An office job can't be THAT bad, right?

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it's great.

5 mins of working a day. fuck about for the other 7 hours 55 mins.

how does the company generate money?

boomers were the most pampered generation in history had made up entire markets around whining about having jobs, homes, and families
they grew up stupid and squandered all wealth their parents and grandparentsade for them

I think it is for people who don't actually do anything as a job. Report came out recently that said most officer workers barely even work 5 hours a day sometimes even less. I imagine being stuck in a cubicle farm listening to your noisy retarded coworkers and staring at your screen bored out of your mind with nothing at all to show for your labors would drive someone a special kind of insane after 10 years. Especially when you realize you have another 30 to go.

It's not. I get to work from home right now and all I do is play games and watch TV all day and maybe write a word doc with some shit here and there for like 5 minute and send it to my boss or team or whatever. Shit is great. Plus I took off Fridays for like the next few months and man having 3 day weekends is the bomb.

honestly, it sounds like you're in a position to be replaced by ranjeet overseas

pretending to be busy at work all day is miserable

Nope. I'm in a great spot where they can't replace me because I'm the only one that knows how key systems run. Even my boss comes to ask me for advice.

I play halo 2 all day at work. And maybe do like two hours of work. It’s ok.

You know they can force you to train someone else right?

I train new hires all the time. Whatever helps you feel better about not having my sweet job bro.

>Got to frequently travel and stay in hotels at the expense of the company
>Boss was actually a chill guy

90% of people would kill for that job

Especially pre-smart phones
It all depends on the setup. At my old job I was in a corner where no one could see what I was doing and the Internet filters were relaxed so I could come here. Current job my desk is in the open so I have to refresh msn news a thousand times a day and play on my phone.

Not a fan of lazy jobs like yours user, I need to actually do stuff or I find another employer

I dont know, ive never had one

>hotels are always shitty
>visiting some tiny ass noname towns every time
>flying is absolutely terrible experience that can last days if you get fucked by airlines
>somehow lose luggage 20% of time from delta being amazingly incompetent
>no freedom, fly in to work then fly back home
Yea lots of fun

im studying to be an accountant, is this how the rest of my work life is going to be?

No you're likely going to be billing hours so you'll always have work to do like a lawyer or contractor
Also you can path upwards to executive positions depending on your credentials
Depends really on what you want. Lots of people are just happy going to work doing nothing all day so they never seek a different job.

Not my problem.

Hello, Wally from Dilbert

It is. I got lucky to be put on as a travel consultant so I only had to go like once a week. COVID made it easier.

What you realize when you start working is how fucking pointless most of this shit is. Most people get their jobs done in like two hours and spend the other 6 wanting to shoot themselves.

The trick is to not climb the corporate ladder. That's a meme. The trick to is to gain a knowledge set that no one else has and to fly under the radar in your lowly position and accumulating raises while never accepting promotions to managerial roles.

>I only do actual “work” about 3 hours a day, other 5 I spend on my phone or reading
>Start reading other user’s posts and realize they’re all doing essentially the exact same thing
How does society function, exactly? Are 90% of non-fast food wagies all fucking around and getting paid to jerk off? Whats happening

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the optimal strat is to get 2 wfh jobs, ideally entry level so its easy and they don't expect much

We let women who fell for the equality meme do all the work these days.

Sit tight and wait for the next wave of layoffs

>Are 90% of non-fast food wagies all fucking around and getting paid to jerk off?

You know theres more to the economy than burger flippers and pencil pushers

It's pretty soul sucking depending where you're at.
It's cush and nice money, but your mind just kills itself if you're just sitting there wasting your life with nothing to do.

Even working minimum wage bullshit is more fulfilling. At least I'm accomplishing "something" when I bring come korean BBQ to a table of fatasses. When in just sitting there going through forms clicking check boxes all day I just want to kill myself.

>work in a office cubicle
>simple data entry, taking information from photos of documents and typing it into a database
>do that for 2 hours
>other 6 hours spent playing video games and watching Youtube videos of how to build things
>get home and use information from videos to literally build my own house on a plot of land I bought using the money from the job

Its comfy as fuck. I do a couple hours of actual work and for the rest I learn things and enjoy myself. Bosses don't care, they do the same. As long as we meet our data quota we just chill. I guess some people can't stand being in their own head.

