Serious question

why do women love Harry Potter, LOTR, and other fantasy shit?

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idk, its weird

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It's simple, dumbed-down "literature"

>Harry Potter
Women have an unhealthy obsession with high school well into their middle age. I don't know why, maybe some other user can pitch in.
Unironically the same reason men do. Traditional masculinity, simple uncomplicated morality, romance, and good winning out in the end. Or, in other words, its Comfy.

They love Harry Potter because it presents an idealized school experience, one they probably didn't have. A world where you are automatically sorted into a welcoming clique of likeminded people. Its a world where if you don't like the way something is you can simply wave a wand and make it better.

They don't like the idea of being just another faceless number passing through the machine.

>why do women love
not true at all, most women find it boring as fuck.
women loved GOT cause "muh stronger females" and LOTR barely has any girls in it, its a fucking sausage party

I want to reverse search that but I'm worried it might be some underage "model"

are you 12?

No. If I was I wouldn't be worried about it

Women and failed men appreciate Harry Potter for two distinct reasons:
1. Its aesthetics are reminiscent of peak white culture (therefore peak world culture), in that it is a boarding school setting therefore the kids must either have wealthy parents, or, in this case, some unique disposition (magical abilities) which sets them apart from "le other [girls / proles / muggles). The setting itself is absolutely peak white culture, in a cold rural setting within an ancient castle, whose professor speak in RP accents etc. Consider that both Emma Watson and (((Daniel Radcliffe))) were both privately educated at similar IRL schools, and therefore fit their respective roles perfectly (with state-schooled Rupert fitting his role as the Oliver-esque poorfag). It's life on easymode essentially, with no worries about money throughout ones childhood or adolescent, and a guaranteed job at the end. Balls, gowns, ancient portraits, all make for the upper class environment girls love because it affords them a sense of superiority and distinction from their peers (plus a choice of equally upper class guys).

2. The fighting in Harry Potter is not done by hands or traditional weaponry, something very unique in fiction. Even Star Wars has lightsabers and laser guns, both advanced versions of swords and rifles (masculine). Instead Hermione can use her nerdiness to battle her enemies (using her academic knowledge and bookishness) and even if she is forced into combat, it isn't as if she has to adopt the nu-feminist idea that "gurls are just as strong as boys hehe!" as seen in many modern movies where some "badass" dyke karate kills ten guys twice her size. Instead she can muster all her repressed energy (which is abundant in nerdy girls) and use it to create a force which shoots from her wand (which satisfies her penis envy) to overwhelm the inner force of her enemies.

It's the ideal low IQ female-friendly story.

most of them don't read anything but ya fantasy, its just like men bragging about reading american psycho or cormac mccarthy

I just looked up Hermione cosplay on DuckDuckGo and found the OP pic, it's from reddit I think.

fits into the YA section that women only read

It's not a gender thing.
I know women irl into LOTR and actually good fantasy, and only have a passing appreciation for Harry Potter.
I know men who really like Harry Potter.
Harry Potter isn't even that bad. It's pretty damn good. Doesn't hold a candle to stuff like His Dark Materials but I was devouring garbage far worse than it throughout my adolescence.

I think what's really bugging me is why women love this character so much, yet would think he's a creep irl.

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that just means you're a spineless fucking retard. Grow up. Nobody cares if you think underage girls are hot. Dumb faggot.

>Women have an unhealthy obsession with high school well into their middle age. I don't know why, maybe some other user can pitch in.
Post-wall women obsess over their pre-wall life

women LOVE simps that bend over backwards to worship them and do shit for them. Have you never seen the findom cunts in action? They love that retards exist who will shower them with undeserved affection, praise, and material wealth. They just also feel innately repulsed.

Same reason jews love the goyim. Sure, they think they're subhuman garbage that don't deserve to exist and should be massacred. But they also love how easy to manipulate retards are and how easy it is to fleece them for all their worth and to elevate their existence.

women are the jews of gender.

>Nobody cares if you think underage girls are hot
Whatever you say glownigger

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>obsessive beta who would literally do anything for you despite the fact you hooked up with the badboy athlete
Gee, I wonder what they see in him.

Girls Ive known to like lotr were borderline autistic, lotr isnt their thing.

Hes the classic imposing yet stoic man. He can shut people down with a stare. Their normal bulllshit wont work on him. Hes a mystery they need to solve.

oh, are you downloading legitimate CP? Get arrested and thrown into prison retard. But thinking underage girls are hot is normal fucking biology. You don't have to announce to the world you don't totally love post pubescent teenage girls to deflect away from that you utter shit for brains.

