Is stick driving really that mind-boggling impressive to americans?

Is stick driving really that mind-boggling impressive to americans?

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Why are foreigners so fucking stupid? Seriously, why? Millions upon millions of Americans drive stick shift vehicles, from cars to tractors to trucks. It boggles the mind how goddamn retarded faggot ass foreigners are when it comes to this country, like a bunch of literal children imagining some place based on fairy tales.

one of the cringest scenes ever

just the black ones

For me, It's Toyota.

do americans really?

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It's 2022, there's no reason to buy a stick. You get less gas mileage and it's 10x tougher to eat while I'm driving. It's like buying shoes with laces when Velcro exists.

foreignfags destroyed

Yes just buy a tesla. It has two gears, forward and reverse.

This movie fucking sucked dick

sucked stick*

Yes it's true that most Americans cannot drive stick.

But imagine being so proud that you have a skill that literally takes 15 minutes in an empty parking lot to gain.

Delete this before yuropoors get offended.

>America and Americans still living RENT FREE in the heads of all non-Americans
It's sad that the rest of the world thinks about America and Americans every waking moment of their life. You people need to seek help.

I'm not even sure why Europoors give Americans shit over cars when it's only the top 20% of Euros who can afford a vehicle.

I know your post is bait but it gets better gas mileage

absolutely. it makes driving a pleasure. I always want to own a manual vehicle. I sold my car last year so now I only have my truck which is automatic and I miss getting to drive my car

>10x tougher to eat while I'm driving

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If my homosexual faggot loser ass can learn to drive stick then so can you people

Modern automatics get better gas mileage 99% of the time. You are living 20 years in the past. When I drove for a living I was getting 8 to 9 mpg with a 10 speed 13l Detroit, and my buddies with autos on the same engine were getting 11 to 12.

Who cares? That's all they do.

Stick driving is an emotionally stunted attachment to archaic chores which in other aspects of daily life are ignored as no attachment was ever astroturfed to them

Automatic dishwashing replaced hand washing to little controversy, automatic clothes washing replaced hand washing to little controversy and much fanfare of letting a machine handle a primitive action. Hand-driving gets replaced with automatic but is associated with shallow pop-nationalism so ended up being a controversy


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>10x tougher to eat while I'm driving
I hate Americans so much it is unreal

>it’s another Europeans are obsessed with Americans despite claiming to be better thread

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>blah blah blah gas mileage
Driving stick is fun and women think it's hot if a guy can drive manual

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>drive an automatic
>own guns
>fuck italian girls from jersey
Being an Americunt is awesome

you let a machine drive for you LMAO. Like "hey car can I pretty please overtake this truck if it's alright with you?"
Do you also buy your wife a fuckmachine because you're above such primitive tasks?

Oh yes, nothing better than just upshifting and passing a truck without using the gas pedal at all because that’s how cars work.

god he's so cute

i literally learned to drive stick by pretending i was in the fast and the furious

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my first car was a stick shift honda civic

Give one good reason to drive stick.

built in anti-theft

your brain on auto

Get this through your head boomer. No one cares.

its fun

I can accelerate faster whenever I want (overturns on highways), I can "motor break" (eco driving), I can burnout (fun), I can drift (fun)

automatics are mushy and unresponsive. at least in the shitboxes i can afford.

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Imagine wanting to have fun.

you outed yourself. You don't know how to drive.
It's over. Gather up the rest of your dignity and alt+f4.

>I can accelerate faster whenever I want (overturns on highways),
Don't need stick to do this.
>the rest
Not a good reason.

I buy autos because it means they produce fewer sticks and that makes me happy. Go get your washboard out to get the stains out of your undies.

>diddling my car's dick and doing a tap dance on the pedals is soooo fun and wacky!

>i need a computer to jerk me around in gears for me poorly

>Alt F4
What's that? I'm on a mainframe from 1977. You don't know how to compute.

Try driving one it is definitely more enjoyable especially once you gitgud.

I bought one with no one to teach me and had to drive home. It was so terrifying now it's all I'll ever drive if the keep making them.

I learned how to drive on stick because there's a separate license for it in my country. Haven't touched that dumb shit since passing the exam.

In europe it's actually cool to own automatics and be comfy

This. I was in Europe for business and their chicks think Americans are exotic. It's wild to drive around and fingerblast them and they'd be like "NO PLEASE STOP BABY HOW WILL YOU DO THE SHIFTING!?!" And that's when I'd cooly say "calm down baby it's an automatic" and then they'd just gush. Truly a backwards people, they're kind of like the amish.

we dont have LA traffic

>why do people play video games when you just watch a movie?
Seriously, why go through the effort of learning controls, practicing, and retrying levels over and over when you just watch a 2 hour movie?

Why go through all that effort when you can just have the story handed to you? Plus, it's way easier to eat while watching a movie than playing video games.

This is what you people sound like.

For some, driving isn't just a chore you have to get done. Some people enjoy it, and they want to have more of a connection with the vehicle, and more control over how it operates.

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Enjoying anything is a feminine European trait.

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>Is stick driving really that mind-boggling impressive to americans?
Are non-Americans really that fucking stupid? Shouldn’t you be hosing down Ukraine or something, retard?

>doesn’t know what he’s talking about
>doesn’t own a car
>doesn’t have a license
whatever keeps you from killing yourself, drydick

im not sure whats more aggravating: that hes straight or that he apparently raped some chick. what a waste.

you are the foreigner faggot

You have more possibilites. Automatic driving is for people who want to go from point A to B while eating their tacos, while stick or shifter driving is for fun and performance

Americans can't drive stick

Why would a cancer patient stop thinking about their cancer?

I drive standard transmission because that is the fucking default configuration in my monkey-riddled thirdworlder jungle, and has been ever since I remember.
Automatics do exist, in an approximate 60-40 relation, and you get to get behind the wheel on both regularly. No one really cares what you drive, not even car guys (only the insufferable ones), as long as it gets the job done.

He's a fat, retarded, mixed breed, but he's right. New autos get better mpg.

No, not really.
So this is the thread for people who have never been to America or even talked to an American before, I assume?

The feel, nigger. It's like fucking without a condom.