Cast him

cast him

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Based as fuck

What would you have spent the money on Yea Forums?

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Relentlessly based

Lottery winners are always financially illiterate poor people

In that order?

I know a guy who shot $2k into a brand new crypto shitcoin, saw the value shoot up to $4 million, refused to lock in profits because he wanted $10 million, then proceeded to watch the value come back down to $20k a few months later

Hot meal.

I would've shoved at least 6 million into investments and then went full hedonist with the rest.

good for him? i'd kill myself after having a taste of the good life, but this guy has real fortitude

Just buy a house. Don't need anything else.

it was probably the gambling that hurt him most

Sounds like he had a blast

>looks 35
anglo moment

Well you need to be to play the lottery. It's by design since it garuontees that money is going into the economy.

This could honestly be a decent movie.

I'd stuff it all under my bed, forget about it, and continue living like I was in poverty.

That's the point, to try and get some poor person to spend all the money and fuel the economy. What they hate is if someone is smart enough to just put that money into stocks, or multi-time winners

So he had nearly a decade of fun that he otherwise wouldn't have had. Sounds based.

I would have gotten a home, vehicle, new computer, and some other little shit and tried to reinvest the rest.

I'd buy a decent house somewhere rural, get good internet and spend all my time shitposting, lifting and gardening and never talk to anyone ever again.

Transformers figures

Nick Frost would be perfect if he was younger

230,000 on crack lmao

the true Yea Forums answer

Stocks fuel the economy...

Based LeBlanc

It's binman

Classic. The inability to sell is what gets every investor sooner or later

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came here to post this

I think I'd kill myself

Well he donated half to family and friends and only spent $230k smoking crack. That was pretty generous of him.

anyone who is financially literate wouldn't waste money on lotto tickets. the odds of winning anything but a free scratcher are astronomically low

I bet a shitload of people sold their Tesla stock when it went from 70 to 100 and a year later it was 800 a share

Besides life expenses and investments I would set aside £2m for shorting meme stocks/coins into the ground just to fuck with /biz/tards and watch them seethe

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You could try to be this woman.
>Joan Ginther is an American four-time lottery winner. She first won the lottery in 1993, when she won $5.4 million in Lotto Texas (equivalent to about $9.7M in 2020). Her next win came in 2006 when she won $2 million in the Holiday Millionaire scratch-off. Her third win happened in 2008, when she won $3 million from a Millions and Millions ticket. In 2010, she won $10 million, her largest prize yet, bringing her total winnings to $20.4 million. The odds of winning this many times are one in 18 septillions (10 power 24). All of her winning tickets were purchased in Texas, and two of them were bought from the same convenience store in Bishop, Texas. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, and prefers to keep a low profile.
Her Ph.D. in statistics from Stanford might have helped her a bit. The State of Texas insists that their lottery games are fair and that she didn't figure out how to outsmart the system.

Now granted I dont know anything about these things but if I ever found myself in this kind of situation I would cash out half of the money and leave half invested this way if the value went to zero I would still have a huge profit but still be open to earning even more if the price does go up. Im not crazy right? This is a reasonable thing to do? Why do people often go all in in these situations.

>the odds of winning anything but a free scratcher are astronomically low
If the odds are so low, how come there's a winner almost every week? Retarded incel

kek the price of greed. I know some idiots who did the same thing with GME last year.

What are British escorts like, Britbros?

cast him


I can understand greed, but getting 4 million out of 2k is a no brainer, you literally can't expect to get more money out of that.

4 million is early retirement money.

How the fuck did she do it, incel brethren of anime and 'vidya'?

Top tier slags

You'd need to make sure no one in the area knows about your winnings. Past lottery winners in small towns have ended up giving lots of the money to the police, who ticket them pretty much every time they leave their driveway.

like curry

While I watched the GME circus unfold live, a good friend of mine told me he bought into it... at the absolute height of the stock price. I'm pretty sure he still hasn't sold it.

Apparently multiple-time lottery winners are more common than one would think, since it's typically people who buy tickets every week religiously rather than most people who only buy when the jackpot is high enough to make the news.

Now if it was a black person who blew all this money
The responses would literally be opposite

>donated about $7m to family
>when he runs out he’s back to working as a bin man

Guarantee they didn’t lift a finger to help him when he ran out of cash

Fuck off retard

>What they hate is if someone is smart enough to just put that money into stocks
That is better for the economy than just blowing it all, retard.

>only $100k on prostitutes
Complete waste. I would've spent 20 times that.

>only 200k on crack

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Why on Earth would he not at least start selling incremental amounts if the value skyrocketed that much? It's a shitcoin, he had to have known how volatile it was going to be. It's not like the only two options are immediately sell everything once you make a little bit of money or hold forever.

The guy who played Ramsay in GoT.

the chances of winning if you dont buy a ticket is even lower

most of them aren’t British
But in answer to your question you can fuck a 9/10 Romanian, Vietnamese or Brazilian bird for about £130

Aren't the odds not really that ridiculously bad as long as you're not trying for the $300 million+ powerball jackpot?

She has never explained how she did it. The best guess is that she figured out how the winning tickets are distributed around the state, waited until the odds were high there would be one of the tickets at the local store, and then bought entire reels of scratchers, knowing she'd get millions in winnings for her couple thousand spent on tickets. The state lottery commission says that's impossible and she's just really lucky.

