Will he ever finish Winds of Winter?

Will this smelly fatso finish his series or do you think he is just focused on producing television series that are spinoffs of his unfinished story?

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his latest blogpost confirmed he's given up on it
he'd rather work on tv shows just like he always wanted to

Its already finished since the show revealed most of the major plot points. He can either publish the shit peeople already saw, and many hated, or change it like a hack

It's been awhile since the last book came out

Attached: grrm.jpg (835x294, 95.86K)

>sweet sister
>mine own
>if needs be
>needs must
>would that I could
>in his cups
>mummer's farce
>like as not
>with child
>a man grown
>on the morrow
>three and ten
>words are wind
>dark wings, dark words
>the horse whickered
>near enough to make no matter
>a flagon of Dornish sour red
>as useless as nipples on a breastplate
>poison is a woman's weapon
>he broke his fast
>swimming in butter
>grease dripped down his chin

cast him

>Will he ever finish Winds of Winter?

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Well, the books read different than show (except for the first one) so I always thought they would be different. It's obvious he's never going to finish.

That's true. I think it would be better if he stopped stringing his fans along. That is what pisses me off the most.

>remember reading Game of Thrones in 1996
the guy sold out, quite literally, to the white slavers at HBO

what does japed mean?




I know it's hilarious to even ask. I'm just wondering if there are fans out there who are still holding out hope he will finish ASOIAF

a writer who created one of the most complex greatest worked of literature in human history doesn't deserve to be called smelly fatso!! he is not even a slow writer for a look at the quality if the first 3 books and the quick succession of their release.

lol I'm sorry, I just stopped reading at Storm of Swords because the series isn't finished. He does look like he stinks a little though.

lol fuck that fat stinky cunt. imagine selling out so hard you leave your magnum opus unfinished for some other autistic virgin to finish once you die.


If there were actually only two books left I wouldn't be surprised if be finished it. But he has unfortunately set up 4 books.

Yeah there's tons i read it all the time on twitter. People actually rationalize this fat fuck's reasons for not finishing the god damn books.

Even Neil Gaiman forgives george.

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To rape jokingly

I remember thinking in 2011 the books would be finished within the next 10 years. Jesus christ

>makes Yea Forums seethe
>makes Yea Forums seethe
>makes Yea Forums seethe
He is incredibly based

the worst part about that is that he introduced it gradually
people speak quite normally in the first book, them suddenly they're all "words are wind" or "mine own" in the later books

gaiman will be the one who ends up finishing the series once fat george dies

Nope. His books have officially entered "Valve space". No matter what comes out, it will be infinitely more disappointing than anything people can hope for. Anticipation had lead to wildly high expectations. Anything less than literal perfection will make a sizeable chunk of the audience go,
>we waited decades for THIS???
He fucked himself by waiting so long.

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Amazing how he took longer for worse stories

Its nuts to think thag since i started the show in 2011 there hasnt been a single book released. Literally a whole series has came out before a single novel

It can't be worse than the show, at least

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but half life alyx was pure kino and the best game of 2020.

I feel he can end it better than the showrunners at least. But it's true I think it's overwhelming for him to finish it . Th expectations are too high and I think it's impossible for him to finish.

It's as if the longer he takes the shittier his books become.

hype about this universe died down

This is a fun tool:

"Words are wind" was not introduced until the third book, but "Mine own" has been around since the second. My personal pet peeve word is "sluice", which is used 6 times in the first book and then never again.

she hasn't even left mereen yet, the next entire book would be her resolving her diarrhea and getting back into town.

Honestly the best way for George to wrap this up in two books is to remove Dany from the story entirely

He should have done it in his draft for the first book.

GRRM doesn't even have a plausible way to get her and her army into King's Landing does he?

