It's over

DCsisters... How are we holding up...?
We'll never be able to beat the Marvelchuds....

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He'll be replaced by Alec Baldwin
screencap this

Jewish homosexual bros.....we were supposed to be untouchable

>Oust Zack Synder
>Replace him with the edgy twelve-year-old cringelord James Gunn

DC really can’t catch a break heh?
First the movie was in development hell since 2016, now this kek

Should just sell DC rights to Disney at this point.

The sheer number of calamities and casting issues the DC universe has had is hilarious, and I say that as someone who vastly prefers DC to marvel. Seriously though, how is this so hard? Like they so desperately want to have what Marvel has but they also just don't have the studio talent to make it happen, the fucking CW built a better DC universe than their movie studio did.

Snyderchads know this ain't nothing but a chicken wing

I didn't think they'd even acknowledge it.

What did he even do? I thought he was just drunk and yelled at some people.

Raimi = director
Zac Efron = flash
cage = captain cold
matt berry = Grodd
Dakota Blue = Iris West

>Barry using his police scientist skills gets Len Snart (cage) put in jail for a string of daring heists
>Barry working late at night gets hit by lightning
>his gf (Dakota Blue) visits him in hospital and mentions how quickly he's recovering
>Barry learns he has speed powers
>naming himself after his favorite golden age comic he read as a kid calls himself The Flash
>various super speed rescues
>Snart (in prison) gets a visitor who gives him a bday cake
>its his cold gun (he used during his heists)
>he escapes and becomes Captain Cold
>the person who got him out of jail hires him to steal a gem
>Cold gets it to the "mob boss" after escaping flash
>turns out its Gorilla Grodd
>Flash fights grodd both are hurt but grodd escapes
>Flash gets a psychic call from Gorilla city
>Flash and GF visit Gorilla city
>they learn all about Grodd and what the gem will do (gives the gorilla super duper psychic powers to take over world)
>flash and cold have to team up to stop Grodd

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>white iris west
yikes, no thanks

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Good, this fag has the whiniest voice ever

wow a faggot who was bullied as a child is abusing his power
many such cases

It was Snyder's idea to cast this mentally ill jew faggot.

because they don't have the "guy with a vision" like marvel with feige
even if they did, dc/warner would be too retarded to give him the freedom to build the whole universe

>Snyder cast Ezra Miller, a criminal
>Snyder cast Amber Heard, a criminal
>Snyder cast Gal Gadot, a war criminal

Marvel won the "war" long long ago

At this point I'd just be happy for a DC project that didn't suck balls

He is sabotaging it on purpose as revenge for firing Snyder just like when Ray Fisher's self destruction and Jaosn Momoa pretending to be a pedophile.

The MCU already finished goddamn Infinity War. Everything they do after this is just a victory lap.

DC, meanwhile, only barely managed to squeeze out its version of the first Avengers movie before keeling over and dying, and that was with them trying to speedrun it.

I guess pacing is everything.

based based BASED

Alec baldwin as flash could work because there's no need for prop guns on set

>have entire movie filmed and in the can waiting to be released next year
>this shit show happens

I think Warner will just ignore it and wait till it blows over. They'll pay the media to not write about it and gave Ezra make a public apology in like 6 months and then release the movie 7 months later and no one will remember anything and they'll probably recast him to avoid this in the future

DCEU is an even bigger clusterfuck than Fox’s x men. At least with that we got Fassbender’s magneto. They’re creating a movie to reboot everything and replace their biggest icons with shitty female heroes

Fucking finally, I can't watch that ugly faggot anymore.

>Makes roasties and chuds seethe
What a savant

shut the fuck up tranny faggot

>war criminals

Slaughtering pakis is barely even animal cruelty

Who cares? Fuck capecancer.

he's gonna have to cast a banker next

nice larp DC faggot


Oh no, not the psycho retard who thinks they have carte blanche to act like an asshole. Won’t somebody think of his future shitty behavior that he won’t ever learn from?

he got shitfaced in hawaii and did what people tend to do when shitfaced and rich


Why are homosexuals so unstable?

Lol IGN just posted this
I called it, they’re not gonna do a damn thing

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it's a fucking corporation, you gullible faggot
of course they are going to deny anything painting them in a bad light/situation.

Ezra did nothing wrong, all redditors deserve this

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yaaas queen

Memes aside, they will just bring in black Wally/Wallace.

That way they get more diversity and it softens the blow of replacing a Jewish non-binary.

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do you realize how completely inept you have to be to have not successfully copied the MCU formula by now? an avengers film was rumored starting in 2005, Favreau was initally interested in making Captain America but ended up making Iron Man in 2008. By 2010 we knew Avengers was coming in 2012.

Means DC has had at least 12 years to copy Marvel and they still haven't. Tried cutting corners and debuting everyone in Justice League and it fucking sucked

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they are so inept that the flash movie's only purpose is to completely reboot their failed shared universe
meanwhile marvel is already doing multiverse shit and don't need to reboot everything either

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I will literally drop the DCEU if they drop Ezra

Even FoX-Men and Days of Future Past did the reboot thing better.

The behind the scenes drama of the DCEU is much more entertaining than the actual DCEU

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They're not going to
People are acting like Ezra killed someone when this shit is actually so tame compared to what other people have "gotten away with"
They will do some post-rehab apology tour and pretend like nothing ever happened

How the fuck do you pause his projects? His movie is supposed to be the centerpiece of the reboot.


>Jaosn Momoa pretending to be a pedophile
>I was only pretending to rape kids

do DCkeks really?

Worth a shot

why does Yea Forums love Ezra?

he hates women and redditors

>replacing batman and superman with female sidekicks
>wonder woman probably gonna be replaced after the third movie by nubia
>flash is toast, wally will be black
>aquaman might get a third movie and then be replaced with gay black aquaman
The DCEU is really in shambles. At least Margot will stick around as Harley for another decade.

And also niggers

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he fucked a bunch of kids?

like ansel elgort newest movie probably its still being released but the main actor never invited to talk show or promoting his own film

The chokeslam video is based and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

basically yeah, he had a foursome in the house of the guy who kicked him out, there’s pictures of him mostly naked hanging with young Hawaiian boys, so he is probably just on a nonstop island chemsex spree


>DC has no choice but keep making high end kino
This is a good thing albeitever

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