Wheel of time

Why was It forgotten so quickly?

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Because season 2 isn't here yet.

Because it was bad.


Because it was fucking terrible and didn't even bother to follow the book at all. No care was put into the show so the show was forgotten.

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Because no one was watching it

Because every single second of runtime was the most pozzed woke trash that alsp happened to be literally the opposite of what actually happens in the books, in addition to every character being a charisma void and incapable of any decent acting (bar pike who was still hilariously miscast (and had no understanding of the source media))

There are, and i say this unironically, zero redeeming aspects of this show at all and i knew it was doomed to fail however many years ago the cast was announced.

dey hea

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Because it's complete shit
t. book reader

It was shit.

Black people ruin the fantasy and there is deep woke politics

I didn't watch it, but are you implying this scene is bad?
Looks decent to me (other than the shitty swing). Grabbing at stuff was a real threat in these eras, which is why retarded shit like horned Viking helmets didn't actually exist.


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I wonder why OP

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Because it was insultingly terrible garbage. Now stop posting about it, I had successfully forgotten it.

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Bro i can promise you that no woman can make a full grown man in full armour lift off his feet and slide like that.

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I wonder why...

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Poor man's Game of thrones.
Game of thrones is shit too


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Too many niggers blackwashing white roles unironically

damn they nailed it

are you retarded?
>tiny woman grabs and yanks fully grown man one-handed and lifts him into the air while he is semi-crouching position and his weight is shifted forward
the most likely result of this would be her dislocating her shoulder and falling flat on her ass

Is that Voldemort above the title?

They changed/ignored everything from the books so they could push diversity/the gay show runners politics, they antagonized the established fanbase non-stop, and then they topped it off by making an absolute turd of a show even if you do judge it on it's own merits.

BECAUSE they added minorities to be woke
fuck hollywood

Not even poor man's Game of Thrones but its poors man's Shannara Chronicles

This show was so bad.

While in the middle of giving birth.

because it was a mess. They dumped that guy because he wanted to be in another production but the story cohesion has tons of issues. prime example of good enough everything being ruined by shit script and production issues.

he got fired for refusing the vaccine, right?

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it was boring

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yes or refusing to film gay scenes, either way based kike


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I don't even mind diversity but this just made no sense at all. Small medieval towns cannot have this degree of racial diversity. It's literally not possible.

kek, at least we had fun on those threads



some fag actually did a breakdown why the race matters and how MC was struggling with being an outsider and it makes no sense if he lives in multicultural melting pot. there was also something about how it affects many plotlines going forward but I tuned out

George might have been a jar jar retard BUT at least he liked to put hot bitches in his movies and show. I will always respect that from him. Second he left the Disney fags removed the pinup girls from new episodes

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top kek

Multikulti maggot trash. A huge aspect of the books is that there are different nations with distinct physical features in that even the reader can determine where a character is from just by knowing a couple physical characteristics. As soon as they announced that they don't give a shit about basic things, I knew they were creatively bankrupt and would not do the story justice. Moiraine is also meant to be small at like 5'2" or some shit. And Two Rivers was separated from much of the world, culturally, for hundreds of years AT LEAST. Somehow even that town has a couple of every race? It's just not internally consistent.

>the reader can determine where a character is from just by knowing a couple physical characteristics.


It was a terrible adaptation and barely followed the source material but most of all it was just badly written and poorly made.

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Saldea? Arad Doman?

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And also, casting Min as an asian, was extremely racist. Min was a nickname; her full name is Elmindreda and is from the same nation as the starting town. The writers or casting, or both, saw "Min" and immediately thought "oh good we needed another asian."

With so many dicks left unsucked in the world, I'm honored a faggot as massive as you deigns to grace us with your shit covered opinions

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It's a show completely built around quotas and affirmative action. There is almost 0 talent in this show. Even Rosamund Pike was horrible. She could give two shits about Jordan's World.

We are coming to the end of good TV because diversity is more important that the story.

It's doubly stupid since Wheel of Time is massively diverse and pro-women as is. But as always it's never good enough for these people. I almost hope this shit continues long enough to see how they handle the black slave owning empress.

Exactly. You can know various character just by some of this shit. I can't remember the book but you are able to recognize Padan Fain without having his name revealed.

I'm not even gonna watch anymore of it, if it gets made. The terribad Seanchan at the end of season 1 made sure of that.

>Why was It forgotten so quickly?
Because it was the worst 8 episodes of anything I've ever seen and I watch anime. A terrible show from every angle.

I never read the source material, so I can't comment on that but it was maze runner level tween garbage with an unlikeable cast and the visual flair of merlin season 1.

I like Maze Runner

hottest one

never read the books because reading is for fags
the show was shit, I couldn't tell you a single memorable thing that happened, completely forgettable

american detected

The WoT books are shit so it balances out

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Goofy mindless fun is fine, stuff like the underworld movies, but this was bad. Also they couldn't even wait until they got to the first big town they had to make Rands home town "diverse" as possible it was really jarring. I have all the books but I cant bring myself to finish the show its really gay.

Blood of the Manetherin is apparently just a concept in the show. Any adaptation made in the current zeigeist is just going to be bad, I've decided.

They gave a story written by a nuclear engineer to a survivor contestant in order to develop a show for the lowest common denominator

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>I don't even mind diversity
You're an enabler. Your type are the reasons why adaptations like this happen. Because you're ok with the usual Hollywood hijinks.