Based or cringe?
Based or cringe?
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The only thing that is cringe is giving a fuck. At first he didn't, then he did. Based then cringe. Simple.
Based. I saw his movie early this week, on Monday. It's fucking awesome. Fantastic camerawork.
both of those things are equally insane
Does he care enough to donate money to the cause at least?
Russia slapped Ukraine first.
I bet Michael Bay enjoys babies in Ukraine getting blown up though
Look at this and tell me what is happening in Ukraine is anything short of barbaric.
Isn't it funny how everytime Hollywood does something embarrassing the actors are all "STOP LOOKING AT US THEIR ARE CHILDREN DYING CARE ABOUT THEM!"
Bay is always cringe
always thinking about explosions and babies.
how was jake gylly in it?
Is he mad because he's not filming the explosions?
>while you guys are having a drama orgasm over celeb shit, I'm thinking about the poor refugees in Ukraine
>Kneel before my morals and virtue
>too busy looking at babies explore to care about some nog
based bay
It's cringe because it's coming from Michael Bay
Nothing is gayer than a person that pretends to care about some issue despite not doing anything about it
>Guys this is important, we need to do something about it!!!
>*does fucking nothing*
>children in Donetsk and Lunhansk being killed by by Ukrainian army for the last 8 years
>Russia invades
I hate these western retards.
>Nobody cares
the US slapped russia before that
Why would I care about babies getting blown up in Ukraine when I don't have a GF?
When? Russia slaps everyone. No one ever slaps them.
>Is he mad because he's not filming the explosions?
the children JUST started dying, have some heckin respecterino ffs. gods!
Weird how nobody mentions all the innocent Palestinians that the Israeli army blows up
Real entertaining, he doesn't half ass it. You'll like him for sure.
russia is a poor shithole with only relevance the western media gives it. will smith even slaps harder
I think he meant babes
Only cringe because it's not Micheal Bay Explosions
>Bay was raised Jewish.[9][10][11] His grandfather was from Russia.[12]
None of these people cared about Ukrainians a year ago, they don't care about children being sold into sex slavery.
Michael Bay wants to be there filming those explosions.
even weirder coming from the party of abortion
Palestinians are ugly sandniggers, ukrainians are hot blonde girls
didn't hear a peep while Ukraine was blowing up Russian babies in the Donbas for 87 years tho
>le edgy nihilism no feelings based
Enjoy being 14, it only happens once
Fellow Coincidence Detector user
Yes he shouldn't care about subpar publicity stunts.
Michael Bay really only cares about explosions
I'm a 31 year old and I don't give a shit about the slap or Ukraine and I do want you to kys.
Babies get blown up well enough without Bay's money
He doesn't care about the children, hes mad the russians are blowing shit up more than he does in his movies
Sounds like something a 14 year old would say
Ukraine does have a lot of babes
Enjoy being 14, it only happens once
So that makes it okay to assault someone on live TV and get away with it. Reminder this is the man who didn't have Scarlett Johannson have a topless scene in The Island. When she wanted to do it.
What is it with this guy and blowing things up?
not a big fan of shaky cam but you know Bay is seething at this Russian Cinema Verite kino
So why aren't you sending money over to Ukraimeme Mr Bay.
That's exactly what he meant. We all know how Bay prefers explosions over slaps.
>embarrassing Hollywood scumbag telling people they shouldn't look at Hollywood being embarrassing scumbags
Ukraine is a shithole filled with the worst kinds of people.
>unarmed civilians
Don't make me laugh.
apparently i've been 14 for 17 years, so it doesn't only happen once.
That's such a strange thing to say, man. Who talks like that, who says these things?
Half based. He shouldn't care about Will Smith slap while Ukraine is committing war crimes. Shooting and torturing prisoners and sending videos of it to their wives and mothers.
what the fuck can he realistically do besides maybe donating money to some charity that will probably use of 80% of your donation to pay its board members? and he may of already done that anyway for all you know.
Nice try soviet kike, next you're going to claim the holodomor never happened, yeah?
Hello Chaim, is that cubicle in the ADL cozy enough for you?
It unironically didn't. Russians are the least genocidal people in the history of this green earth