Why didn’t they just use bullet-proof shields?

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only captain america got to have one.

Bullet proof shields are too heavy for boats.

The MG 42 fired 7.92mm ammo, which would destroy any sort of light weight shield. They'd need to be carrying around a massive like 80lb shield to live. Not only that it wouldn't protect against mortar and artillery fire which was a worse issue. Not worth it.

did anyone else find it a little jarring when they all yelled "for drag queen story hour" before storming the beach?

Why didnt they just nuke the beach?

>t. budget guy

Why didn't they just stay in the boats and used them as cover?

Too smart for americans

Has nothing to do with budget. How can you be an effective soldier when you're carrying around a massive 80 lb shield? How could you fire your own weapon?

bullet proof boats then

Why not just land at a different beach. Or burrow under the sea.

>Yeah bro we are landing at that part of the beach with bunkers and fortifications haha
Were they retarded?

seeing this before internet times (rotten.com etc) was intense

Anybody landing in Normandy on June 6 1944 was an NPC

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why dont you just admit you dont want to pay extra to save american lives?

How can you fire your own weapon when you're dead since you didn't bring a massive 80lb shield to protect you?

>How can you be an effective soldier when you're carrying around a massive 80 lb shield? How could you fire your own weapon?
There are soldiers today that have a 100+lb rucksack. They dont have to be able to shoot with the shield, just advance on the beach to cover, then discard it.

Better to get behind cover that's already there than to carry it around with you for the other 99% of the time that you're just walking instead of fighting. There are some instances from the war of troops using the shields on AT guns or the like as mobile cover, but it usually wasn't practical.

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Why did the Japs attack America instead of double-teaming Russia?

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>Were they retarded?
No, they were American. Good goyim sent to be canon fodder while the brits flanked around lol.

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They carry it on their back, not with their arms. They'd also move much more slowly and be vulnerable to artillery and mortar, like I said.

They were under the (mistaken) impression that bombardment from offshore ships had taken out a lot of the defences that turned out to be intact when they got there.

How about they just let Hitler do his thing and not ruin the world?

Omaha was only an issue because the bombers missed literally all of their targets and the germans sank all of their tanks before they reached shore.

Russians weren't the ones embargoing their oil imports.

>germans sank all of their tanks
poseidon did that to protect EVROPA

>be nip
>invade Russia from the east
>march into millions of square miles of wilderness

they had just finished a war with Russia and didn't want to do it again

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yup. I've noticed how boomers who saw it when it first came out legitimately think it's the most horrific piece of media ever. meanwhile millennials who've seen it just go "oh yeah it's pretty violent."

IRL most of the machine gun emplacements also had side facing sections from their pillboxes so they would have overlapping fields of fire with each other. They weren’t just facing out to sea as that would leave too great a blind spot for anyone who got close the cliffs. Also means anyone trying to use a shield like the riot shield from MW2, would get shot in their flanks.

It is violent, by video game standards or even gore standards. People's arms getting blown off and people being disemboweled. Or there's the scene at the end of the movie where the dude is rigging an explosive to a tank and takes too long and is blown to smitherines.

I think you're downplaying the horrifying violence in this movie. It's hard to think of a more violent piece of media.

Holy checked. They expect one in the wreckage brother

This, also to hide the muzzle flash of the MGs and artillery from the ships
t. been to the beach

You want to equip an entire assault wave with bullet proof sheilds and have them advance up a beach that historically was deadly mainly because of artillery fire, not mg bullets, so all these guys are carrying a sheild, a gun some ammo, and thats it? That is incredibly expensive folly, hahahaha. And i bet there were ideas just like the shield idea thay were discarded because they are not logical or possible.

Too heavy for water.

Why not just wait until winter and the ocean is frozen then?

not if its a battleship

Where was friggin' CAPTAIN AMERICA??

They had floating tanks

They were transphobic.

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Seriously, why weren't there 3 or 4 shield guys in the front line of every boat? Because it seems as soon as the ramp went down (which protected them from gunfire until that point) they got slain in a few seconds. You can say them acting as meat shield for the rest is business as usual in such situations, but giving them such 80lb shields and ordering them to push as far as they can would've been beneficial for the other soldiers too. I don't see how this wouldn't have saved plenty of extra lives.

Soldiers do not bunch up in battles like this, they spread out. Having 20 soldiers all bunched up is ASKING for a mortar shell to be dropped on them. You're asking why specifically they didn't have them in the front of the landing boats? Because boats HAD shields on the front. They got shot when the door opened up. They were not expecting any machine guns to be operational, let alone pointed at the doors waiting for them to open. They were expecting them to be completely destroyed by the navy bombing the living fuck out of the beach. Omaha was a fucking disaster because pretty much everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. The bombings were completely ineffective, the tanks didn't make it to shore. That beach was won with blood and blood alone, which is why it's one of the most talked about moments in World War 2 (at least on the western front).

You can't plan for shit you don't know about, and shields have proven time and time again to not be very effective in combat.

>hollywood still hasn't made this into a movie
why? to sympathetic?

i really like this post.

>They were not expecting any machine guns to be operational (...) They were expecting them to be completely destroyed by the navy bombing
This answers my original question, thanks, user! Otherwise I still don't see how letting dozens (if not hundreds) of soldiers mowed down right as they step on the land makes any sense. How would have the US Army adjusted if they knew about the upcoming machine gun fire? Let's try to focus on the landing boats and soldiers in them, if possible.

Why didn't they drive the boats backwards so the door opens to the ocean and they have cover?

desu it looks more like the US units were the ones flanking. All the commonwealth forces were concentrated together

bulletproof water

I feel like they got what they fucking deserved in the end

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They simply wouldn't send the soldiers in if they knew the machine guns were pointed straight at them without cover. They would have the soldiers remain under cover and a safe distance from artillery until the tanks, bombers, or flanking troops took out a majority of resistance like this. They certainly wouldn't pretend that shields, a 10,000 year old technology would do jack shit against an MG42. It's unironically easier to dodge a bullet than it is to predict where it's going to land and put up a shield to block it.

Again, the MG42s weren't even the real issue. There were thousands of troops on the beach, MG42 could maybe take out 10-15 soldiers a minute if they were bunched up. The real issue was the artillery that was bombing the ever living fuck out of the beach. In which case your only strat is to spread out, run for cover and try to flank. Which is what they did. The German's had a fuckton of bombs themselves and they used them.

apparently they didnt float

And who would a thunk they were responsible for the jewish communist NWO

Why did they cut out the scene when they all kneel for BLM on the shore?

t. shieldlet

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theres no such thing as bullet proof

Uhm, then what is this retard?

Why didn't they just fly the eagles to Mordor and throw Hitler into Mount Doom?

Why not put tanks on those boats as well?

They did. Almost all of them sank.

mom can I borrow your oven mitts for the renfair?

Why didn't they have a large bulletproof board that was held by 3 men in the front and everyone moved wherever the board moved?