If I won that much money, I would make an independent film for my frens on Yea Forums to enjoy.

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100 quid pr fuck = 10.000 fucks in 8 years (2920 days)
= he could have fucked more than three times a day desu

I'd buy properties and invest to amass more wealth or at least get a steady income. He spent 5 million on friends and family, I would spend at least that much on making sure I can generate more money year per year to amass more wealth.
Why? Because I want to spend 1 million a year on impregnating prostitutes for the rest of my life.

I would have acquired a stake in numerous mutual funds

Education in statistics helped I'm sure but what they don't guess at is how much she spent trying to win all those times. Hint: a fucking lot

Prove any of these people are real and that lotteries aren't just another prole tax

One of my friends used to post on social media every time won a scratch off game. But they were all small winnings, maybe $5000 is the most he ever won. What he didn't post were all the losing tickets which I suspect far exceeded the total of his winnings.

>first thing I'd do is outright buy a house on some private land and set aside enough money for the bills to be paid until I die
>second, I'd invest in some things to ensure I get some money continuing to flow in
>third, I'd buy a new vehicle
>fourth, I'd buy some "less expensive" shit that I've always, like a new computer, new TV, home gym, etc.

That's all I'd want. Maybe take more vacations and eat out more. But I wouldn't just delve into drugs and partying

8 years of living is worth a lifetime of just getting by.

Thats a perfect description of social media use too.

Absolutely. Nowadays the only 19 year old actors who get work could never portray such a based retard convincingly.

I hope this is bait, not even niggers are this stupid.

There is a most prevailing theory on how she won is that she used her winnings from the 1993 winning to fund spending massive amounts of money of scratch offs

>800k for television and sound systems
what a dumb normie cunt

the same types of people post about their big wins at the bookies/casino, yet you never hear about their losses

Odds are 50 50 every time you play, either you win the jackpot or you don't.

Which can be a good thing. I'd much rather the hot cashier I used to work with at the Piggly Wiggle post her latest bikini photos than tell us about her anal warts.

>Why? Because I want to spend 1 million a year on impregnating prostitutes for the rest of my life.

>230k on crack
God help us.

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I'd hoard it all and live inside a barrel, stealing food from private farms.

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Elliot Rodgers math

Pic related?

>libtards be like we need to tax billionaires 70% to give free shit to poor people

Big fucking think we got here

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100k is not 100*10,000 it's 100*1000

based and me pilled

For the whole economy maybe, but not necessarily the state economy. They want people to waste money locally, not play the system

i could've turned that into permanent generational wealth

This is after the freeparty heydeys of the 90s, tptb made raves and having fun illegal.Can imagine confiscated rigs adding up to a sizeable amount, look at any rave bust up video and the gear that is seized or smashed.

No? Why do you may think that?


They are probably also retards who frittered it away. The "donations" were likely in the form of cars, expensive trips, houses, and so on. Once it ran out there was no livable income to made from it.

That game of thrones guy. He practically lived through this so itd be kino

People say "BASED" but he probably had most of it stolen.

I used to work at a place that sold lotto tickets and yeah, the reason prizes get up to such insane numbers is because the people playing are 99.99999% of the time braindead addicts who don't deserve to have any money. The same people every single week, hell some of them were in the store every single day, buying and ungodly amount of scratch-offs and tickets. Mostly boomers, almost all obese or sun-dried wrinkled decrepit fucks pissing their money away on the daily. I remember this one old guy who would come in almost every day and spend $50-$200 on scratch-offs of varying payouts and cost, until one day he stopped showing up and I assume he died. It's unreal to me that people don't look at that industry they're so deep in and think "Hmm what if instead of spending $1000 a week on lotto numbers I just put that all away in a savings account?" The most I ever saw somebody win was actually a coworker of mine, she won $30,000 on one of those more pricey scratch-offs and she treated us all to drinks which was cool. I asked her one time how much she spent on lotto stuff after that and she got furious with me lol

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Best post.

Traveling the world and fucking high-end escorts.

Initially? Whores. Lots and lots of whores. Hot whores, ugly whores, Mexican whores, Ukrainian whores, black whores, fat whores, I'd fuck them all until I was bored to death despite the variety. You can't fuck the desire to fuck out of your system but you can get all the fucking mystery of it out. The biggest danger to your wealth is always going to be a woman and your dick is going to tell you that those red flags don't matter because she's Brazilian and you've never fucked a Brazilian before. Get that shit out of your system right away. Have a huge mental fuck-o-dex so your dick no longer has a say in who you're with. Then if you decide you want to get into a relationship, you'll be in a much better place to decide who is worthy.

well, what's it about?

Teenager-tier philosophy

You gotta start with shorts and get some other schmuck to put up the cash

"cast him" threads aren't allowed?

Smart, except you don't have to be a millionaire to do this. Anyone who doesn't have a minimum wage job can easily afford it spread out over a few months

Its a tax i think

no, but Yea Forums moderation is random, inept, and meaningless.

Give some to my family. Buy some movies and tech. Save the rest.

Buy a decent house. Buy some vidya and toys. Live off the rest for as long as I can.

Only an issue in Burgerstan where lottery winners are forced to go public and pay taxes on their winnings.

All the necessary licencing deals to legally publish my fanfiction and have it accepted as legitimate.

proper lad he is