What was the overall message of True Detective?

What was the overall message of True Detective?

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If a young woman calls you and says she wants to do anal, if you refuse you're a humongous faggot

I see you've clicked into this thread the moment you noticed an unclothed woman. Your primal desires overtook you and your heartbeat quickened. You were almost about to lose it and reach to your member. Fear not, for this evil will not overtake you. Let the temptation pass and close out of the thread. Stand up, smile, and go about your day being the best version of yourself. Go in strength, my friend

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time is a flat circle, unike her ass

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Thanks Jesus will do

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Thanks m'lord

The dilemma is that you're in a relationship but a younger hotter girl offers you anal. Do you accept? The answer is always yes, just don't get caught, which woody did, because he was sloppy. Always have a change of clothes, always do your own laundry to avoid your gf or wife smelling another woman on you or finding one of her hairs

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check this out Jesus. Hot.
fucking perverts

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The director had a rustic drawl fetish.

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Most people get caught because they feel guilty

anal is overrated

You had me there for a moment, my son.

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i'd rather be known as a faggot than the man who defiles women anally

anal is gross

past a certain age a man without an anal queen side chick can be a bad thing

>i'd rather be known as a faggot than the man who defiles women anally
what's the difference?

>What was the overall message of True Detective?
That it sucks?

Cmon season one was good, they should have just ended it there

>Woody Harrelson produced a show where he was married to a gorgeous woman a decade younger than him
>And then cheated on her and had a sex scene with a hot naked girl 20 years younger than him
>And also had another side-chick that was 25 years younger than him
Based Wood.

This. You can see in any xray of fucking that even filled up with dick, a vagina is smaller than a rectum. An anal dick feels like a medium sized turd to her. Speaking of which:
No matter how much douching she does, the rectum isn't made for sex, and the body doesn't know you're retarded. It's gonna keep pushing waste down the chute, and your dick will kiss shit.

>younger hotter girl
That's not really the case here, his wife was hotter than this girl.

Is that the point then? No matter how hot the girl is a man requires variety

What a nice plump ass

Thank you Jesus, I nearly got laught lacking no cap frfr

being a detective is pretty stressful

The poop comes out of there user. It's disgusting.
Only niggers are obsessed with shit and asses.

Thank you Jesus.

>gay sexing a woman
no thank you

made me waste a few seconds for this?

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hello master obi-wan kenobi

So what? Have sex, virgin

Why didn't Daddario's career take off after TD? she clearly can act and is a 10 by every metric looks wise, I do not understand how she didn't get more roles

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You don’t what that word means or what sex feels like.

Hello, there

>What was the overall message of True Detective?

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Not really

Webm please

>she clearly can act
She really can't, she was lucky enough to have that 2014-2017 period of co-starring in summer popcorn movies tbqh.

based Jesuschad


i miss stick bug

Monaghan was 15 years younger. Daddario was 25. Simmons was 32 years younger.
All of them had fully nude scenes with him too.

stick bug was a bro get that whore off my screen

>What was the overall message of True Detective?
One in the stink, two in the pink.

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Weren't Monaghan's scenes with McConaughey?
Or have I forgotten something?
To be honest Daddario's scenes really overshadowed the other women.

I've seen worst performances from B list actresses than hers in TD in the same year to be fair, Anne Hathaway's "acting" in interstellar comes to mind

Praise be to God, the Heavenly Father.

"Bad people exist, and they do bad things, and some times those bad things are lewd."
There you go, that's the overall message of every single adult drama series made in a post Sopranos and other HBO drama landscape.

Play Disco Elysium

Thank you Jesus.

You should find a girl that lets you fuck her ass. I approve.

Jesus and his mother/lover Mary are my ancestor, and as the closest living direct descended of God himself I bless this thread.

Jeffrey Epstein and Jimmy Savile's friends run the world from the top all the way down to your backyard tiddies > ass mostly

stars are winning or something

this is a VERY anti-semitic joke buddy
you're on thin ice

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No fun waiting around to get ass cancer.

-White Males

Okay, thanks.

tfw God probably isn't real even though I want him to be and all of this undue suffering billions and billions of people go through and all the nefarious acts by people of power has been unpunished and will go unpunished until humanity burns out

really tragic

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Don’t worry, there’s plenty of Arabs and George Bush deep state WASPs there too

all of this undue suffering billions and billions of people go through is pointless*

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when I was watching this scene I had a huge feeling she was gonna talk about anal

Still 99.999% non true detectives left.

Thank you user, I was wondering why her breasts were a lighter color than her shoulders.

>>she always plays sluts
must be a slut in real life

weak men let the guilty go unpunished
it is not the lord's responsibility to do work that only his people can. if you feel so strongly, be the sword that strikes at evil

ah fuck, I got fucking stick bugged, I can't believe it. You really got me there, damn.