Hollywood finally starting to put more attractive black women in film

>Hollywood finally starting to put more attractive black women in film
>They are all light skinned / mixed raced

How is this acceptable?

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those are the best kind

Welcome to the future buck rogers

I don't disagree, just think it is a bit fucked up. Why not cast a full black woman?

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elliot rodgers survived????

Salty Marvel fan because your most popular couple got mogged.

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her tattoos are ugly as fuck

This used to happen loads in the 80's.

Coco on 'Dear White People' triggered something absolutely primal in me. More dark skin goddesses please.

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>doodle tats

Fuck no.

For me its pic related. Completely mogged everyone on the show.

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>attractive black women are all light skinned / mixed raced
Yeah, everybody knows. Its why dark ass nigger bitches are all jealous of dem light ass nigger bitches. Look at XOMGPop, compare Dallas and Brooklynn

shes part jewish

Get your head checked.

superb taste my negro

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The difference between zooms and chadlennials is astonishing

Those are the only kind that have any chance of actually being attractive.

is there a full video of this webm

No doubt. The sins I would commit...

There are no attractive dark black women. Ugly ones get cast all the time.

there are
but halfbreeds are the best

Everyone knows light skinned less than 50% black girls are the only cute ones. That's why they get cast and all have white boyfriends.

>there are
Not in the Hollywood talent pool apparently.

She looks like a crack whore + her jaw is about as legit as a phone call from a pajeet

I have it BAD for Taylor Russell from Lost in Space.

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I love black women so fucking much bros holy shit

Pic related mogs OP's choice and most capeshit actresses

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She's fucking ugly

Fuck nepotism


this has always been the case

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Completely mogs women half her age.

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there are

I thought so too at first but she turned out to be the hottest thing in the show

Check early life history. Jordan Peele's as well.

Pic unrelated?

omg same. she gives me the same vibes as prime Tatyana Ali.

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You know all American blacks are at least like 25% white, right?

Good god look at this feet.

>there are

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For me its Hilary

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Nah she monke

Just ignore people like this. Let them live in ignorance and horde the chocolate beauty for ourselves.

He's either legitimately stupid and isolated from non-internet life or baiting replies. Either way ignore him

Because if they cast a typical looking black female in a role where the story and characters have to act like she's attractive or desirable people will be taken out of the movie

Would love to fuck right.

What are they supposed to do? There are very few attractive BLACK women.

I recognise the middle one as Ana Foxxx. Are the other two also pornstars? If yes what's their names?

I did a talk at Howard Law a few years back. You have no idea what you're talking about. That place was stacked.

Imagine simping for that nigger who's known only because of nepotism. Fuck you.

>causes Zoomers to shit, piss and cum themselves

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what the fuck is going on with her arms that looks retarded

She is a Hollywood actress. Being drugged out is her natural state.

Because they are less offensive the white audience. Same thing with frizzy hair for some reason. Think about the last time you saw a black woman with straight hair in a show that isn't obviously for black people. It's always very frizzy or an afro. Straight black hair is too black.

full black is too monke
they need to have some bleached specimen to tone it down

You want more attractive black women, well I have bad news for you, user.
The best looking ones look more white. It's very rare for a girl to be as black as chocolate, and be attractive.

>Completely mogged everyone on the show.
She has a staunch rival in Bad Pussy imo. But for the most part, yes

True, but the skin makes them 10x sexier.

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She needs a
In her

Black women and """people""" in general are ugly subhumans with 0 brains. Deal with it retards.

I'd hit it, but she isn't getting cast for anything but porn.

Gomenasai Hitler-san, I might just have to racemix...

that is a man

instagram bimbo =/= movie star. if that post was supposed to be an example of a potential leading lady then you don't watch enough movies. most instagram thots could never be movie stars even if they wanted to regardless of their skin color because they flat out don't have the look - they're regular above average women with botox faces and implants.

Taylor Russell fucked and fell in love with an autist in Waves and that's when I fell in love with her

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Nicki has been in a few movies hasn't she? She has the most bimbo look possible.

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