What the fuck it's kino

What the fuck it's kino

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No shit

was great with original z team shit, super saiyan bs sucks later on

Bulma is my waifu. I have a pinup tattoo of her and I have a custom vid of someone dressed up as her.
Dragon Ball Bulma peak Bulma.


OG Dragon Ball is awesome. I didnt think I would like it more than DBZ

The Piccolo Saga is the best in the franchise by a noticable amount
Back when the show wasn't used to taking itself so seriously, things like the death of the eternal dragon is jaw dropping

Saiyan saga was the peak. Freiza saga is 2nd best. Cell saga is overrated. Buu saga is underrated.

Attached: saiyan saga.jpg (960x622, 130.69K)

old anime style
>chromatic aberration/grain
>eyes drawn large and simple

modern anime style
>lens flares everywhere
>eyes drawn small/heavily rendered
>upper eyelid is heavily emphasized

These are the technical elements but I don't know what it quantifiably is that gives the old stuff so much more soul

It's undeniable

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Kai might be. 90s anime was actually pretty good. It was hand drawn, mostly solely for the Japanese market, and it was all more bullshit.

Never watched after the Cell Saga tho. Tried to watch a few episodes of Super, it's a soleless cash grab. Worse than the movies.

Shut up idiot

Saipan saga for me is the final arc of OG dragon ball. Z starts at the freeza saga.

Gogeta fight with Broly is kino from the new stuff. Felt really heavy and intense. Hasn't been that immersive since the Saiyan saga.

>since the Saiyan saga.
Why do dragon ball fans have the worst takes possible

always has been

Find me one person who ever watched this show and thought it wasn’t great

Nah it was just the final nail in the coffin
Dbz has been creatively dead since gt

OG Dragon Ball is comfy as hell. It's got some boring filler parts like any long-running shonen, but mostly it's just a super fun adventure, and more people should give it a chance. Especially those who may have never gotten into or had any interest in DBZ.

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I agree user. I didn't bring up any OG dragon ball arcs because I figured no one on Yea Forums cares about them but I really love the 22nd budokai saga as well as the piccolo saga, I would rank them above freiza desu

It's great but Toriyama really is a huge cunt to his own characters.
>Gonna kill Goku and pass the mantle down to Gohan
>lol nvm, fuck Gohan
>Piccolo is having a tasteful character arc but Vegeta is quite popular
>let's just make Vegeta the new Piccolo even though it makes less sense since Vegeta is an actual mass murderer
>Yamcha is lame now, let's introduce a saiyan to be the group's new cool guy
>Yes, Tien trained with King Kai longer than Goku did, no he can't kaioken, and since Vegeta is the new Piccolo that makes Piccolo the new Tien... which makes Tien the new Yamcha. Let's just have every villain oneshot him.
>Oh Gohan? Nah let's just make a kid Goku clone
>Oh, the kid Goku clone? Let's just de-age Goku. An African child is now the strongest human btw.

Very very good, but as a Vegetafag the Namek saga was the best.

Seeing him scheme, fight, win, overcome and effectively outplay Freiza and all his henchmen was incredible. He started the saga with the same powerlevel as PuiPui, by the end of it he could take First Form Freiza by himself. That climb was unrivalled.

The Freiza saga is without a doubt the best arc in all of shonen.

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>reddit ball

They could still make a one off "what if" movie or mini series based off of Goku staying dead and Gohan becoming the new head after winning the cell games. They retconned GT mostly, so this this shouldn't be impossible.

Letting tien master the Kaioken would be a great way to let him keep up with main cast. Make him a "true master" of it or something where he doesn't feel it's negative effects until Kaioken 100,000 or something. Easily makes him relevant in Super

I've never seen DBZ, does an actually decent rip of the original version exist? By that I mean Japanese dub, no 16:9 cropping, no weird remastering with grain removed and 150% saturation, or anything like that.

>Good ideas? No. Vegeta in a tutu.

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DBfags should be completely up in arms over what Toei and Shueisha are doing to the series but because most of you were children the last time you really leaned into the series Super is somehow acceptable to these people

Ignoring the constant retcons
Ignoring the terrible animation and terrible art in the manga
Ignoring the garbage writing

It very barely fulfills ANYTHING good about DB.

