Will Smith's JUSTing >>>>> Brendan's by a long shot...


Will Smith's JUSTing >>>>> Brendan's by a long shot. This bitch just started filming will in his own home without asking him and posted it.

Transcript (cant make out the name):
>The bitch: So will you know ??? is coming to the table. Would you say she has been instrumental in redefining our relations.

>Will: I would say dont just start filming me without asking me if u could me film

>The bitch: ??? come help me im still dealing with foolishness

>Will: Dont, nah nah dont cause she just...

>The bitch: Would you say that she helped us heal the hurt in our relationship

>Will: My social media is my bread in butter. You cant just use me for social and not... Dont just start, im standing in my house, dont just start rolling

He should've never dated her. This man is just suffering now

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He's just being used

god damn it will please just get a divorce for the love of god
half your shit isn't worth this, it's just shit, this is your life that's happening here

That's just depressing

That's awful. Poor guy

Just fucking divorce her. This is shameful. How can he just put up with being so thoroughly emasculated in front of the world?

Change Will to The Cuck, please.

Will please

Good god man. He must have done some fucked up shit to let her be that way. He literally looks like he's being held hostage

He could have a leg in one hand and a BRERB in the other, how could she be so cruelhouse?

This is literally a joke.

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In hindsight we should have known he was a cuck when the daughter was named after him and the son was named after her.

>all the people in this thread whiteknighting him
>he probably has drank blood of kids and been part of rituals like in true detective

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Bruh bruh looks like he finna cry

This. People are siding with him because le evil woman. The truth is both must be tortured to death.

why the fuck would she post this holy shit

Bitch ass nigga. He's a white dude at heart because no nigga would let a bitch cuck him like this.

>(cant make out the name)
A Stair?
She just doing her show in the living room now?

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cuck stuff and gay stuff is more prominent in black communities than any other. just fyi

glass houses "alice"

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Will going crazy and fucking up is the most attention she's had in her entire life.

Fuck off, Qtard

She is shit.. pressing go live without telling him.
And like being a woman she ALSO does a shit test on him without telling him that it will be live.
Call out all women for shit tests. They do not deserve the right to do shit tests anymore.

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no idea what q even is tbqh, just watched true detective s1 last week

Can we reach him somehow?


It's an unparalleled level of toxicity. The likes of which have never been seen before, Jesus Christ.

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>"Don't, nah nah, yeah cos she, don't just..."
>that body language
a broken man

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WHO helped them, the table?
He should have asked her for a trio with that other her.

will is spiritually a white guy and always has been, that was his appeal for hollywood. but his wife clearly resents that, and keeps comparing him (unfavorably) with spiritual black guys, like 'pac and that zoomer rapper.

>please don't film me
>omg here we go again with this foolishness...

this bitch is evil


Well sure he did, but he didn’t want to

HOLY THOUSAND COWS. I just realized..

Sean Connery was right about slapping your woman


will is going to fucking kill himself.


I am sure she is nicer and would have asked you gently before giving you a blowie.

Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend

Link any pics you want. Gay cuck shit is in every community to some degree and whites can pull it off better because we are more attractive than everyone else but nah cuck fag shit is more prominent for blacks than any other race. Research the statistics yourself buddy.
Niggers are always fucking in prison but whites will often beat you to shit if you try any of that lol


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realistically speaking, how does one uncuck themselves from a situation like this?

nigga for the fucks say
you can always walk away

>will laughed at rock's joke
>jada was offended, and made him go up and defend her "honor" to make up for laughing
>afterwards she goes out and publically shits on him for standing up for her, despite obviously making him do it

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>Would you say that she helped us heal the hurt in our relationship
>She gonna have to work overtime after this bullshit.

high kill count

When the fuck was this filmed?

He moves like a battered wife would.

Theres another angle that shows her laughing at Rock when he gets slapped too. It's all so two faced

Literally kill self while cursing her.

Is it true that she laughed when the slap happened?

>having to hide in your own house from your wife

murder rape. In that order.

>the hurt we've caused between one another
I can't tell if she believes that or not

>This bitch just started filming will in his own home without asking him and posted it.

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welcome to marriage.

This is truly beyond sad. Will's a cuck but Christ this woman is something else. Ever single word was a manipulation.

>no one in this thread realizing they are joking
>"lets make a clip where we praise someone for healing us, but where we have a disagreement lol"
You should have caught on when Will said 'my social media presence is my bread and butter.


Blacks are also the undisputed kings of domestic abuse, which is the only correct way to treat wemenz.

this is an old clip btw

welp I can't argue against that. You win

This the type of guy who says the slap was staged.



This so much. I'm sure people like to shit on American law system when you divorce but goddamn, you are keeping all that material shit at what cost? also his children are grown up now, Will my nigga what the fuck are you doing?

Alright, what’s going on here? Did she stream this or something?

Same guy here. It clearly wasn't.


This is why rich black men marry white women

I wanna dab on him but shit this is just sad.
>they are joking
You're the autist user.

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dont believe your eyes anymore

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>Meanwhile in Serbia
How do you think Pac reacted when he watched the slap? I bet he almost spat out his Ćevapi laughing at how sissy it was

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is that you Carlton?

Prove it

I hate niggers as much as the next guy but God damn this is just abuse, how the fuck is this allowed?

Is tupac really still alive???

The Matriarchy

I mean in general sense as in dump that bitch

This everyone, is what a broken buck looks like.

This has to be one of those Hollywood humiliation rituals. Willy got fame and fortune with the stipulation being that soon it all would come crashing down in front of him and he'd be made a fool in the limelight. And now the bill has come due it seems.

>bread in butter

literally fucking kill yourself

Yes. He's been in hiding for 26 years because he didn't want to deal with this miserable cunt anymore.

She 100% is that delusional and evil
>I wanna dab on him but shit this is just sad.
For real. This is not just cuckold shit it's emotional torture

yes he's fucking serb twinks

Hahaha "why would Will let this be released" why would JADA release this lol that lady is balls to the walls delusional, she really has checked out of reality and expects others to follow her off the cliff. Imagine trying to actually be positive and working towards a solution in your marriage, and then your partner whips their phone out and embarrasses you like that

Oh no some millionaire dude is being abused by his millionaire wife
What a story

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