Wrong ends here mate.. lmao. Defend this
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In English, doc
schizokino just like the comic
why the head looks so fake? we don't have the technology to render CGI heads yet?
He means his accent is so terrible it sounds like a french guy doing a Texan accent.
this looks kino tbqh
Seems alright idk
>consecutive normal punches
Even her face is CG
>We want the Legion audience
What comic
>UK aesthetics
>brown people around
no matter how much they push, or it becomes reality, this will never be normal seeming to me
That's what london looks like
nothing to defend
episode 2 was a wet fart
londanon here
seems like a normal day in the UK to me
I know
It's still wrong and and a huge mistake
wasn't this supposed to be mature psychologic show instead of wacky random capeshit with quips
also, check 'em
So its just a Deadpool rip off?
Pick one
moon cricket
A friend of mine from rural Suffolk started working in central London after graduating. He's now itching to go to Manchester or some other big city because central London "isn't an English city" as he puts it. Basically you can look at statistics all day long but you won't feel the crushing cultural isolation until you're actually there. I don't think he even meant it in the sense of disliking the darkies, only that it's so international that there's absolutely no cohesion. No chance of ever visiting some pub and randomly chatting to some old timer and hitting it off based on shared culture, etc
Is that a werewolf? Can't wait to see Blade's PG-13 vampires.
>flies 5 meters
>"do you reckon he's having a seizure"
Next season when
But also this. Legion is miles better
But that is what London is like now
How are people still not tired of capeshit?
>People still watch TV and movies
It's a temporary fad, nothing more. Eventually people will realize it and go back to the gramophone and radio shows
You couldn't come up with anything more retarded? What you said is nothing like what I said.
Brie Larson will kill it off. No one likes her.
What PS3 game is this?
based brie
I only ever liked the Huston run
Moon knight is weird OP,just forget it
So based for ruining a beloved franchise right?
what if deadpool was white
>20 years
I mean when you think about it, what does Deadpool has to offer when everyone in the MCU is already a likeable quipster?
That's the point
Did they give the CGI work to some diversity hire shithouse?
Bros. I had no idea women were so powerful.
Did we get too cocky?
How wude
Cool page.
I always hated Iron Fist tho.
she's /ourcheese/
Nice glutes.
Legion was keyed-know. This doesn't even approximate kino.
Why are you panicking?
I hate CGI and the quips so much.
London is the most multi ethnic city in the world. Even more so than NYC or Toronto
>He doesn't get it
People have been consuming capeshit since the 30's , it's not gonna stop anytime soon. Saying
>Durrrr how are people not sick of capeshit yet
Is about as retarded as saying
>Durrrr how are people not sick of tv yet
It's that ingrained in modern culture.
Yeah, awright.
Jason Aaron is trash
So is Max Bemis
Post something like this from an actual good run by an actual good writer
I am.
The Moon Knight running on top of the building scene was the most epic part of the MCU in a long time, it made me think about how Batman was so badly characterized on the big screen
because they went to "le grounded realistic" route
How does someone on a minimum wage job afford a big apartment like that in Lon-don? Absolute tosh.
schizo buxs
marc spector is former mercenary irl they get paid a lot even if you arent former specialforce you know just average trooper when in the military
MCU attempting Daredevil and Punisher is gonna be the most embarrassing shit
>that freeze frame
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK? was it intentional or just a joke?