Is there a reason why the 40k universe hasn't made it to the silver screen yet?

Is there a reason why the 40k universe hasn't made it to the silver screen yet?

Shit KINO as fuck.

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Hard to adapt the power of a space marine with live action. Story all over the place too, where do you jump in? That bring said, the Eisenhorn Omnibus would be a good entry point IMO.

its a risky investment and it would take focus and vision to condense a real story from a cool setting that is actually incredibly 1 dimensional

Actors would look ridiculus in space marine armor on film. Tiny heads on BIG armors

Gw is tight with their IP and honestly seeing as whats happened to halo, star wars, and so many other franchises I cant tell if thats a bad thing anymore

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>Shit KINO as fuck
> t. Been playing since 1993

I don't know if I'd call it tight, seeing as what they allow some of their writers to do. More like they just prefer to only have their own diarrhea in the bowl.

>KINO as fuck.
is it? i watched a video explaining the lore once and it sounds pants on head retarded

Because it would only realistically be possible if it was animated and hollywood doesn't make adult animations

the writing in 40k isnt any good and power levels are incredibly inconsistent

Because it would be adapted by a studio who don't give a shit about the series, who bring in writers who don't know or like it, who will completely and utterly butcher everything we like about it.
>It's too dark
>we need female space marines
>human in the tyranids
>emperor was a woman

because it's the most 13 year old tryhard edgy setting to ever exist and literally only manchildren and autists like it

Shits nerdier than star trek or lord of rings, aint nobody gonna pay to watch your autist turbo virgin shit.

Go back to watching disneyshit plebs

its too right wing
>there are enemies that hate each other not because of ideology but because of race
>hedonism led to the creation of a chaos god and the almost total destruction of a race
>worker union is actually led by aliens that forcibly impregnate humans creating horrific mutts while destroying society from the inside so that their hive ship has an easier time conquering the planet
>setting is missing any kind of sexual shit, space marines are sterile
>huge attention is given to tank, weapon, armor types with different marks and battles that are written like real life historical events
its the antithesis to the onions filled netflix shows

Thats probably more accurate but at the same time it makes it easier for them to retcon and its usually small shit that can be ignored and not ingrained in the publics mind like the star wars sequels.

Even this nigglet gets more pussy than you

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there MUST be Australian aboriginal representation if this film were created

To make this definition of being over the top, would require a lot of money, a big investment. Nobody would risk it. Also it would look fucking ridiculous

This is the correct answer. The Eisenhorn series is just good reading regardless of setting. Fun as fuck story. Would make a killer movie.

Honestly I preferred Ravenor but as an entry Eisenhorn is the way.

The small-dicked neckbeard demographic isn't large enough to budget it.

Fuck yall

Ogrun exist user

Realistically, it would be an animated series or 3D animation. Live action/movie would just be ridiculously expensive that it's not worth the risk.

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>Hard to adapt the power of a space marine with live action

40k is white men territory. Women and animals would never understand it.

comically grimderp garbage should be confined the neckbeardzone

>wanting woke hollywood to ruin another fantasy series
if they can adapt even a single other fantasy series to the same lukewarm quality of the first couple GoT maybe I'll change my mind on that
Even the GOAT Villeneuve butchered Dune, legitimately no one can make a good 40k series

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How to tell us you only got interested in 40k since 8th edition without telling us so

40k isnt "kino"
40k is just over the top shit manchildren like you THINK is good because "ITS NOT LIKE THE OTHER SCI FI FRANCHISES!!!"

Warhammer fantasy is "Kino"
Necromunda is "Kino"

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Because like 1% of the population knows what 40k is

>having any semblance of intelligence when it comes to handling IP

>masculine movie
Nice try chud. I only want to see gross fat trans characters who are disgusting as me and failures at life like me. I fucking hate powerful people, beautiful people, and strong characters.

there's been one in the works for the past 3 years apparently

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Dude (modern) 40k is extremely sòy.
And "le dark and gritty" was very present in Netflix during the last years.
It would just be very shitty

>I only want to see gross fat trans characters who are disgusting as me
you're in luck. 40k has a whole faction of this

they did, its just fucking terrible. its so bad you can barely find torrents for it. hammer and bolter has worse fucking animation than some of the stuff i remember making on newgrounds back in the days. havent watched exodite but there are literally zero torrents for it except one episode in russian so im guessing its not worth the effort. fucking sad, warhammer really deserves better treatment, it couldve been kino but warhammer TV Is fucking embarassing

