Got rid of all the fairy tale homos

>Got rid of all the fairy tale homos
>Honored his promise to shrek even though he didn't have to
>Saved princess Fiona
>But he's le bad guy because he's a little bit short
Shit movie

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He’s the bad guy because he’s Michael Eisner, the only Disney CEO more hated than him is Chapcuck.

A little bit short? That little nigga’s like 4 foot 3 the guys a fucking midget, his high is still really short to me

>Farquaad is Michael Eisner
This sounds kino as fuck, is there any substance to this theory?

Farqaad, more like Fartquad


we just had this thread you dumb nigger

Farquaad was a Jew. He put a bunch of refugees on Shrek's land then refused to remove them unless Shrek provided him with a form of compensation.

E, fellow zommers.

Everything old bad. Watch FOTM shows.

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>on Shrek's land
Only taxpayers can own property.

His whole city / castle was a bad disneyland ripoff.

Shrek didn't belong to Farquaad's kingdom

barely human

i kind of can't stand how zoomers lay any claim to shrek, the foundation of animation when this kino was release was absolutely shaken

one of my most memorable cinema experiences, to the Zs it had always been though

>early 90’s at Disney
>tensions between Jeffrey Katzenberg, Michael Eisner and Disney are escalating quickly
>Katzenberg is forced to resign and founds Dreamworks
>makes prince of Egypt since it was a project he wanted to make at Disney but wasn’t allowed to
>makes Antz just to fuck with Disney since he knew that Pixar was releasing their own ant movie
>makes Shrek as a fuck you to Disney and their fairy tale bullshit as a whole
>models his face and giant egotistical personality after Michael Eisner, then current president of Disney
>he’s the leader of a literal ‘Kingdom’ complete with a small world parody

based incomprehensible ESL

we may not understand the meaning, but his feelings ring loud and clear. post on, ESLanon!

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kek i'm really just bedridden with a flu and mildly retarded

Eisner is a tall guy, so they're probably mocking him for some other thing.

His higher likelihood of schizophrenic tendencies from having jewish genetics?

Hollywood is always tryna keep a short king down

>>shit movie

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Shrek 1&2 remain some of my favourite animated movies ever made. Shrek 2 specifically is the best sequel ever made in the history of cinema just in terms of fulfilling the duties of a sequel.
>That remix of I Need A Hero

It’s cause they know all the greatest men in history have been short. Being short is linked to wisdom because your ancestors relied on intelligence instead of physicality to survive

>But he's le bad guy because he's a little bit short
Yes he is. Problem?

No, all the spergs who chimped out so hard they destroyed nations were manlets

That must be why the average height in Africa is shorter than in Europe, because they're all a bunch of short king geniuses. Every one of them is Good Will Smith right?
Height has to do with early child development specifically related to nutrition

Height in america is shorter than europe due to mexicans and other immigration. Mexicans are all like 5'2". They barely look human from their physical features either.

>praising Shrek 2 this much
you're a mindless pleb. It isn't a great film. Poorly thought out storyline

I hate being a manlet. Only one more inch and I'd be six feet tall.

>poorly thought out story line
I disagree

it's full of plot holes and overall stupid writing

I wish I was short. But I want an amazon

you gotta admit Antz and original Shrek are good films. Very refreshing at the time

I disagree

oh god who fucking gives a shit. stop hating people for being born 5 years later than you were

Shrek 2 is a shit movie

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>t. Five years younger than me

Shrek himself was not a citizen but the swamp was near farquads villages so it was probably within the borders of it


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Man I'm glad I'm not them

This Yea Forumsfag meme is so tiring. Shrek 2 is amazing you fucking retard, you will never convince the world otherwise


2 yikes

why are you linking some furfags twitter? do you know how much you’ve harmed me by remind me that these people exist?

it is awful. A neverending series of pop culture references and sophomoric humor mixed with a contrived romcom story where nobody seems to act rationally or communicate properly

>nooo you cant just enjoy yourself and have fun stop it and be miserable like me

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Go to a chiropractor and gain that last inch. You grew so far, you can’t turn back now

pretty sure he was hating them for laying a claim they weren't entitled to, not being young

>nobody seems to act rationally or communicate properly
You've clearly never known a woman

So then put up a better fight to get your land back.

Will that actually work? Can a chiropractor really do that

my eyes are rolling so hard right now

Because its weird and this is Yea Forums.

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It's too fun to do

Tits or gtfo

I would gladly pop your eyeballs out and skullfuck you virgin

I mean yeah, it's pretty much open knowledge at this point. This isn't some reddit-tier conspiracy either. The references are blatant.

Fiona is a bad character in 2. She has no agency and no role


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I remember being very young when I went to see Shrek 2 in theaters and the "I Need a Hero" sequence still blew me away. It's a 10/10 animated kids film.

Yea Forums always hated furries, cope up a storm about it

Short Circuit 2 already did "I Need a Hero plays in the climax" thing years before Shrek 2

Sure, personally I gained about 3/4ths of an inch from going to one every week for a couple months. I has rounded shoulder and anterior pelvic tilt from sitting in a chair so much. If your spine has any sort of unnatural curve you’re losing a significant amount of height tho

Who cares? It's called "Shrek 2" not "Shrek and Fiona".

Not only that but Antz was better than Bugs Life and Shrek was leagues better than both Atlantis Lost Empire (the theatrical Disney animated movie of 2001) and Monsters Inc.(Pixar’s 2001 movie)

had* shoulders*

This actually looks pretty kino. I've never seen Short Circuit but this sequence looks full of soul holy shit

Its weird and funny, that doesn't mean I'm endorsing it or wanking off to it.

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>She has no agency
Isnt that the point? Her sheltered life led her to become this way. All she has ever known is that she wants a storybook ending with prince charming . Its satisfying to see her break free and choose the man she really loves rather than the one she was told she should love.

John Lithgow was perfect for this role.

No one hates short kings more than right wing pol assholes
Remember that

The spine is in line just fine when it comes to mine

Monsters Inc. is pretty good though..
I think Pixar's real masterpiece was The Incredibles. They will never top it.

Wow edgy

What about women?

where do you think you are zoomer

Well no shit, shes a woman

Short circuit was kino, especially for 5 year old robotics autism obsessed me.

I think Wall-E comes pretty close but I would generally agree with The Incredibles.

Pacific Data Images was a great studio when Dreamworks only had a 40% stake on them as opposed to fully owning them. Antz and Shrek were the only films they made during that
40% era. Dreamworks fully bought PDI in february 2000, as production on Shrek was wrapping up

I forgot I'm in the edgy zone. Skull fuck me daddy

Your nutsack seems itchy, let my scratch it for you *After 1 second of scratching I grab yours nuts as hard I can and begin crushing them and yanking to tear your nuts off your body*


I purposely shit on real life women if they say they'd never date a short guy or anything disparaging. Women all have that in their head. I'm 6'6" and have never treated men differently for their height. Weight on the other hand, fats shouldn't even have the right to vote.


the writers did a poor job exploring her psychology or how she feels about finally reuniting with her parents or coming back to her kingdom. She never says something like "you don't know how much i missed you back in the tower". Matter of fact, she doesn't have as much dialogue as she should, due to staying the whole film in her parents' castle while we follow Shrek and company outside

johnny 5 killing those black bastards after they smashed him up was pure kino

>Yea Forums is le heckin' edgy and hardcore
Welcome, tourist.

Bob Iger was also pretty bad

I agree with Satan here

November 2000. The first Shrek trailer. It was included in Chicken Run's home video release