How much of an impact did she have on TV & film?

How much of an impact did she have on TV & film?
Would Daisy Ridley have worked her booty in nu-wars? Would women in MCU be able to show ankle?

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I would

As blatantly stupid as she was (basically a walking Twitter), I was disappointed in how many people fed her the attention she craved.
Just like you're doing now.

are you saying shes not really a feminist?

>>she won
vidya are full of lgbtq+

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wrong board

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IMDb got rid of its message boards because of gamergate

what does gamergate have to do with her


She looks different than she did when she was slightly relevant

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>Complaims about boob armor in mandalorian
>Dresses like a slut

Holy fuck, they get fewer views than I do.

>milks one arguing point into oblivion
>saggy tits

kind of sad, the commies used her to further their agenda then dumped her like a bag of sand when they were done. they could at least turn the view bot on and give her 30k views per video.

I think those early 2010 Tumblr feminists are just now getting the burn while trannies come in and take over no wonder terfs exist now

boobies. jewish milk. i am going to bust.

damn what an ugly hag

She served her purpose

Millennial feminists from tumblr were really the first people to push social justice to the mainstream only to get steel rolled by contemporary movements (blm, trannies, etc). Who would have guessed that even blacks and fags hate feminists?

>only to get steel rolled by contemporary movements (blm, trannies, etc).
well once the pave road or asphalt is laid you usually do roll over it

they don't hate them it's just the next step in the communist take over. blm started getting steam rolled too when trannies started turning black lives matter into trans black lives matter and canceling anyone who didn't go alone with it. what's after trannies just pure communists?

>How much of an impact did she have on TV & film?
Didn't she sparked the #MeToo in a roundabout way?

>what's after trannies just pure communists?
i thought we're on MAPs now

nah, she was all about the male gaze and sexualization of women, mainly in video games.
she was a scam artist tho.

Never will stop laughing how joss whedon simped for this social climber. She's the jew jada

>against the male gaze
>posts pics like this

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umm WOW

I can't believe she's showing so much skin. Doesn't she realize she's being exploited?

shes not really a feminist

Anita is so cute bros

She’s not Jewish and is actually really anti-Israel

>that deep fake of hers
so good

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Who likes feminists is the question

Many many such cases

nice tits

>ruins video games
>ruins film
>ruins TV
>probably ruined comic books too
>walks away unscathed with a big bag of money

inspirational levels of grift on display here.

I don't agree with her views but it's based that she made other grifter hacks seethe so much

Are you dumb?

gamergate was about corruption among consumer media reviewers not oversexualization and exploitation of females and characters

well technically she generated the whole griftosphere, I am a zoomer but were there any real skeptic/rightwing grifts that were big before her and gamergate.

Please stop calling neoliberals commies. Thank you.

look up dantes inferno video game protests lol. or gta before 4, like hot coffee. sure it was corp managed but so probably was she, indirectly.

who's the one supposed to be offended by association?

I take comfort in a couple of things.
She never got a really big payout. The money she swindled from her gofundme was like $100k if I remember right and had to fund an entire team of women. And her collaborations and shit wouldn't have been much either. She definitely wouldn't have become rich enough to retire. Also, since she hung out with the indie 'in' scene, she probably spent a lot of her time in nyc where everything is expensive as fuck.

Did you forget that Anita literally defended Zoe Quinn? Also Anita is portrayed as one of the big victims of gg, this why she was in the UN

no, but one gave blowjobs for reviews and other moaned about naked girls in games. if the latter didn't moan, gamer virgins would still hop on the former's case. if zoe's ways didn't leak (lmao) anita would still get death threats for trying to take away 3d naked women. they're unrelated.
unless of course you believe in some kind of conspiracy.

All anyone cared about was the nudity. It spilled over into TV & films and comic books.

well then say that instead of bringing up the boogie man. nudity was wrong before gamergate, they just got more efficient.

why is she turning into fran drescher?

What ever happend to zoequinn, Mcintosh, brianna wu, leigh alexander, gamers are dead gamejournopros

We all would

the apparatus deemed them no longer useful

are you implying we had enough daisy ass content in nu-wars because we most certainly did not. not even close.

>sexualizing women is a huge issues in media...
>...however you can pay me to solve it.
thank god developers didn't fall for this obvious grift

Armenian goddess

Quinn is a huge fraud and all her 'friends' know it, but are afraid to say anything
Mcintosh has a youtube channel called Pop Culture Detective.
Brianna Wu is a complete failure at everything, and is a huge laughing stock after her failed political campaign.
Leigh quit the business and married a simp, last I heard she was doing ASMR on patreon.
Most of the journos have quit their original jobs and now do youtube or got jobs writing at game companies


Nice trips but they did Bethesda & ubisoft invited her in to give insight & gave her loads of cash