes
>Wraith are neverending
>John Shepard
>Stargate isn’t currently being raped so there’s nothing new for drones to spam
>isn't currently
I like /trek/ for the memes the good discussion there is rare. The mod that frequents it makes it aids and jannies anybody that disagrees wit my her(him)
trek is gay nigger worship and cuck fantsies
Like whatever you want, I am forced to hide your faggot general threads with the same 4 posters desperately vying for (you)s
Talk about whatever you want. Just take the cock out of your mouth for long enough to make a thread worth posting in instead of a tranny circlejerk tier nothing thread as is every general
I would've loved to like Universe. Instead, siffie demanded Stargate Galatica.
I hate weir so goddamn much
>Like whatever you want, I am forced to hide your faggot general threads with the same 4 posters desperately vying for (you)s
Cry more you whiny little bitch.
How anybody could be this retarded is beyond me
i just saved big tiddy webm with no context, i haven't seen past s1 of atlantis or any universe. maybe someday i'll continue.
Are you saying you wouldn’t?
>i just saved big tiddy webm with no context, i haven't seen past s1 of atlantis or any universe. maybe someday i'll continue.
Atlantis gets good eventually, nowhere near as good as SG1 though. Universe, I still can't finish.
And Origins...ooof....don't get me started.
Generals are cancer, especially /trek/.
At least it’s contained Cancer. When dune came out and there were thousands of dune threads that was actual cancer
>I hate weir so goddamn much
she wasn't good.
I think the actress knew it too.
at least it isn/t /who/
>mr director, why am I the only one wearing tight revealing clothing?
only mods, redditors, and social
media tourists like generals. fuck you all
I would wear the armband & spend all of my time with super powers fucking her at mach ten
If I remember right they brought her in right around the same time that voyager brought on jeri Ryan to play seven of nine. I think they were worried about a ratings drop but it never happened so they eventually let her take a back seat
>If I remember right they brought her in right around the same time that voyager brought on jeri Ryan to play seven of nine. I think they were worried about a ratings drop but it never happened so they eventually let her take a back seat
It's hilarious seeing the hotties they brought in as support cast. I remember seeing a Tok'ra spy in an episode being a 9.5/10. And several of the Goa'uld System Lords...wew
i watched universe recently but couldnt get through atlantis s1.
they used that booba monster way too little in the show.
She gets me diamonds
>She gets me diamonds
Damn near the hottest chick on the entire show.
They wanted to make a weird love triangle (more sides than 3 honestly) between Carter, Jack, Tokra Tits, & Martouf. But the relationship stuff is the weakest parts of SG1 outside of the Jack & Carter slow burn. I dont care about Jackson's wife after she gets stolen & ruined. I dont care about the Tollan bro or the cop, Martouf is fucking boring & the laundry list of hot alien wives O'Neill gets is complete crap except maybe the milf he almost settles down with when he gets stranded on a meteor struck planet til Teal'c rescues him
Amanda Tapping was so hot to me as a horny little teenager boy
trek has new shows airing. just thank the ori stargate doesn't and enjoy the occasional gooldpost
>, Martouf is fucking boring
And his teeth!
she made me like short haired blondes
She’s still got to me as a full grown horny man
My friend it is goa’uld
that's not how you treat an american flag! give it to me!
Loved how they all had P90s.
not just tits it was full frontal
damn showtime, thats cinemax level 90s sleaze kino
Were they prosthetics or is the actor just part horse?