
Acoochiemoya never dies edition.


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Acoochiemoya is poop

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starting to approach warp speed

any treks for this feeeeeeeeeeel

Sweet home --- Chicago.

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Is there a worse city in America?

As opposed to what you post. Fuck off.



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kys tranny

I feel like good things are happening in this thread.
The power of acoochiemoya will heal some of the faggery and shit threads of the last few days.

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In Trek news, the Trek related announcements from Mission Chicago have started. First up, there's a new Star Trek: Prodigy game. Available on both VHS and CD-ROM.

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I'm cis you fucking retard.

we've seen the pics

Things could even turn into a neelix thread.

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He said cities

I like Atlanta


Our condolences. At least you have a nice personali—
... Hm. Our SINCEREST condolences.


Neelix had his share of kino episodes.

>Available on both VHS and CD-ROM.

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So cute!

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Someone shitposted it like three threads ago but I really want to watch tos on VHS on a projection tv now.

kys grampa

let him dream dick


I fucking hate chacoktay so much

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Jacking off to cartoons all day makes you hateful user.

no, I am only against worthless format fetish

I swear if I have to watch another episode of Voyager with this shit....

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I think it would be cool to partake in viewing some old trek collection.
I only collect kino on 4k blu ray.

Those episodes of voyager are looking pretty damn good right now.

That is pretty cute.

This is a tranny.

> Charging $10 plus tax plus tip to email a jpg.

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>I'm cis
Tranny detected, only a tranny would say "cis". The rest of us just call ourselves normal.

well fuck i guess i'm here now. thought i made it out.

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Just got this in the mail.

Now I already know what you're all thinking and yes, I'll be posting this alongside the Defiant in just a second so hold your horses.

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I mean, at least you're not a newfag so there's that, but you should understand you are and will forever be a tranny here.

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put it on some girl's boobs and take a pic of that

Star Trek Crew Members Ranked
3-Jean Luc Picard
12-7 of 9
19-The Doctor
22-Tom Paris
25-Harry Kim

nobody asked, euthanize yourself

>no pet hair
why do you hate small furry bundles of love so much

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Is this from STO? Looks like ass.

I got banned from 2 other boards so I'm here and interjecting myself to threads to make friends.

what does CIS mean? You're a computer information science major?

nobody wants to be friends with a listfag, retard
post something funny or fuck off being autistic here is boring

so very shit>blanna @ 11
>harry kim present
>no neelix
tuvok's correct though

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Well hello friend.
I just can't take that list seriously though when Tuvok is in 6th place.

Star Treks Ranked
1. Treks I like
2. Treks you like

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My pet died this week, I'm pretty sad.

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1 - A character in Deep Space Nine
2 - The TNG episode "The Neutral Zone" was supposedly about the Federation-Cardassians War. The two most prominent Cardassian characters are gay: Major Kira and Gul Dukat.
3 - The gay/bi character Rasa.
4 - An unnamed male character in Star Trek: The Next Generation
5 - An unnamed male character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
6 - A male nurse in the DS9 episode "The Nagus"
7 - The DS9 episode "Statistical Probabilities" is about homosexual relations. Quark and Rom are gay lovers. Quark is also in a relationship with Odo.
8 - Captain Sisko is openly gay. He says so in the DS9 episode "Paradise Lost".
9 - Q, in the DS9 episode "Armageddon Game".
10 - Nog, an Enterprise security officer in the TNG episode "The Naked Now".
11 - A gay Starfleet officer is a recurring joke in the franchise.
12 - A gay Klingon in the TOS episode "Amok Time".
13 - Kirk falls for a lady Klingon who goes back to her people with him. Spock falls for a lady Vulcan who goes back to her people with him. McCoy and Uhura fell for each other and Uhura fell for Sulu and Scotty fell for Dr. Leonard McCoy. Scotty and Sulu were later married.
14 - Kirk and Spock once kissed. The two kissed to help cheer up sick Spock.
15 - An Earth woman on the Enterprise falls in love with a girl who looks like her and who has Vulcan DNA, so she's Spock.
16 - A gay Starfleet officer, later revealed to be Kirk's twin brother, falls in love with him and marries him, as seen in TMP. A third brother who is gay and is called Gary

It's not terrible for an STO kitbash.

Odo is Deep Space Nine station security and part of the Bajoran militia, not Starfleet crew.

>VF and BF come back
>some aspie starts dumping pasta lists from reddit
Why are you so triggered by Valley Forge and Bashirfaggot, /trek/?

Nobody cares.

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Should he be higher?

I love Vulcans because I'm rather emotionless and lack empathy and am very logic and the fact that he is black just makes him like a really cool Vulcan.

Wasn't sure if Neelix or Mjr Keera counted as well as Kes. I left Ferengi off the list as well but I guess Rom technically deserved a mention I'd put him at 25.

Also I hate trills so they are excluded.

TOS Scotty didn't have a mustache

List of Star Trek things that are shit:
1 - sonic latrine
2 - holograms
3 - tardises
4 - transporters
5 - tricorders
6 - the holodeck
7 - Vulcan mind melds
8 - the transporter room
9 - the starbases
10 - the planet's
11 - the wormhole
12 - the Romulan and Klingon War
13 - all the phaser effects
14 - Federation President
15 - the holodeck
16 - Voyager
17 - the 'mirror universe'
18 - the Federation and the Borg
19 - the Romulans and Klingons and Federation
20 - the Dominion and the Federation
21 - Picard and Worf
22 - Klingons and the Romulans
23 - Klingons and the Federation
24 - Star Fleet
25 - the Borg

It is a complicated relationship.

Odo was Sisko the entire time.

Tism Bait
1 - Bait
2 - More Bait

This is a thread of acoochiemoya and peace.

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>No Janeway

Glad to see the Doctor didn't make the list.

We need more strong balding bozo haircut characters on TV.

fuck this pagan shit
/trek/ is for christians only
and 1 based hindu

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God bless us all, Captain Christ

What about Pasha, the muslim?

Not a kitbash, early Defiant concept. I honestly think it looks better, more combative. Actual Defiant looks like a blob.

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Well, /trek/?

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