I watch Severance for she

I watch Severance for she

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Would have a cheeky wank in the office bathroom after our fingers brush when handing her some papers

whats her secret. Is her outie a male?


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that's literally like her giving you a handjob since some of her skin cells are still on your hand.
Checkmate females.

Are we ready for the inevitable end of season blueballs tomorrow?

Attached: severance milchek dance.webm (1918x802, 2.96M)

SIRS ...

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This series will be like Servant we'll have to wait until at least season 3 (most likely season 4) until we get any kind of hint as to wtf is going on.

is that Diane Lane?

It's actually tonight around 8-9pm est, perhaps even earlier


Kier.. brilliant one, Kier...

Mark and Helly bros, is our couple going to make it?

>this ost song that I don't think has been used yet


we're in for kino boys

based cheeky wanker

not everyone lives in the united states of satan

>paying for Apple+

pirate it baka

what if you left your cum on your hand for your outie to see getting off the elevator?
what are ways you could fuck with your outie without triggering the code detectors?

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One clip from the trailer that still hasn’t been seen is the one of Mark sitting in front of camera and giving his consent to being severed. Last episode we learn that there’s more functions than the overtime thing(clean slate, branch transfer). My guess is the finale ends with Mark getting his memories wiped

Is there a market for people who get off to faggot grandpas? Shit's fucking gross as fuck, the fuck was Ben Stiller smoking?

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sticking a pen your butt hole lmao

There's also Lullaby (sleep, presumably) and Open House
What the fuck is Open House. Other people entering their brains? Or both innie and outtie at once?
What the fuck is Elephant? And the others?

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I was over thinking it, maybe open house literally means open up your house and let us in

Beehive is clearly some kind of hivemind.

to me at least it reinforces the emotional void the innies feel that they will seek out affection from any source

I can imagine Elephant being about accessing select memories.

An elephant never forgets.

Mandated poz, but we didn’t see them kiss or do anything gross. If you’re going to have a gay relationship, this is how it should be done. It was mostly just two guys bonding over art



Elephant would be memory retention.
Clean slate would be complete memory erasure.

One of the options is what they did to Petey.

I'm worried the final is going to be shit

isn't outie and inie how you call vulvas?

that's how you call belly buttons too

>Tfw your team keep "looking for baby goats" and fraternising with the psychotic insurrectionist department

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I'd think someone named Milcheck would be Slavic

I don't want Dylan to die

>Dying at Lumon

Not allowed. They could activate "goldfish" and send him on his way though.

What happens when you press F7?

why did they made the main character's wife asian? what did they mean by this?

Memory wipe?

The number 69 appears on the screen

>Asian wife
>white love interest
>black girl hookup

Clean Slate is memory wipe, which they could do. Goldfish is probably similar to what happened to Petey (memory bleed, stumbling around the place) or literally puts you into a goldfish state where your memory rests every 5 seconds, rendering you a mess.

you think something this big would have better security instead of one guy. the whole severance thing is on their version of cnn and have politicians lobbying

>One of the options is what they did to Petey.
In that case you would think Harmony and Doug know about that option. And why did the board try to deny the possibility?

They have cameras so I'm assuming it's being watched by a different severed department.

We don't know how Natalie found out about Helly's suicide attempt.

>doesn't capitalize
>yet ends with punctuation mark
>2nd sentence just doesn't bother with either
Why are cattle like this?

>In that case you would think Harmony and Doug know about that option.

We don't know if they ordered it or not. Cobel was called into a meeting with the board and asked about Petey, and only after that did he die. The board didn't believe in re-integration but Cobel did, so she knows things she hasn't told the board. She was aware of Rugabi's existence (the women who was working with Petey) so she probably knows she re-integrated.

The board believes in their system, they're not trying to hear about its flaws.

That was strange to me too but there was a comment at one point where you have to make prisoners feel like they are "free" which is how you keep them in there.

I'm guessing this is all just some bs thing that makes them feel like they're in control when they're not.

Real diversity

okay, tranny

I watch Severance for he

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You're trying too hard to fit in, cattle.

I like that they fleshed him out with the kid story, thought he'd be some loser but he's married with a family

His reward choice was wholesome
Dylan slaps


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>Season counter counts down from 7

7 whole series? Jesus Christ. I could see them doing 4, but 7?

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>Your Outtie loves the sound of Radar

>Radar is his doggo

>Beehive - Could this be some kind of frenzy like what caused the massacre thats rumored?
>Branch Transfer - Probably makes a new innie with none of the previous memories as they’re moved to another department
>Clean Slate - Can they completely erase someone’s memory with this one?
>Elephant - Maybe they can make them remember something specific?
>Freeze Frame - Completely incapacitating them?
>Glasgow - ?????
>Goldfish - Temporary memory loss?
>Lullaby - Puts them to sleep?
>Open House - ?????
>Overtime - We know this wakes them up on the outside

Some crazy possibilities they’ve introduced here

I’m betting that Irving was “branch transferred” to MDR and that’s why his outtie remembers the elevator to the testing floor.
That’s also probably why he and Burt had such a connection, they probably did before too and Irving got transferred out

she may be an Eagan, which is why Cobel got canned for the suicide attempt and she appears to be at a fancy party in the last episode (which they also may have been setting up for at the Lumon HQ when Mark was leaving)

Beehive is likely a rally call to the office I would assume.

One of the common theories is that Helley is an Alpha bitch involved in the company so she could have informed them.

Clean slate probably erases memory of both innie and outie.
Elephant would be remembering something specific between innie and outie lives, yeah.

Also, on rewatch it seems like Cobel wanted Mark and Ms Casey to remember each other. She seemed happy to make Casey "try new things" and looked upset when Casey continued the regular wellness test after saying how much she likes Mark. My guess is her husband is still alive.

>2 guys in an emotional bond
I can tell you've never had a best friend although they are really gay

>>Glasgow - ?????
I'm reminded of glasgow-smile. I'm thinking of a forcefully induced state of euphoria where the severed just sits there incapacitated in a state of detached bliss?
>>Open House - ?????
Direct access to all of the severed's recorded memories?

Googling Glasgow brings up the "Glasgow Coma Scale"

>The Glasgow Coma Scale is a clinical scale used to reliably measure a person's level of consciousness after a brain injury

She's definitely a Lumon higher-up, but if she's there to prove it's safe why would she snitch on Cobel?

She had to record the video of herself saying her innie isn't a person so she knew what the innie was up to for a long time before Natalie/The Board found out.


open house being some kind of truth serum where they can be asked a questions and not be lied to

this pawg makes me tiny white cocklet stand at attention like a wee little chubby champion

OH would be access to both severed and outie identities/memories.

wtf what did they mean by this?????

Milchek told her to get rid or Arquette.

Walled! Please try again with the cruel-looking half-Nepalese chick.

What's his endgame?