Comes out in 10 days

>comes out in 10 days
>no hype

its over

Attached: Better_Call_Saul_season_4.jpg (250x301, 61.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm hype

i am hype
thankfully I finished season 5 a few months ago

someone remind me what happened because I don't remember shit

S5 was unironically the best season yet

I am hoping they stick the landing, unlike with breaking bad (s6 was a minor letdown but still good)

this show would have been ruined if it got popular, I'm glad even in the final season hardly anybody is tuning in

what do you expect. people would rather watch capeshit.

You see at least a few threads up on it. Obviously there aren't going to be huge threads until it actually comes out lol.

why do accept Lalo jumping through the ceiling like a ninja?

>breaking bad
>season 6

You fuckers keep spoiling shit.

Better Call Saul? More like Better Call My Boss and let him know that this show is so boring that it made me fall asleep so hard that I slept through my alarm and I’m gonna be late for work.

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i think people is learning to not overhype something

Jesus christ is this the most reddit ad of all time?

>the greatest show on television isn’t the most watched show on television
Are you surprised, OP?

He jumped through the ceiling at the very corner near the front door. Could have easily used the door handle, or even more likely a waiting chair to leverage his jump.

I forgot what happened in the last season

did Rhea get naked ?

Is this better than Breaking Bad?

Regarding breaking bad:

Season 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Season 3 >>> Season 5 > Season 4 > Season 1

Seasons 2, 3, and 4 are all excellent

1 and 5 are hit & miss

I'm waiting until it's all out in like, January.

That fucking promo of Gene putting on the red Saul jacket...

I'm pumped

Can't wait. Until then I'll just keep posting in Turning Red threads.

old man punks entire mexican mob with nothing but his clenched teeth and a rubber hose. viewers were pleased.


yes but we don't get to see anything

much better

saul walked through the desert drinking his own piss and listening to slim shady

anybody remember the 'mike has dementia' posting from threads a few seasons back? good times

I am trying to forget about it so the wait is less excruciating. Stop reminding me, faggot.

>it's a mike sits in the dark eating pistachio nuts for 2 years waiting for the next season episode

Stop reading threads about shows you haven't watched entirely you fucking retard.

Kim is all I can think about.

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I don't. He's a cartoon character shoved into a drama.

>Better Call Reddit


Shit show. On Season 1 episode 7 and it's basically unwatchable. Watching Bitchface McGee try to convince Craig and Betsy to take a deal for like 10 minutes and I want to fucking die.

sheeeeeeeeshhh on god frfr this shit boring af cant believe i wasted 7 hours on this shit and there wasnt a single cgi explosion

because its kino

this, it's nothing like moon knight

What the fuck even happens in S4 and 5 that’s worth spoiling? After chuck dies nothing happens

uhhhh jimmy feels bad about it. also the show turned into breaking bad-lite

It's the only on-topic reason I browse Yea Forums.
I hope it drives the tragedy aspect home and doesn't undercut it too much with quirky Breaking Bad references

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meant to reply to OP

i wouldn't want it spoilered that gus fring is building an underground lab 2bh

looking forward to it.

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kim is his 3rd wife

Because it's a story, not a documentary. You need to have some allowed for asburdity and contrivance in a story. Watch a Coen brothers flick, yo jabroni.
Also, R. Crumb biopic starring this dork fucking when.

Attached: Crumb.jpg (504x554, 129.21K)

Whole season or week by week shit?

each season feels like a week's worth of plot development

That was honestly the only scene in this show that really made me go "what the fuck, that's a bit stupid," but otherwise this show is kino

I think it completely depends on your own opinion. Both are kino in their own ways. Personally i can't decide 100%. Better Call Saul is a bit slow, even boring at times if you're not paying attention to all the little details, but it may beat Breaking Bad im terms of characterization and it consistently impressed me how it doesn't break the canon in any way. The two honestly compliment each other

Couldn't be more filtered

>I think it completely depends on your own opinion
Wow, you're really smart

well that's your opinion and none of my business

the show finally got good after 4 boring useless seasons. Jimmy changed his name to saul and started to do things like saul goodman from breaking bad instead of being a hypersympathetic down on his luck protagonist

since season 1 Ive been saying this show needs to be nacho and the cartel forcing saul into becoming more morally dubious through a combination of manipulation, threats and rewards

5 years

we're finally here bros

we finally get the show I wanted

gus realising hector still had his faculties by seeing him knock over a cup to perv on a thicc nurse was pretty kino

Maybe i should have said "it depends on what you're looking for" instead. If you want the drama and good characters, you're in for a good ride. But if you aren't ok with it being more of a slow burn with good payoff, you may just snore through it. Breaking Bad is pretty intense, and that's likely what got everyone and their mother invested in it. But the lack of that intensity in Better Call Saul, aside from a few key moments, caused this show to really fall under the radar in comparison. Some say BCS is better because Saul is more sympathetic. Some say it's better because of how it's directed, or how it ties into BB so perfectly. But many more criticize it for various reasons already stated in the thread.

Chicanery was pretty fucking kino, as well as the episodes leading up to that. You gotta admit that