Alejandro Jodorowski talking about Superheroes Full Quote

>Stan Lee is, in some ways, a businessman. He doesn't really think that comic books are an art form. For him, it's an industry. Same for all the writers that work at those companies. Superman makes me vomit, Batman, and all that. That whole empire… this religion… It is so important that superheroes suffer… I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States. And I shit on those that believe and buy their crap. It's trash, garbage made for children and for adults with the mind of children that can't grow up, treating this... empty vague characters, most of them made only for... Not real characters... as if they were something real, something that... you know, matters. Art matters. Garbage like that doesn't. "Hope" they call that... that thing. America isn't hope. It's sick consumerism. Nothing else.

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sounds more like his neurotic jew genes rearing their ugly head

Jodo is based. The thing is not the ideology but the passion.

>I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States.

Are you saying you don’t think Americans have a problem with consumerism?

>fuck capitahleehsuhm
>but also pls buy tickets to my movies thank you :)

>defending vapid trash, man children, and consumerism

>butthurt eurotrash whines about America
Stop the presses!

he didnt say anything about capitalism in the quote

>I want to make Dune MORE retarded
I fucking hate spics.

>doesn't really think that comic books are an art form. For him, it's an industry.
What the fuck does this retard think art is? Probably hes the kind who smears shit on canvas and says its art.

>le self-important artist face

>fuck consoohmuhrism
>also pls consoom my movies :)

Holy based.
Is he really a jew also?

He's just a coomer pretending to be an artist.

Would have been 1000% more interesting than Villeneuve's procedural film

>book is about how repeating the same shit over and over is stagnant
Son, you are man now, you must choose, paint by number adaptation that is too afraid to use the word jihad, or a raped corpse of the book that is entirely new?

I would take a feverdream over that drab shit.

>Le poopoo movie man talks about poopoo

They didn't say Jihad in the latest flick?

I dont think they did, but honestly I haven’t watched it

>Stan Lee is, in some ways, a businessman.

Attached: Stan Lee Presents Cpt Leech and Fedora Tipper.webm (480x480, 2.78M)

so you dont know what consumerism is.

>amerishart education
He's Chilean jew, retard.

Yes. That's why he's so smart

I wish this lunatic would shut up. Half of The Holy Mountain was good, everything else he did is unwatchable shit. Stop taking him seriously.

seething ameritard

No one cares what third would euroshit country you come from Paco.

>everything else he did is unwatchable shit.
But Santa Sangre is based.

holyshit, amerishart fourthworlders are beyond retarded.

Attached: fatlol.png (240x210, 9.95K)

Well no, if hes spanish I assume hes sephardic, whereas high IQ’s are associated with Ashkenazi Jews

why do quirky teens love this jewish pedos movies so much?

>Born to Jewish-Ukrainian parents (Chodorowski) in Tocopilla, Chile, Jodorowsky experienced an unhappy and alienated childhood, and so immersed himself in reading and writing poetry.

The one good thing capeshit does is make anti-American older libshits seethe.

Oh yeah hes the smart kind, nevermind

Absolutely European and based. How can anglogermcucks even compete?

All this guys has done is make shitty movies, he has no right to shit talk anyone or anything. He's just another snobbish freak in the movie industry.

>He doesn't really think that comic books are an art form.

They're not

What did he mean by this?

>brooo you gotta see this on acid
>hahaha it's so trippy duuude
2001 space odyssey is too mainstream so now it's this guy

Girl = Jodorowsky
Guy = America

He's right about superhero movies but anti-Americanism is played out and cringe and there is nothing in The Holy Mountain more deep or sophisticated than a newspaper cartoon.

He's speaking about the comic book medium. He made a comic too called The Incal, which is vastly superior to any Marvelshit comic. And that's exactly what he's criticizing. He's saying Stan Lee doesn't see comics as an artform, whereas Jodorowsky clearly does, and he's correct in that statement because it is an artform.

Chile is in southamerica retard
Do americans really?

>It is so important that superheroes suffer
What the hell does he mean by this?

Holy shit americans truly live in a bubble. The stupidest country and the stupidest people.

Holy shit

I think he’s more criticizing the system that these stories are being told within, not really the stories themselves. If he ne Dr heard of “Batman” before and someone told him the idea he might think it’s kind of weird fun and crazy. I could even see him making a Batman. Movie himself that could fit within his style of filmmaking. Batman is pretty cool idea, especially to a child, but the problem is when the idea becomes fetishized as a consumable product and we value the idea of the product more than the creative impulse which created it. It gets recycled over and over again and obsessed over and nobody really cares about Batman anymore they just care about the mass phenomenon which is used to generate $. The same is true of social media and pop music and Hollywood actors.

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Actually we just have the privilege to not care about our inferiors.

>Actually we just have the privilege to not care about our inferiors.
Ignorance and stupidity are not a privilege to anyone but idiots and sheeps.

A naked Jodo will never leave my mind unfortunately.

He wrote a hundred "comic books", you idiot ; he's just talking about the american industry of superheroes.

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Was his winky big?

I be you would’t be able to form an argument as to why it isn’t or why it can’t be.
Comic books =/= capeshit

Whaat, is he alive? I really thought he was dead.

>It's trash, garbage made for children and for adults with the mind of children that can't grow up
But Alejandro children are wonderful. You would know.

superheroes can be elevated. Nolan/Burton Batman, Wesley Snipes Blade, etc.

Based Jodo, 100% correct take.
Did he rape you when you were a kid?

>but anti-Americanism is played out and cringe
No, Anti-Amerimuttism is underplayed and based. Fuck Jewmerimutts. Fuck their degenerate shithole for shitting up the whole planet. Putin can't nuke you soon enough.

On the one hand, Based! on the other

Have ye not eyes to see, user? Was not Memorandum 200 written by Kissinger, in which he targets not white nations but third world countries for depopulation? And have not principled Jews like Norman Finkelstein suffered much at the hands of our elite oppressors, seeking to conceal the truth from us? And is not Israel the creation of the Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner plot to control the world via an Anglo-American Empire? Yea, tis true that Jews are involved in the conspiracy, but to say it is a Jewish conspiracy is naught but folly. Our Illuminati overlords would be glad of such near-sightedness.