Movies message is "Don't be ashamed of what you look like"

>Movies message is "Don't be ashamed of what you look like"
>Whole movie mocks Farquaad for his height

What did they mean by this?

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Manlets are responsible for their height.

Farquad was ashamed of his height.
t. 5'4" man

Manlets don't exist in the eyes of women

>call the main villain 'fuckwad' for 2 hours

The massage is that race mixing is wrong

Farquaad was an asshole though so it was okay.

The message is that your looks aren’t important, your character is.

Farquad was short, but also a cunt. Prince Charming looked nice, but also a cunt.

Shrek is a racial allegory
>Shrek is a metaphor for blacks, segregated from other groups and constantly prejudiced against
>Fiona is lightskin, hence why she can "pass" as white during the day but at night it's obvious she's black.
>Movie ends with her accepting her black identity by choosing Shrek over white Farquaad.

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............Donkey and Dragon

No, it's about not judging someone based on how they look. Farquaad proved himself and asshole despite his height, os it's fair game.

Should have ate well when you were a kid

Movies mocks his obvious insecurities though
Not the same thing

No. The message is "you can rise above people's expectations of you"
People thought Shrek was a monster and he leans into this reputation at the start of the movie, but does a 360 on this at the end. Farquad on the other hand embraces his reputation as a tyrant, so we can laugh at him for being short


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looks don't matter as long as the guy is tall. Short guys got no respect,less than what Dangerfield claimed to get

But if Shrek was an Asshole mocking him for being an Ogre would be looked down upon

that cake says a lot about Farquaad

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I was actually thinking to myself, how important is height?

Can an ugly guy who is tall pull girls easier than a short handsome guy?

>but "situation that hasn't happened"
Fuck off

and so does this scene with him on a horse

he was a coomer

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Shrek is fat bald and ugly but also 7 ft tall
Manlets get the rope

I thought about this too, but it would make no sense for Fiona to turn from White to Black if that was the case. Also we learn in the sequel that Human Shrek is White too

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why did they make him resemble Gordon Brown?

>Shrek is fat bald and ugly
Just like me and I'm 6'3
Still a khv
Where's my Fiona bros?

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It's ok to make fun of somebody once they've committed genocide

no. i'm 6'4 and have actually modelled and i am a virgin at 29. i had friends in college that were the size of most women and they were having regular sex. the closest i got was a blowjob from a drunk woman and to be honest I think it was rape

you haven't tried to pull girls from how you describe this so your opinion is invalid

curious to hear about the latter though, story?

I'm 5'11'' with a Timmy Chalamet tier physique and I consistently pull bisexual women

Tall people are just friendlier and easy to get along with.

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ew i don't even want to give you a you

Unless you're fat or really fucking ugly (like deformity-level ugly) all you need to do is to go out more and try to socialize. No woman will want you if they dont even know you exist. They have to see you first
You already have a height advantage, so go for it bro

Shrek is based as fuck
>makes fun of manlets
>every character is white
>only black character is a literal Donkey
>peak American culture such as fast foods, wrestling and Hollywood
>makes fun of everything, isn't ashamed of anything

>I'm 6'3

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i absolutely have. i used to specifically go "clubbing" to have a one night stand and i've asked out a bunch of women (both in person and in real life) no matter what i try people just think i'm weird. my penis is also longer than average according to wikipedia
also i am relatively fit and have started taking testosterone as a way to get even more noticably /fit/
basically she didn't know who i was and she was barely aware of where she was but she came into my friends dorm room and she sucked both our dicks

>juicing virgin

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The potion doesn't count. Donkey also became a white horse but he was still a black-coded character

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>romcom drama, tons of contrivances and plot holes, miscommunication, biggest amount of pop culture references in a Dreamworks film, Shrek mopes a lot, Fiona is bland, Donkey is unfunny, Beverly Hills setting, humans look hideous, tons of inappropiate "adult" jokes, Fairy Godmother and Charming were annoying assholes, King is an hypocrital bigot, Flintstones humor, garbage cover of Changes, Ricky Martin party ending
i hate the second movie

fuck u normie modeler cunt

>Flintstones humor
Do you just mean "modern invention but animal"?
>Ricky Martin dance ending

Easily. My roommate is ugly as sin, but he’s 6’5” so he gets a lotta tang.

He ain’t a normie if he’s 29 and not able to lose his virginity. Even if you’re not trying to lose your virginity you probably could pretty easily past the age of like 19

Nope. I'm 6'5 and ugly as well as mentally ugly. Girls dont look at me at all.

stfu he's a richfaggot normie stop whiteknighting for him
you're too tall

>you're too tall
Manlet cope.

i rarely leave the house and i am not rich, i live with my mum and dad.
the modelling was a college thing because i joined a modelling society to meet women and i ended up on a contract with an actual modelling firm but i got paid like £150 a month, nothing special

>White Bronco
>knight with a knee on donkey's neck
>aaah police brutality police brutality
>that's uh not mine...
How in the FUCK did they get away with this?

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The actual message of the movie is "fuck disney"

i'm 6'2" bro and a qt cashier took part of my bill out of the tip jar instead of making me pay it all so i won today

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It was a different time

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>how important is height?
Is the single most important physical trait in a man.
Barring have some serious deformity of course.

don't care didn't ask you are admitting you are handsome and tall and are somehow not capable of getting sex

you are rich and a loser

>will they get away with it, or someone let the cat out of the bag?

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She is ugly on the outside but good on the inside. Farquaad is ugly in both respects.

why are you seething so hard rn?
who hurt you?

i hate bourgeois

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This board's definition of "ugly" is a fat slob with half his face missing.

An average-looking, social man who is tall will absolutely pull more pussy than a good-looking short man.

>does a 360 on this at the end

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So when do we get to send all the Shreks back to the swamp?

one of these days I'll post a selfie and get tv to rate me

Lord Farquaad is a caricature of 6'3'' Michael Eisner created by seething 5'4'' manlet Jeffrey Katzenberg to be the villain of his "FUCK DISNEY AND FUCK EISNER" movie.


bruh dis gave me chillz rn fr no cap

bare deep dat was my drilla

Farquaad is a judgemental bully who can't take what he dishes out. It's funny when he's taken down a peg, after you've seen him treat the fantasy creatures so poorly. That's the idea, but the reason it doesn't sit right is that this image is the very thing projected onto young white guys in media to justify using us as the socially acceptable punching bag regardless of how "tolerant" society becomes. Twitter leftists come here and talk shit because they've been taught that we're those same kinds of bullies.

The sequel is about accepting your heritage. Shrek was ashamed of being black