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help me find a job like that man
what's the best websites to look? linkedin is fucking ass

Depends. Mine is fucking amazing. I imagine that back in the 90's when the most important thing to people was "Not selling out, MAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" was of the utmost importance they were hell, but fuck them faggots. I put in 8 hours of moderately-at-most difficult work in an air conditioned office without any complaints. Beats the shit out of the retail/manual labor gigs I did for even less money.

Hospitals. Look for "patient access" work. A significant number of positions require no prior training, though working with the public helps a lot.

ty pal

His problem was he couldn't sleep, not the office job. That's why he went crazy.

This is true. And get paid obscene amounts for it.

My retail friends are so retarded for not going to uni.

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It depends on your coworkers. If they are cool, it's not too bad. If you're working with a bunch of unpleasant fucks, it's miserable.

>boomers really thought that a solid paying job where you do fuck all during the economic golden era of America was miserable
Am I looking at things wrong or is current year just 'that bad?'

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I guess both, this was back in an era where a college degree was more or less a golden ticket to upper middle class so I imagine ending up in a lowly cubicle was considered the worst case scenario. I guess if you expected to make insane amounts of money and ended up only "doing ok", it was considered a real failure.

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It's less about the job being bad and more that he feels there's something not quite right/missing in the world, hence why he takes the red pill.

I had a job like that. Literally just sit around all day until there's work which takes like 10 minutes. Coworkers are super friendly and pay was decent. Quit after 3months.

For the love of god, help me find an entry level office job. Fuck I'll even work in the mailroom if I have to.

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>get to my office
>open email containing pdf forms
>have to collect data from the forms, do some simple math, look for errors and inconsistencies and transfer all data to an excel document
>three hours later more forms waiting on my inbox
>outsourced some pajeet to automate that shit for me
>run the script and let it do all the work
>15 minutes later it's done
>spend rest of the day playing vidya and messing with my coworkers while waiting for more mails
>send the excel document to boss at the end of the day and go home

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It depends. If you're in a micromanaged dead-end ass hellhole then it's horrible. You get your work done in 3 productive hours and the rest you have to pretend you're doing something.

Work from Home with no monitoring? Absolute heaven, work for 3 hours and then do whatever the hell you want for the rest of the day.Get a workout in, read, videogames, learn new skills, hell even work another easy WFH job if you{re up for that.

only when your iq is 3 standard deviations from the norm, you have history of addiction, sexual abuse and family trauma, and your a political radical who wants to overthrow the establishment.

otherwise its peachy keen.

Its great. Everyday your lectured by people who are your intellectual inferior on your political opinions, scapegoated for other peoples problems, and live with the knowledge you could replace 9/10 of the people in the office with a batch script you wrote on the back of a cocktail napkin, but if you suggested it you would get fired.

>work 100% remote
>instead of having to "look busy" when there's no work to do I play video games, watch kino or jack off to young sluts on TikTok

What a life. I'm never going back to an office

offices are warehouses for people who have no skills. its basically an s&m dungeon for your soul, except your consent is not required.

the difference between cattle and office workers is that cattle gets to go outside.

>finish all my work for the week by Friday
>spend the first thirty minutes of my day updating and sending out spreadsheets
>spend the other 7.5 hours watching TV shows, playing SMT V, and shitposting on Yea Forums

WFH is a sweet gig bros

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>checking bags

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"society" doesn't need 8 hour constant manpower to run
a lawyer can settle a deal for 2 million dollars in 20min and he'll be done for a month or two on his firm
He'll do what you do, small shit to pass the time and let people know he is still alive

I think part of the movie's theme is that HE had a nice job, but all his followers were doing shitty service jobs and stuff.

disgusting and inefficient

t. german

>graduated right when pandemic started
>been working from home for 2 years
>still don't own any collard shirts, suits, or normal work attire
>work in sweatpants and old hoodies
>play video games for half the day cus there's nothing to do
>HR is making us come back into the office so they can have a reason to be on the payroll
fuck bros

In reality, when you work for a company, efficient is bad for you.
You get paid to do X job in Y amount of time.
If you do your job faster, like, insanely faster, like in 1/2 the time, you don't get to go home. You'll probably be assigned another task to do.
In an ideal word, you'll get paid extra for extra work.
On this world, on 90% of companies, you aren't paid by commission but by the hour, so you'll just be increasing your boss salary with your extra work.

>run gradle build
>40 mins of laptop nearly melting itself so I don't have to do anything

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you sound like a lazy mexican


Society is a meme. People never required 8 hours of work to live a daily life unless food was extremely scarce.