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>giving poor people more lonely will magically make them skinny

Twitter thread didn't read

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Ah yes, poor people, well known throughout history for how fat they were

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yeah just eradicate poverty lol thanks for the tip fat fuck

>fat fuck putting blame and responsibility on others for their poor choices
I hate everyone

look at her face. I'm gonna believe this fat fuck knows how to remove obesity

Historically obesity was tied to wealth because it meant you had the money to continuously feed yourself.


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she’s dog whistling for niggers

Interesting Freudian slip, incel

something tells me she has a lot of food she could donate.

Maybe stop putting corn syrup in literally everything.

Poverty is defined as being the bottom arbitrary percentage of society. Eliminating poverty is statistically and literally impossible.

It's amazing the lenghts fat people in order to avoid facing the fact they're gonna live the last of years of their lives in misery due to their choices

>It's best to eradicate poverty
You can get more money in your pocket by just cooking for yourself instead of waiting for the government to save you.

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wow what a fat fuck

yeah, nowadays it's tied to stupidity

>SCIENCE: "well the vaccines don't prevent transmission and we haven't reached our 70% goal by July 4th"

Take from the fat and give to the poor. It's a win/win.

Retarded phoneposter accidentally outed himself

If that's true this bitch must be poor as hell.

>Strictly speaking, "mass," as a psychological fact, can be defined without waiting for individuals to appear in [a particular] mass formation. In the presence of one individual, we can decide whether he is "mass" or not. The mass is all that which sets no value on itself -- good or ill -- based on specific grounds, but which feels itself "just like everybody," and nevertheless is not concerned about this fact; is, in fact, quite happy to feel itself the same as everybody else.
>The command over the public life exercised today by the intellectually vulgar is perhaps the factor of the present situation which is most novel, least assimilable to anything in the past. At least in European history up to the present, the vulgar had never believed itself to have "ideas" on things. It had beliefs, traditions, experiences, proverbs, mental habits, but it never imagine itself in possession of theoretical opinions on what things are or ought to be. To-day, on the other hand, the average man has the most mathematical "ideas" on all that happens or ought to happen in the universe. Hence he has lost the use of his hearing. Why should he listen if he has within him all that is necessary? There is no reason now for listening, but rather for judging, pronouncing, deciding. There is no question concerning public life, in which he does not intervene, blind and deaf as he is, imposing his "opinions."

These freaks are now admitting ''science'' is religion to them and not actually science. It doesn't make any sense why you would claim this is science.
If you have fat people you use the scientistic method to figure out why they are getting fat, how to prevent it, use data. People didn't figure this shit out overnight and there is still so much to learn about the human body and nutrition.

If I go up to a scientist and ask him how to lose weight and he goes ''woah woah, dude, there are poor people and you're worried about your weight?'' That's not science. That's deflection. You're using the word ''science'' to ignore your obesity and point to whatever the church of ''science'' says is important which apparently is the government printing money and giving it to poor people because surely if you give pieces of paper to poor people everything will be solved.

Okay then why is Africa so skinny?

>how do we solve obesity?
>just eradicate poverty bro

damn why did we never think of that

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Why is it always women with this shit? Men are able to realize that we're fat slobs who need to exercise and lose weight

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It works for high agency people

Not a lot of lazy office workers in Africa relatively speaking.

>but when nearly every aspect of society was different, things were a different way
dude you are a fucking idiot lmao, why did you think this was worth posting

If poverty is the leading reason for obesity what's her excuse?

Men are raised in such a way that they're told they're wrong from time to time. Women don't have the benefit of this experience

But science said it's poverty! Sounds like you're a science denier

Hello Sofie

>you can pull yourself up out of poverty and buy a house if you lay off the avocado toast!
ok boomer
have you looked at food prices lately or is momma still doing the groceries?

this reads like an a.i generated tweet

bitch is literally named after an ice cream

Even our computers are getting too fat

Get a Costco card or stay poor and fat lmao


People are starving and you people are laughing at it. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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Something on your mind you want to tell us?

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James Corden would like a word. Oh wait, you said men, not man shaped.

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You can eat whatever the hell you want, you can eat the exact same things you're eating right now, just in smaller portions, and you'll lose weight. There are people who eat fast food and snacks routinely and they're skinny, they just don't violently stuff their face with mountains of said garbage. Doing this you'd cut a percentage off your food bill. You would spend less. You would have extra money by not being a fat fuck. How else can I rephrase this so you'll get it?

All food prices are going up. I stopped eating at restaurants because they've become so stingy, they charge you twice as much for half the portions. It's still far more economical to cook for yourself.

Lupita has 12 children (8 of which are obese) and no husband. The government has just given her an extra $2000 per month. Will Lupita:
a) use the money to buy high quality food at the grocery store and take the time to learn how to cook a variety of nutritional meals
b) throw more bags of mcdonalds at her kids so they finally shut up so she can get back to watching tv and surfing instagram

Unironically put fatties in workcamps until they reach a healthy weight and can demostrate a proper work ethic. Those who fail should just be shot

jewish mindset


There's a reason they run the world.

Why? what does he say?

This user is correct. I just had two mcchickens for lunch after skipping breakfast. I do this 3x a week and I’m thin.

Recently lost my business and went from middle class to below poverty. Not being able to afford food has lost me 20 lbs so far.

They're doing this shit on purpose, right? I mean they HAVE to be.

Most religions will have you fasting for 40 days of the year
Science has been saying to not eat fat since the 70s
I'll stick with religion thanks

not my point at all you dumb retarded faggots, saving money on food is going to raise you up a class, you're not going to stop being poor by eating only rice and beans and chicken, the cost of living is too damn high for it to make a difference, in America if you worked hard and were sensible with your money you could come up in the world, those days are over, you're cattle to be milked by companies that say that they cant afford to raise wages while they make record profits and blame the supply chain.
everything is fucked, the spirit of america is fucking dead.

If food with much calories is cheap and therefore bought by poor people maybe the should just eat less of it.

*isn't going to raise you up a class

So it's better to keep spending that money on junk food like a retard instead of saving it? What do you want us to tell you?

if she just cut her consumption in half then the entire family would eat every day

Always were. Always will be.

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>you're cattle to be milked by companies
Found the JIDF agent

I'll let him explain

Nah. I like the struggle.

Science: educate the masses to eat healthy and stay fit.
Obese woman: give more gibs to poor people

>I like being a goy cattle paying 6 dollars for milk
good for you I guess