The fights are somehow worse after 20 something years
The writing is worse after we've gone through a million periods of cliches
Toriyama doesn't even really write it
The tone of the humor and the seriousness are both very off
There is little emotional core
The movies aren't terrible but don't even come close to fucking One Piece movies
Moments of Tournament of Power and very select moments of the Zamasu shit had the only Dragon Ball feel in all of it

There was a time where I felt optimistic, I thought Battle of Gods was a nice entry into a further shit and had cool nods to the series. Upon rewatch I realized how it was not even a fluke, all the terrible shit that came after really should have been singled by that garbage film. I at least like Beerus and Whis, I can tell Toriyama tried with them.

Search for DragonBall Kai. It's the best way to watch the show, ignore whatever fucking autist cunt comes to complain about it.

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anime is garbage for arrested development autists

The fuck is Gohan wearing?

Frieza is the peak of Dragonball. Its the most iconic art for a reason.

it's what was left of the saiyaman suit during the Dabura fight

I actually really like the way dragon ball rotates out its cast

Yes. It's easy to find online

Have you even watched the Buu Saga?

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1st half of DBZ> Dragonball>2nd half of DBZ>Super>GT

Hi, taking a break from eating LEGOs to let you know you're wrong. Waiting 5 episodes for Goku to power up a laser beam is peak television entertainment.

No, when they collect the dragon balls for the first time is the best part. So much things happening in each episode and Goku being a fresh off the boat tard is hilarious as fuck.

>censored blood
>lame soundtrack
>rapid pacing preventing you from caring about the story
>shitty new voices for gohan and bulma
nah fuck kai. watch the original.

when do I stop watching!

Frieza saga was the natural conclusion of the series. Everything after completes retcons everything since Toriyama let his editor direct the show at that point

Yes. DBZ is the most popular anime in the world by far. Don't worry, there's many autistic fags who did the job.

If kid buu is on that promotional poster he should be Mystic Gohan, no 1/3 of the saiyaman outfit.

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This is one of those autists I was telling you about, he couldn't help himself:
Ignore him.

Mexico dub Dragon Ball Z >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Japanese>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USA version

If Majin Buu is on it, Dabura shouldn't be on it.
If Kid Buu is on it, Supreme Kai and Kibito shouldn't be on it.
If you haven't taken your meds today, you shouldn't be on the internet.

It's a stupid choice to use that version.

>censorship and shitty voice acting is something only autists care about!
grow up

>>"censorship" and "shitty voice acting" is something only autists care about!

Yes, actually. Precisely.

>grow up
Ironic af


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They only censored the nicktoons version you retard

I cross play as Bulma and let my bf fuck me while calling me a sissy

>same powelevel as Puipui
OK so we're supposed to believe that Kaioshin could defeat Freeza and the same Piccolo that beat up Imperfect Cell and fought #17 to a standstill when he was scared shitless of PuiPui???

why are you watching Kai lmao

because I like the first 2 sagas

Shit not PuiPui, meant Cui.

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Even so, considering Puipui and Kaioshin thought x10 gravity was impressive (a barrier Goku and Vegeta had already surpassed by Namek) how did that guy even register as a threat?

>I actually really like the way dragon ball rotates out its cast
I liked that about Dragon ball. It was cool how Goku's friends were out there in the world, inhabiting it. But the Saiyan/Frieza saga cast is kino and their replacements are grossly inferior.

Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta and Trunks just isn't a well-rounded squad. Vegeta is neutered from his original character, Goten/Goku are the same character at different ages, and Gohan isn't given much of an arc... there's very little diversity. It almost like Gohan/Goten/Trunks should've gone straight to some DBGT adventure where they make interesting friends but Goku/Vegeta were too popular.

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any opinions on the movie and gohan?

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You don't

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The 1 and 2 androids were built specifically to sacrifice to a new Cell. Mark my words

>OG Dragon Ball is awesome. I didnt think I would like it more than DBZ
Based. Only actual white people like Dragon Ball more than Z anyway.

Saiyan Saga > late Dragonball > early Namek > early Dragonball > the rest of DBZ

When the ground literally stops being a factor it makes the fights feel less ... grounded. The martial arts were also better when a single strike actually inflicted damage. I do really like some of the energy technique stuff, but only early on when techniques had names and weren't generic ki blast.