Sometimes I think about how I have had conversations with some of you for over a decade and we will never even know...

Sometimes I think about how I have had conversations with some of you for over a decade and we will never even know each other's name.

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We are Anonymous, we are feels.

I’m Toby. Hi

My name is Alex

I am very based, and I am assuming you are too

Imagine all the people you have talked to on Yea Forums over the years who now identify as women.

I've felt compelled to sexually identify as Hitler to counterbalance this.

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My name is David.

Name or not, I'm still your friend.

Stop killing engineers.


I'm Marc.

he's right, stop

I wonder what the people I used to reply to on this website 15 years ago are doing now.

it's been about 12 years for me but I sit on my ass in my parent's house I grew up in shitposting on Yea Forums still 24/7

Do you ever regret it, this life we live?

And this is the post where I get dubs. DO YOU SEE?

still here

nope haha


btw I'm gonna go grab my 4th shot and search the catalog for the daily druk thread bye

>tfw 2006 newfag
Posting in a Miami Vice movie thread was my first Yea Forums thread.

Yeah. I wonder if there's any grand irony some NSA employee could tell us about.

You never asked, yet I'm still locked up in your basement.

Over the years I've met up and befriended 3 anons. All were long term channers.

Also met a few others who were unlikable spergs

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Niggers can't post here.

Sometimes I think about the anons who have died or taken their own life. Don't do it lads, please.

Probably 41%

You've mostly likely befriended me as well as found me to be an unlikeable sperg. I seem to shift both ways.

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i like to think a majority of posters cycle out after 3 years or so or atleast swap boards enough to have some kind of personal growth

>make internet friend in the late 90s
>older dude
>real nice guy
>gives me good advice
>he dies in 2020
>mfw I only knew him as his login, "choad"

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There are only about 15 people posting at all times. 90% of the time you're talking to bots. Including this post

I think I know you. Wait, are you a great big fat person?

we never had a choice

any Yea Forumsers in SoCal want to meet up?

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I've had a fulfilling normie life for the last 10 years, become the boss at my job, married, but I still post here and more often than not low quality shitposts.

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Where would we have gone? There's nowhere else like here besides niche forums. The other chans are all turboschizo-tier.

im Kyle. faggy name but i tend to be the one holding the group together irl

Hello my name is Alvin and i haven't met anyone IRL that shares the name with me even though i've lived in more than 3 countries


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I read your posts in my voice.

tfw no massage

I'm still here. I have a (dead end) job and a gf now though

How did you know he died then ?

About 10 years ago there was a schizo who obsessed to post in every thread about pic related.
I feel it's just one retard guy because it was before discord.
I wonder if that fucker is has transitioned already

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my name is Hunter. I am a normal human man with a desk job. I have had sex 4 times. thank you.

Why did your parents name you that?

I was named after my grandpa

based elderly chipmunk

other online friends
he was an admin on a site we use


we could start a discord, but then we would be ashamed.

There are a lot of people like that, especially on the slower boards. It's weird how on an anonymous board that has so much influence on the rest of the internet, can have memorable individuals who stand out for their retardeness. This is the one place on the internet where if you were autistically dedicated and had too much time, you could probably force memes consistently by becoming a meme yourself. If you did this for long enough eventually one will slip through into the normalsphere of twitch/reddit/twitter ect. ect.

Im british and I used to browse /pol/. There was this one greek guy who posted ">british >white" at the beginning of ALMOST every thread for what felt like almost a year. It became a meme itself, and although greek user stopped, he's living in my head rent free to this day, and I still occasionally see ">british >white" memes/posts by others.

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I love it here men
I wish all the internet was like this
Only anonymous
I love you guys
no homo

For me, it’s Montreal

My names Paul.

Just think you have probably replied to anons in this thread right now on different boards over the years. I have been a NEET since 16 (turning 28 in 6 days) but I did a few days of work this year for the first time ever and I am learning to drive.

>Sometimes I think about how I have had conversations with some of you for over a decade and we will never even know each other's name.
I think that's just great. I know you by your ideas instead of your staged outer personality. We can talk with the spontaneity and freedom of idiots, at least compared to a world where everything sticks to your name.

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I knew a guy like that when I was really young. He ended up flying across the country to have an affair with one of the other guy's wife and broke up their marriage because he was dying of cancer, last news any of us heard of him since he fell off the earth so we all just figured he probably died soon after but who knows. Smurf if you're reading, I think about that shit all the time and hope you're doing okay.

I swear I've seen this thread before recently.

good boy