>women are the jews of gender
I thought women were the nigger of the world

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well they're lots of things, but I would say niggers are the niggers of the world

>You don't have to announce to the world you don't totally love post pubescent teenage girls to deflect away from that you utter shit for brains.
Still fishing huh, glowie?

/pol/ is leaking again

>love LotR
I have never seen a single woman interested in the Lord of the Rings.

maybe just don't post cringe next time

they unironically are and not in the way he and yoko meant it

>post cringe
>glownigger is /pol/

I hate you zoomers so fucking much.

>why women love this character so much,
Says, who? I don't think that's the case

pic related btw, and no you can't save my meme. It's not allowed and I'll backtrace you with my CIA connections.

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Being a schizo is yes

They love kids books, that's all. Same reason they believe in horoscopes and fuck niggers, they are dumb. It's a man's job to beat some sense into those airheads.

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>doesn't know the origin on glowniggers and thinks it's pol because it has niggers in it
You're so pathetic zoomie

nice looking black baby incubator you posted here. is this the new model? hear they can take gallons of superior bbc seed

Would you guys date a hufflepuff girl?

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You nailed it user, here's a (you)

Who ever said anything about the origin of the term? I know where it comes from but it's exclusively /pol/ that screeches about imaginary glowies lately.


Really? That’s a pretty common female interest.


>Women have an unhealthy obsession with high school well into their middle age
I would say Americans in general. High school is usually the only time in their lives they feel exceptional because their school population is so small. But as American society is so obsessed with exceptionalism, they dearly hang onto that only time they felt it as they became average adults like everyone else.

Women like Harry Potter because Harry is a very relatable character to them. He solves all of his problems through his social status and making emotional decisions, which is something women do irl constantly. Harry's personality is exactly that of a typical millenial female. It's almost funny

it's pasta

>America's Dumbledore
did jack shit and had teenagers do everything for him?

Females are naturally homemakers and in principle deal solely with child rearing. Home-making implies security and comfort provided by the husband, and comfort is something that Harry Potter has plenty of, namely in the Hogwarts school. Comfort in good strong relationships with friends, classmates and teachers, father figures and so on. HP probably gives the feeling of 'snug' comfort, where there are people who are taking care of the MC and providing a level of security. I wonder if that is the connection, it could be something else but it rings true to me.

Boys probably like HP just the same in teenage years but as they grow, the masculine ideal of the honorable gang who answer to call of dragon slaying takes its shape a lot more in something like LOTR.

HP books feature a relatively large stable group of people - a stable society - that women are more oriented towards, because it mirrors the desired stable family(even extended family) life whereas LoTR features a small number of tight-knit relationships who are out facing mortal dangers, isolated, out in the open and that mirrors a hunting group or a squad (even though I don't want to reduce it to that level) of people who are each ideal in their own way. You can't compare HP and LOTR but for the women that adore the former and for the men who love the latter, I'm sure that answers a large part of the question 'why'.

In lotr you have literal divine masculine King Archetypes, that's hard to beat.

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>why do women love Harry Potter, LOTR, and other fantasy shit?
Many of them despize it. Thinking it is a white supremacist fantasy

Date a girl? Like, a biological female? What kind of degeneracy is this?

>Would you guys date a hufflepuff girl?
Sorry, I am only into being femdom'd by Ravenclaws

Good Lord the fucking cope, Harry Potter and LOTR are literally the same shit, popular mainstream fantasy franchises and attract the same kind of public

This probably explains why I enjoyed HP as a youngin and excitedly read the last book when it came out, but now I don't give a shit about it at all.

>You can't compare HP and LOTR
you can, stop reading fantasy shit and grow up

comfy is just a codeword for boring

sounds like an anime

>popular mainstream fantasy franchises and attract the same kind of public
Just because something is popular and mainstream doesn't mean it's good, but in LOTR's case it got popular and mainstream because it was good. I don't know if you are thinking of capeshit, but if you are, you're reducing a franchise to popularity and associating it with its audience: popcorn stuffing, butter drinking, crying at trailers, iron man applauding crowds. The archetypes of the avengers franchise are unholy and literally luciferian, whereas there's divinity in lotr. You couldn't be more wrong.

>very good very good republican voters

Harry Potter is fucking terrible man. Read The Face in the Frost.

that was written by two men

I honestly feel like 99% of Snape love is entirely because of Alan Rickman. The man oozes charisma.

It really is, he was also great in Sense and Sensibility