What are some motion pictures where the main character commits a horrible act of cruelty that is technically legal?

What are some motion pictures where the main character commits a horrible act of cruelty that is technically legal?

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where i live the age of consent is 14 but people still would look at you like a perv since they consume netflix

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>gf is 5 hears younger than me
B-bros... am i going to get cancled?

You'd be surprised how common attitudes like this are amongst young people. They've been raised during a time of constant moral panic about paedophilia and so are ultra sensitive. 16 year old with a 21 year old, is disgusting, for instance. It's funny to observe when you're older and realise how similar 16 year olds and 21 year olds are mentally and physically.

So, from sexual liberation into new, even stricter conservatism? This doesn't bode well for the alphabet soup.

my dad was in his 40s when he knocked up my 18 year old mom

why should I feel bad about this?

>tfw almost 24 and gf is 18
Roastoids seething

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humans are supposed to have children in their late teens, no later than late 20s
anything after 30 will produce autism

sounds like classic american cultural terror

Knock up a 40 year old woman and see how your dad reacts

>tfw almost 25
>gf is 19

bros it's over, I'm going to horny jail

twin peaks

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Who the fuck tweets something like this?

I'm 30 and my gf 22. Also I'm unemployed and balding

Remember when 16+ used to be fine? What changed?

>Knock up
>40 year old woman

haha nice try

>gf is 19
feeling pretty based rn

Autist here, how do u even meet with young ladies?, asking for a friend

you're a monster. nice job

Cool it with the homophobic remarks.

>gf is 19
Previous gf was 26 and more immature and useless than her too

any film with a wh*te character
being wh*te is technically legal, yet it is the most cruel thing you can do - not only to yourself but to everyone around you

I’m 30 never had a gf of any age.

Is this the ideal age for male/female partnerships? That's the 3rd post itt with 24m and 18/19f


>bloody bastard bitch!

>gf is 8
feeling pretty based rn


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How much of a hamplanet is she?

>gf is 17
Delicious seethe.

I have never seen a successful marriage where the age gap was less than 4.

There is literally nothing wrong with a 30yo man marrying a 14yo girl.

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at 21/22 i had a crush on a girl at work that was 26/27
partly just because i'm an incel and a khhv i guess

It helps to be in college while you're in your mid-20s.

most based post in this whole thread if real

What if user is a wagie already?

>tfw you're a 30 year old boom who fugs women 10 years younger and 20 years older
kinos for this feel?

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I'm turning 33 soon, my girlfriend just turned 21 in December and had only been with women before me. This anonymous son of a bitch is fucking super hot young prime pussy and basically you are fucking stupid.
Anyone who makes twitter threads needs to fucking kill themselves already.

I’m the guy you asked, I’m a musician and I play gigs in college towns a lot. Have met many girls that way, but this one makes my bed, coffee, and folds my clothes every morning after I have her over, so I made her my gf.

Download tinder and set your age range to only be at 18-22 but I'll be honest if you're in your mid-late 20s/early 30s they'll be looking for a daddy type that has the propensity to take care of them rather than a typical wagie guy if you want a girl that's not batshit crazy or a drug addict.

This is true. Grandparents on both sides have a 4+ year gap. All their children married their own age, and they’re all divorced, including my parents.

"sexual liberation" was always about policing male sexuality and forcing them to find old, ugly women attractive

>I’m a musician and I play gigs in college towns a lot
shit larp

Our biopic, fellow nu-boomer

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how do you figure, moron? sexual revolution hasn't helped women at all.

I love Twitter, man. It has created such a hilarious culture of people.

being a musician doesn't mean you're some famous mf making millions, he probably does gig jobs at bars and shit

>tfw 26 dating a 20 year old

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you're telling me you believe his larp? lmfao

What actually causes this? Is it projection?

>tfw 21 dating a girl 2 months older than me
Lock me in the slammer and throw away the key, I'm a menace

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irl ugly bastard

why not? Being a musician is easy and I personally know like 3

none of them made lifelong careers out of it, all of them made money off of it

you disgust me

I can’t find the account or tweet so I think it’s fake desu

Blow it out your ass
This guy is right. It pays the bills so far, that’s about it.

This is why women previously didn't have rights

Cooper's a fag. I would've pounded Audrey's hymen into a fucking paste

You can tell by looking at that colossal faggot he’d never be able to pull a 21 y/o.

>why not?
is it your first day on the site? and no lmao i dont find it unbelievable that he's a "musician"
>altering the larp to fit along with what someone else said
hate to see it

I'm 27 and my gf is 31

The woman would have to go jail in his case because retards can't give consent.