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people stay say pants on head retarded? 2007 was a long time ago

now that the astartes guy is done working on the space marine 2 trailer maybe well get more kino that will be worth pirating

It has though, and it's fucking kino of the highest caliber

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but you posted bionicles, what are you on about

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the fact they forced the astartes guy to go with primaris marines when hes clearly a fan of the mk3 armor from the 90s and early 2000s tells me that they will ruin his creative vision and give him zero budget like they did hammer and bolter. astartes was really weird and cool and told story through action and subtleties instead of dialogue. that doesnt sell models so GW will force him to write fucking garbage dialogue thats designed to lore-dump new fags into buying models. they took creative control away from him so hes going to just be another stooge sadly
i thought this was a youtube flash or something, itd be okay for an amateur

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astartes can be any race, as can any imperial officer or slave in the facotriums, everyone is equally worthless and expendable in the imperium

the astartes guy hasn't made anything yet tho. people speculate the new horus heresy trailer was directed by him due to how its edited and stylistically, same with the cinematic for the new age of sigmar edition last year (?) but theres been no 'primaris' animation that hes worked on as far as we know

>universe is a massive cluster fuck so finding where to begin is already tricky
>all the parts that are pitchable will require either massive budgets or will be such hack jobs nobody would even bother with it
>GW is extremely stingy so good luck making deals with them if you are a somewhat established studio
>even if its more popular than most tabletop games, its still relatively obscure when compared to other big name franchises

>staring Jada Smith as The Empress
Do you need more reasons user?

Eisenhorn is a solid pick. I also thought Flight of the Eisenstein would have made a pretty neat horror standalone if they expanded upon the warp experience a bit.

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>I don't know if I'd call it tight
they banhammered the guy who made the Astartes thing despite it not being used for commercial value in any way. they immediately altered what he had done and now he's probably being forced to make shitty animations under their direction if he wants to use any of their IP at all.

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because its retarded nonsense created to sell dolls to manchildren

>we need female space marines
this is one of the first things they would do - add a sexual component to the astartes. I think it's one huge reason they're able to function as they do in the imperium - zero coom, fully glory mindset.

>40k has a whole faction of this
you leave the Tau alone...

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lmao post the rest

>Flight of the Eisenstein would have made a pretty neat horror standalone if they expanded upon the warp experience a bit
t. man who hasnt actually read flight of the eisenstein and has only read a synopsis

>t. conjecturing retard failing in his condescension
lmao what a weird thing to say

sorry, bud - that's all I got. feel free to roll for a primarch tho.

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flight of the eisenstein relies on knowing a lot about the horus heresy, the driving action of the plot is "this guy I met in another book and doesnt appear in this one outside of like 2 sentences warned me about it and he's a man of his word, i trust him!", and the warp stuff while pretty well done, is VERY brief, basically one major battle. I would like a horus heresy tv series though and eisenstein would be a pretty good season 1 finale

>these guys have decided to revolt against the imperium and are virus bombing their allies below
>oh shit some of them are aboard our ship
>let's get out of here and warn the rest while dealing with the ones onboard
>we're being chased but if we go through the warp we might have a chance of getting away
>warp stuff - main portion of the movie
>dorn picks them up - very brief overview of the heresy and emperor essentially amounting to "they think the emperor is misguided so they're rebelling"
>sororitas warp stuff as a final twist when they think it's safe
>ends with people wondering what will happen to the traitors and later down the road
it would skip over a slow start (which would lose people and terminate funding for anything else) ramping up to the istvaan betrayal, would include very kino horror that'd grab attention and make people wonder wtf the deal with the warp is, and set the stage for prequel explanations and of course later events leading up to the end of the heresy series. you don't have to explain as much as you're implying if this is being seen by the masses. they're not going to appreciate all the minor details and setup anyway, so focus on the horror aspect and drop hints about the superhuman nature of the astartes as you go.

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have a bump, user.

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Gimme something good.

Oh of fuck's sakes.

I can imagine the fanbase not wanting normies infecting it

Well I guess I'm a double nigga.

>double vulcan'd