Here's your Joel and Ellie

Here's your Joel and Ellie

Attached: The Last of Us.jpg (544x680, 101.3K)

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Are people still seriously wearing masks?

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you guys do know that you will get lesbian ellie scene of this actress though 100%?

and you will see the hispanic actor get killed.

How are you mad about this?

Normal people view it as a fairly unobtrusive public health measure. No one cares about owning the libs except a small minority of conservative weirdos.

>here's your big boss

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Goddamn she's hideous.

This is intentional on the showrunners part, right? This fugly little munchkin is a pawn.

he will be killed in season 2 tho

I live in a pretty liberal area and nobody except employees on the clock wears it anymore. I predict them completely gone by summer


>Normal people view it as a fairly unobtrusive public health measure
except even in libfag central mask use fell off hard as soon as it wasn't mandated

Why do you feel the need to wear it when even CDC and Fauci came out and said they do little to protect?

Retards it's actually a plot point that Ellie is immune and Joel isn't, and Ellie's go-to gimmick has long been "run into areas where anyone else without a respirator would die"

Actress is gross and the show will be garbage though.
Also the original is already a fucking movie and a shitty videogame that doesn't deserve to be adapted.
The only good to come out of this franchise has been Sarah SFM porn.

Normal people stopped using them at the end of 2020.

She's a die hard christcuck too

Who is the guy on the right in the top frame? He's a fucking spitting image of me and it's unnerving

You almost had a good argument there. YWNBAW

I still wear my mask to bed

who cares

Speak for yourself, here in Florida only like 1 out of 20 people still wear masks and people laugh at them or give them funny looks. Must suck ass where you live Florida it feels like COVID never happened so fuck you and your shitty state you live in

you are sleeping right now. Wake up.

>Normal people view it as unobtrusive

Everyone who I've seen in public, still wearing mask is either a retard boomer, or some mutted up onions looking creature.

Hell, I saw some retard twink wearing a mask during a fucking hike, I asked him if it was for allergies, but he said it was for Covid.

Wasnt the point that he feels a protective bond over a frail delicate girl who's like a second daughter (who he rejects at first then accepts it to a possibly unhealthy degree)?

Why did they hire some insanely ugly dyke?

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Such an odd choice for Ellie. Seriously, what were they thinking?

>unhealthy degree

Seriously, who the fuck is it. It's fucking eerie.

Pedro Pascal?

look at this and tell me she's not ellie

You'd have thought a culture from an anonymous imageboard would be pro-mask.

She's not. She's a disgusting bong who hates gay people

Pedro isn’t too bad as Joel, no idea what they were thinking with Ellie though. Isn’t she the same age as Ellie in part 2?

She looks hideous. I mean, she might not even be a bad actress (I don't fucking know) but goddamn she's grotesque.

she is literally playing a gay character

>posts anime
>doesn't know that masks were common in Japan before COVID and still are
It's mainly just westerners who think masks are taboo.

Ellie isn't gay in the TV show

"possibly" unhealthy degree. The end is morally subjective considering Joel kills a whole building and "possibly" humanity's hope so he wouldnt lose a daughter again

we understand his POV, but for any outsider looking in it's just a psychotic old man mass murdering dudes for some girl

She was in GoT for a few episodes. Some kid who killed a giant

She was cast when she was 12.

I know, I just don't remember her acting in it. I do remember the character being forced and very annoying though. She's even uglier now, as if that was possible.

>diehard Christian playing a lesbian. Yeah, no

she obviously is
>for some girl
for a daughter

But she isn't, read the interviews.
Joel is gay though tbf

>masks were common in Japan before COVID
Because they're also paranoid retards who don't understand how disease transmission works? They weren't "popular" either in China they did it because of how polluted the air was it was a completely different scenario. Chinese and Japanese largely don't give a *shit* about any of that. Chinese especially are some of the grossest motherfuckers on Earth.

Imagine unironically defending COVID paranoia in 2022. How fucking stupid do you need to be? It was retarded 2 years ago and every single source of paranoia and corporate shilling of vaccines has been utterly btfo at this point. How much of a bootlicking dipshit do you need to be to still fall for this?

my ex gf's name was Ellie and she was a fucking whore. digits and i post pics

People who were ill wore them in Japan.

>user picks a fight with no one
How does it feel having no friends now due to your obsession over Covid?

>for a daughter
yes and no, they met less than a year before. It's why the relationship and his investiment makes for a pretty story, he's taking in this girl as his daughter and takes that step. But for anyone from outside (like the villagers before) he's just a murderous old man carrying some little girl around

Seething essay incoming

i'm autistic so i talk to myself all the time and when im outside rambling sometimes people look at me like if i was a freak
ever since i started wearing the mask no one can tell i'm talking unless they get close and hear my muttering so i dont think i'll ever stop wearing the mask

Ellie was cute

>never wore the mask
>never took the vaxx
>never social distanced
>never got the chink virus
I beat the greatest psyop in human history. I am a pureblood.

>here in Florida
That's like saying that gun violence is normal because here in niggerland every nigger is "packing heat".

take your booster

That’s a really fucking gay reason. I still wear a mask because it hides my face as I am shy.

So they're going to make a movie on a video game that's itself a copycat of a movie? What's next, a new video game and the circle continues?

The show will become new canon so they can make a new game based off that series. They're already remaking the first game for PS5.

hi me

Loved the studies that had shown mask wearers and clot shotters overall got way less sex statistically because they were too busy hiding in their closet from a common cold. This shot is dangerous and using libs as test experiments for a new technology that does more harm to the body than good.

>masks were common in Japan before COVID

Only really when you yourself were sick.

you will never be hitlers soldier

copycat of what movie?

World War II is over, bro. It's not the 40's anymore.

same but I'm also self conscious of the fact that I spit when I talk (mostly due to grocery shopping which is the only time I'm out of the house)

why didn't they cast ellen page?

You sure about that?

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It was obviously an inspiration but that's a big fucking stretch to call it a copycat.

not gonna watch it