She was a 31 year old child you sick fuck.

So they want women to be able to fug older men but want to arrest older men for fugging younger women? Seems a bit contradictory.

wow a 4 year age gap

I doubt he can date someone his age

I decided I wanted to start a family at 36 and have knocked up a 24 year old, feels good man

there's no reason to lie about something like being a musician. It's not respectable at all and only has a "moderate" cool factor that would obviously apply to 18-20 year old girls

if he were to say he was a millionaire musician with albums that topped the charts and settled for one(singular) 18 year old gf then no, I would be disinclined to believe him, but given that I know his type and met a few of them personally I find it entirely within reasonable bounds

>What are some motion pictures where the main character commits a horrible act of cruelty that is technically legal?


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>because retards can't give consent.
Is that even true? Will I go to jail if I fuck a 20 year old tard, even if she claims it's consensual?

she's a kid and you should be ashamed

how come if you knock a woman up, it's a good thing, but you knock a woman down and police get called?

I'm 37 years old and my girlfriend is 14

21 is still a child. 21 year old women can't even wipe their asses properly

who knows

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I'm having sex with 16 years old, I'm 29. It's legal in my country. So what.
My age is closer to her mother then her hehe

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>there's no reason to lie about something like being a musician
that's what I'm saying user, what's with the shit larp? If you're a musician post your stuff.
>inb4 this would somehow dox you
lmao no

Anything upwards of 14 is legal here. I still can't find anything in common with a woman unless she's like 19.

>It's funny to observe when you're older
It’s funny indeed but I’m confused why this young man is chastising himself publicly for thinking about dating a slightly younger female. Personally I see no point in dating a 21 year old either, she’s got to be 18-19 or 27-32, so either at her peak or someone who can challenge me intellectually/be a mother.

I'm 20 and 16 is old enough for me. Maybe even 15.

>If you're a musician post your stuff.
bro he might be playing in a cover band or something lmao

why would he post music that he plays just to satisfy you? You act like you've never taken your girl to a live music bar with fucking nobodies who probably don't even have shit on bandcamp. You're acting like a tool and a tard rn

>bro he might be playing in a cover band or something lmao
that means he can't play his instrument on vocaroo? shit larp.

I'm 32 and I've never been with a woman over 22. I went out on a first date with a 28 year old last year and was so disgusted by it I ghosted her. Are there any films for this feeling?

>ever challenging you intellectually

>be a mother

user. get the 19 year old who is at her peak and can challenge you intellectually and be a mother.

>19 years old
>can challenge you intellectually

why would he do that just to prove you wrong user.

anything with Leondardo DiCaprio in it

I wouldn't trust a 19 year old girl who dates guys my age to be a good mother.

>challenging you intellectually at any age

for the same reason he's samefagging and doing damage control on his shit larp, he cares what strangers on Yea Forums think.

They want old women to be considered attractive. All feminism is old ugly woman cope

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if you've never met 140-150 iq girls while they were starting college idk what to tell you

shrug your loss

>if you've never met 140-150 iq girls while they were starting college idk what to tell you
you have to be 18 to post here user.

>playin with dolls at 15

red flag off the bat

I dated a 20 year old when I was 32. No one ever said anything negative about it to me but she got hate both from her girlfriends her age and from older women. They really are a bucket of crabs.

have you never? lol

same. Can't even enjoy 15 year old virgins in peace.

you're obviously underage b& if you're trying to defend that age group's intellect lmao

>If you're a wagie
Be a manager, an admin, etc. any position like one or two steps above an entry level position where young people are frequently employed. If you're too far up the hierarchy it will be harder justify interacting with entry level people.

I'm getting the feeling you're probably beneath the bracket where I would even respect your intellect at any age anyway

“You’ve got shit taste son.”

>blaming netflix
k here goes my uninteresting experience that happened before netflix existed

>am in europe
>age of consent 15
>college, living on dorm with guys
>we go to bars on friday and saturday to get drunk and maybe score
>one guy hooks up with a 16 years old
>everyone makes fun of him
>drops her next day
>for two months there are jokes flying at him when opportunity arrises

Initially I did not really care, I was like... so she would get fucked by a 22 year old instead of some guy her age what does it matter...
but I of course went with the group think
It was a good think. They were amazing friends and I am glad for moral compass they provided me for the future.
I miss that time :(

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>I'm getting the feeling you're probably beneath the bracket where I would even respect your intellect at any age anyway
lmao ok retard

35+ is peak intelligence. It's ascended tier.

It’s called virtue signaling and it’s very common, especially on twitter