HALO e3 discussion thread

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Cortana was hot so I will keep watching

Stop being in a denial user, you are now just trying to fish for a reason to keep watching.

I'm a simple man. All I need is Cortana's ass

>introducing grunts after elites
More proof the show runners are actual morons.

I have a only passing familiarity with Halo but was that how it was in CE? Covenant board ship and it's waves of these waddling manlets to make the player feel like an enpowered Chad swatting flies before a Chad 7'5 Elite sprints out the smoke and charging towards you?

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the little rainbow color hobbit is the first boss you see yeah

They'd keep the Forerunners = Ancient Humans angle but only so they can have Forerunners show up and exclusively be blacks.

Yes the first enemies you encounter are grunts. They die easily. Then you encounter elites who are much tougher. But in the show the first enemy is elites and master chief takes them down super easily. So introducing grunts after that is just really bad amateur storytelling from retards who never should have been given jobs in this industry. The sooner they're banned from Hollywood the better for everyone.


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Watching it now, everybody is ether a jew, a mutt, black or asian.
Where the fuck are the white people?
How the fuck there are so many jews in the main and side cast.

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The white people are evil and a new interracial (only bmwf because they hate diversity) couple is introduced every episode.

Prophets have been shown already too. The Prophets, already. Halo 2 is so kino partially for expanding everyone's knowledge of Covenant and Flood. They are blowing their HIV-infested load.

Top middle looks like a clone of Katee Sackhoff that's already begin to biologically degrade.

I don't get it, why isn't she blonde?

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Blonde people bad. Brown people good.

Master Chief actor has such a stupid face. I know he's tall but seeing his actual face, nothing about it screams extreme intelligence, cunning, altertness, etc. Were he shorter and skinnier, he'd totally look like some dumb human private who's in his foxhole getting wrecked by Covenant ground forces only to be saved at the last minute by MC and he's staring at him taking the Covenant soldiers to town in awe or something.


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>Watching it now, everybody is ether a jew, a mutt, black or asian.
>Where the fuck are the white people?
>How the fuck there are so many jews in the main and side cast.
i think only two actors are euro but that's because i don't know who's playing that character. cortana and halsey. the rest are basically mutts central

Why are you still watching this crap?

isn't cortana CGI?

I hate watch it with friends we pirate it and laugh at it we do the same with picard

i think the cgi is modeled after the cortana voice actor of the game. pretty funneh seeing the skintight suit on her tho

>smart AIs are created from human brains
>halsey clones herself in order to make a copy of her famously brilliant brain
>clone's brain is the same as hers despite just being "born"
>qualities of a brain are entirely genetic
transisters, i think the showrunners might be chuds

Ye, he looks "stupid", its the mix of the permanently confused look on his face and his giants jew potato nose.
The camera work is a huge problem with all those fucking close ups, what the fuck.

Have they even addressed why Johnson is gone? Not that they wouldn't spin it as a positive either way.

Johnson isn't in it? He's gone because he reinforced harmful black stereotypes, and that's a GOOD THING. Johnson IS in it? Here's a list of Johnson's funniest lines from last episode, and it's EVERYTHING.

What was the point of this scene?

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diversity propaganda

The actress was so visibly uncomfortable it was funny to watch.

lmao true true

Freaking sweet Cortana

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Some people simply have those faces. I wouldn't even like it from someone 'you're suppose to underestimate him!' angle - I want the guy to look sharp. I rewatched LA Confidential the other day and the actors all sold their characters as intelligent people. The way Pearce or Spacy would look when reading, thinking quietly, etc. exuded sharpness.

I've never been a fan of any E3 Halo announcements. For me, it's Halo 3's Superbowl XLI commercial.

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to highlight that every single couple in the future is bmwf but white people still exist implying they are being created in labs therefore proving the existence of yakub

I wish Final Fantasy Strangers of Paradise and Squaresoft took a Superbowl AD. That game wouldn't be dying now then

How would you do a Halo series? Like would you start off adapting John's childhood in the Spartan program before shifting more away to the start of the war before rounding back to adapting CE evolved for then the rest of the games?

What woudl you change and add in (a kino tv show is fertile ground to add in cool shut Bungie had to cut)

Oh, and also... FORERUNNERS = ANCIENT HUMANS. None of this ancient human vs. Forerunners and mantle of responsibility shit

Fucking hell still gives me goosebumps. That screeching bomb sound to Steve Downes voice.

Why the fuck do they keep cutting to her every 5 minutes?
Hes "story" has nothing to do with the main plot, she wastes every second she is on screen making this already mediocre show even worse.

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You'd have it with Master Chief being in his prime. Characters could mention the Spartans being taken as kids etc but never actually shown, not atleast in the first season. That's it. It's fucking simple. People want to see this "machine" looking guy who you never see out the armour or helmet amongst regular people fighting hordes of aliens.

Lol so not only is there blacked shit in this there's also sexualising kids so pedos can wank off to this child lusting after another.

I hope this ends up being the show where they realize they are going overboard with diversity and trying to piss people off. This money they keep losing comes from somewhere, I know it's hollywood accounting but there are still investors somewhere losing off of this and it can't go on forever

Because even in a Halo show the main character has to be a woman

Yes, keep essence of what he is when in his prime. Always masked, laconic, etc. But the childhood stuff could be alright, like when he wrecks the ODSTs when 14. It doesn't necessarily have to be framed from his POV but instead Halsey's if she's reflecting on shit as Reach is falling. John factors into those flashbacks rather than being the central POV.

Only 2 of those (the guys) are jewish noses.

I have heavy bass headphones on and Steve Downes voice fucking rules. They were retarded not just to have a stunt guy in a suit. Which a stunt guy would have fucking loved

I think it'd have to be further down the line and maybe have a scene where pqrt
of Master Chiefs visor or something gets shot and it shows he has "human eye", maybe laying on the ground, zooms in then flashes back to young Chief.

She's the loser liberal writer self insert who is more important than the main white character because the writer is a loser and insecure. The audience hates her and finds her boring as people do in real life too.

Halo ODST's audio logs prove a compelling human story can exist in Halo without Chief being center stage. As long as you capture the fundamentals of what makes Halo so engaging like the sense of awe and mystery then the rest should be cinch.

>fundamentals of halo
Dropped. This is a TV show made by incompetent but arrogant retards.

>doesn't know the Halsey actress
Get the fuck off this board right now.

Get out of my thread bitch

>introduce hunters
>don't do anything they've ever done in the game
i hate this fucking show so much

Kino if true


why are you such a fucking liar?
>hate watch
The new buzzword to cope that you still pay and watch this show and support it

yup. dosent matter what way you watch it. your money is all they care about.

Did you miss where I said pirate?
Now start your backpedaling cope Olympics where you claim me pirating it makes them money still you stupid faggot

Based ESL!


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to trigger incels like you