Was this really necessary?

Was this really necessary?

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No, and moreover it marked the exact point star wars shifted into reverse and began hurtling towards the consoomer shitheap it is today. Focus groups have dictated decision making ever since. We should have seen it coming desu

Kennedy might be a braindead hack, but Filoni is still an OC obsessed wolffag who contributed heavily to the decline of star wars

No, and anybody that tells you otherwise is a zoomer or a Twitter faggot.
All it did, aside from being blatantly childish and destroy continuity, was open the doors for feminists to infest the fandom.
TCW was the start of the current state of Star Wars and George can suck a cock for it.

Yes, it made prequels more bearable and exciting, and more interesting plots were explored and flashed out.

Clone Wars multimedia project already did that.

The prequels were fine, you got filtered.

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>Clone Wars multimedia
No one really cares, while show was popular and still gets new viewers

Are you one of those fags that thinks that billboard top 40 songs are the absolute pinnacle of music because those songs have the most morons leaving them on loop? Such a bad take I wonder if this is bait

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No. Ahsoka and Maul are the most annoying third wheel fucking characters ever.

Popular doesn't mean it's good, kiddo.
TCW is to Star Wars what the MCU is to superhero movies.

Watching through it right now, no, it really was not necessary. When Filoni isn't retreading ideas Lucas already thought of he's introducing dumb lore breaking shit or stealing some EU character to turn them into a joke

Filoni Wars is fan fiction so it’s not important to watch

not to mention ahsoka is extremely obviously Dave's waifu 4 laifu. There were never any stakes because he would (and still won't) let anything happen to his precious OC. Terrible characteristic for a storyteller to have

They could have just adapted the Jedi Apprentice or Jedi Quest book series if they wanted a prequel show with a padawan character

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>unfunny, unoriginal wannabe elitists
seethe, clone wars is decent show with many great qualities and no amount of sperging will change that.

The only seething being done here is by you because not everyone likes your 3D toddler show.
You niggers should have been gatekept harder.

Hold up, is that young Anakin piloting Neva Kee's podracer I see?

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Imagine if they made a show about Anakin and Obi-Wans's adventures between Ep I-III. Would give way more emotional impact to the climax of episode iii instead of the fanwank marketing ploy we got that ultimately has little to no bearing on the main trilogy experience. A shame, really

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I don't care about casuals.

rent free


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Like clockwork.

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That's exactly what TCW should have been, yet they insisted on shoving orange buttcheeks in as a third wheel and it completely derails their chemistry.

>thinking he has original opinions, above anyone elses
You sleep safe now

>Thinking what you think matters
I think I will.

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Agreed. They swapped out Anakin's development (THE important character) for a totally new and automatically irrelevant plot contrivance which was a retcon from the jump in a desperate attempt to expand a toy marketing audience. People rail on Ewoks and shit for being in there for toys only, but TCW was pretty mask-off and set the tone going forward.
We will never again get an emotionally authentic and even slightly mature piece of SW media again (no Rian, babby's first deconstructionism does NOT count, especially when a main sequence film is trying to deconstruct itself for the sole purpose of being subversive)
>RIP Star Wars 1977-2008

>thinking at all

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You type very much like a tranny.
Filonitards not sending their best, as expected.

>no animated series between episode one and two with Anakin and Obi-wan developing their bond and having crazy adventures while having small teases to the start of the Separatist movement
Wasted potential.

now that you point it out, youre 100% right
go back to Yea Forums and let the adults converse in peace

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Well said. I wish things didn't have to be this way.

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>no spinoff arc that dives into General Grievous' backstory and his justified hatred for the Republic, setting up the "heroes on both sides."

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At least I know a few you you fuckers understand the lost potential and can reminisce. The few SW fans I know irl gobble up the new stuff without complaint, which is fine if they are having fun I guess, but man I wish the franchise got some balls again and would dare to strive for greatness in a positive way rather than self destructing like a brick thrown into a washing machine. Resting on the laurels of the past and milking nostalgia will only produce shades of what once was, and that seems to be what SW is happy to settle for under the management of the mouse

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>cant resist not mentioning trannies
youre not even 20 fag.

I've been on this site since before TCW was a show (not a point of pride, mind you), but keep telling yourself that. I must have struck a nerve.

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>his new backstory is that he's an insecure larper who willingly turned himself into a machine to be a better warrior

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Worst timeline ever

I absolutely hate what they did to my boy. He's the perfect embodiment of what Star Wars used to be and what it became.

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TCW is kino
starts out rough but only gets better as the seasons progress

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TCW is not kino as a whole, but it does have some kino parts, few and far between.

What continuity?

Orange butt cheeks?

Continuity with the OT, PT and other parts of the EU, especially the CWMMP.

Such as?

Here you go.

Not him but jesus christ that's a lot of contradictions.

Yes it salvaged the prequels

TCW ruined the franchise

Correct if you're a midwit.

Episode 3 unironically works better as a Clone Wars series finale than it does a sequel to eps I and II

It enhances the revenge of the sith movie and make it everyones favorite.

The Mandalore stories are pure kino.

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Is anything other than food, water and oxygen necessary? Clone Wars 3D was a kino show, deal with it.

The filonifags have arrived, let's see how this plays out.

You're right, I always love the prequel trilogy movies no matter what.

Yes. The story of the prequels would've been more fleshed out if it was tetralogy instead of a trilogy but Lucas locked himself into that six film framework and wanted to begin the story when Anakin was still a child. The Clone War; the event the trilogy is centered around, was underexposed as a result. There are also a bunch of deleted scenes in episodes 2 and 3 that should've stayed in, mostly to do with Padme like when they meet her family on Naboo and then the rebellion subplot with the senate.

You could've easily split Revenge of the Sith into two films. The first half is more Clone Wars-esque, Anakin becomes more of a war hero and we see him become the legendary star pilot etc. Then the second half is more or less the episode 3 that we got but now we have a lot more context and we care more about the clones and Anakin's descent is more palpable. I get that Lucas wanted to tell the story his way and wasn't interested in fan service as much. A Revenge of the Sith that's more Vader hunting Jedi with the clones would be cool but it's not really necessary. Fleshing out the Clone Wars clearly was necessary to Lucas though or he wouldn't have funnelled millions into making a show about it..

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This, especially about the feminists.

>and wanted to begin the story when Anakin was still a child
For some reason unknown to the rest of us, because the parts of the film relevant to Vader as a character can be summed up in like a sentence. Frankly speaking the desert farmboy stuff shouldn't have occupied an entire movie, like for example the original Star Wars film where it did not occupy the entire movie.

I think part of it stems from Lucas' desire as a filmmaker to create the Star Wars movie he couldn't back in the 70s. The early drafts of what later became A New Hope share a lot of similarities with Phantom Menace. So I think it's less in service of the plot and more about him wanting to do a version of his original movie now that "the VFX had caught up to his imagination" as he put it.

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fuck are you talking about? that's what tcw is.

Interesting to see that they're suddenly making merchandise for TCW again.

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