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If I were GRRM I would have the Meereenese at large rise up against her rule in open revolt at about the same time Victarion arrives with the Iron Fleet. It would both exemplify how her ideals and culture are fundamentally incompatible with the Ghiscari in Slaver's Bay which has already been set up by freedmen choosing to sell themselves back into slavery and it would also give her the impetus and means to head back to Westeros. I expect by the time she arrives King's Landing would have fallen to fAegon giving her a mummer's dragon to fight and creating a more organic way for her to be seen as villainous by the Westerosi. If she rocks up with Ironborn and Dothraki and starts fighting the beloved "Targaryan" who liberated the people from Cersei it would make sense for her to be rejected there too. This would all come together to make a more convincing Mad Queen snap than whatever the show delivered.

Okay, you can ask the Fat Fuck ONE question about a character or plot line and you'll get the full story to the ending. What do you ask?

I'm basic, just have to ask what happens to my favorite character, Jamie.

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Jaime is my favourite too, but I want to see how Euron's scheme pans out.

you're good

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I think this is precisely what all the foreshadowings have hinted at. Dany will however support the Northern fight against the Walkers and she'll probably meet Jon there.

Yeah that has to be my other most wanted. Would love to see what horrors he unleashed.

Thanks, I really like these books.
Yeah, that's the only bit I haven't got much of an idea about. I have a good idea of her role in southern Westeros and a decent enough idea of what she'll do in the North, but I'm not sure where she would arrive first or how and why she'd move from one to the other.

We already know the answer bookbros

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Words on this list that I use:
>if need/s be/must
>swimming (in butter or similar)

My grandparents would say
>would that (thing)

Reminder if he doesn't finish it then the Preston Jacobs theories become canon

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Probably not.
> Yes, of course I am still working on THE WINDS OF WINTER. I have stated that a hundred times in a hundred venues, having to restate it endlessly is just wearisome. I made a lot of progress on WINDS in 2020, and less in 2021… but “less” is not “none.”

He wrote Fire and Blood and finished in 2017/18. He still has another volume to write about the Targaryeans too after Winds of Winter. Maybe he'll die beforehand, maybe he won't, but he has at least 3 books he'll work on until he's done with all of ASOIAF universe shit

Where do whores go?

>greatest works of literature in history
how do I become this stupid

I hold on to the hope that he might actually have written the books already and is just planning to release them when he has generated enough fame and hype for them to give him maximum profits.
Dabid & Dabid wanted to work for Disney so they ruined the schedule. Hopefully that means the House of Dragons will have dedicated showrunners this time and will be a better show than GoT.

Here's how he can finish it in a month
>Dany dies of diarrhea
>Young Griff is overpowered in the Stormlands
>Euron's voodoo shit self-destructs
>The based Tyrells rule Westeros peacefully for a thousand years

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What did he do to Yea Forums?

He wrote Elden Ring

>Sunset found him sulking in his office, procrastinating.The more he wrote the shittier the books, and the shittier the books the longer they took to write. Come the 2010's he was editing wild cards novels.

He should just give his notes to a good writer

He could probably do it. He has plenty of experience writing characters that aren’t his own as a comic author.

Neil Gaiman is shit, though. He has a couple of good books, but most of them are boring wankfests where nothing really happens. It's like if every Anne Rice novel was Memnoch, the Devil.

He has 2 assistants i think, who help him tighten up plots and shit. He said that if he dies no one is allowed to finish his books though.

>He said that if he dies no one is allowed to finish his books though
His heirs will sell the IP before you can type "tax policy".

>The based Tyrells
Andal steward ambitious bastards sons of whores! Euron will kill them all

The estate will finish it after he is dead.

Someone crunched the numbers, and the numbers said 2027 at this rate. lmao

The show is the reason he is rewriting the fucking thing

Go to bed Loras.

No he won't. His series is unfinishable. From the beginning it was an exercise in subversion for subversion's sake, a cynical, amoral mess, with no real direction and no setup or payoff because of it's banal nature. He wrote it entirely SEETHING that LOTR is popular and doesn't have sex scenes or hobbits saying fuck. It cannot be finished because it doesn't have a real ending, just a stopping point, and he knows that and he knows his legacy would be ruined if it ever came out. He's hoping to die first and have an air of mystery OH WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN! Spoiler, it would have been an unsatisfying nothing.

He's not wrong about the Tyrells. They're the only family decent enough to be good rules, but shrewd enough to hold onto power.