It's over bros

It's over bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Danobros...we actually won


Classic and cute


Wojaks are so gay bros, they were a big fat mistake

too much classic

In talking to that girl whi posted here the other day wanting to talk about dano. She is obsessed with serial killers but gets mad at the n word.

such a shame my country doesn´t have alt-girls, they´re all the same basic bitch, if i have a gf, i will make her dress like that slut billy eillish

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do girls find dano attractive?

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every famous man has a group of girls who thirst after them. this tiktok of dano has 200k likes and a bunch of girls wet in the comments


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classic paul dano is being stolen by roasties

He classic

Is this look in? I look kinda like this where do I get my art hoes bros?

become famous

the guy that looks like this? how?

Update: I deleted her cause she was insulting the very concept of motherhood. Why are kikes like this

are alt girls coming back into fashion then? i'm a bit pissed that in my late teens and early 20s they seemed non existent compared to the 00s

Another Dano thread, another instant classic.

he seems polite and charming and intelligent. women are way less visual than men

>women are way less visual than men
imagine believing this. What cope hope did you crawl out of?

>are alt girls coming back into fashion then?

yeah, look at tiktok, ig and the template of OP´s meme, they all dress like that, at least in the US

In casual hookups women do not settle. In relationships women do. It's okay to hate women but not accepting reality because you hate them is silly

virgin spotted

female hands typed this

deal with more women and you’d get it. I know your loneliness and inceldom has filled you with bitter resentment and a skewed worldview but if you weren’t so awkward and insecure around women, you could get laid too. I’m a solid 6 and fuck girls just because im funny and confident. I believe in you user

>insecure male lookist claiming anyone else is coping

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>I’m a solid 6 and fuck girls

not the same user, but i only go to the gym and college, where can i look for meeting more women?

Like a church basement on a Friday during Lent

>In relationships women do.
no they do not. If a woman settles with someone they were forced to settle with, they will despise them and cheat on them.

You literally do not understand reality. I understand women way better than you do, and it's because I'm a handsome chad that doesn't put baby brained retard children on a pedestal because they look and feel nice.

cope. just cope. It's actually scientific fact that women base their attraction mostly on visual appeal. They won't even look at you if you're below a certain attractiveness threshold. This is scientific fact.

You simply have no idea if you aren't a 9/10 male what women are like

these chickenshit faggot retards make fun of you to actually attractive strong men. If only you knew what I knew

You need to be famous and rich before

oh sorry, I replied to the wrong post here

Are you looking for a relationship or just pusy?

Pretty much but I just wanted to know what the babbling over this obviously below average guy was about, I guess virtue signaling

after the slew of manchildren/women calling me a virgin I'm pretty sure it's a discord or a small subset of retarded manchildren who like whoever this nobody is

I'm pretty sure this is an entirely inorganic thread

Ya I'm not reading this LOL. My eyes did catch you calling yourself a Chad though so post face pic with timestamp or your entire post is forfeit

both to be honest, teach me your wisdom

didn't read + l + ratio + touch grass

They tend to be nowadays, yeah

>don't be an insane incel autist
>find girl who likes this guy
>she'll fuck you for looking even slightly like him

here's my jawline you seething fucking roastoid cunt

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If you lack confidence/struggle with just carrying a convo, I’d practice with girls you aren’t as attracted to at first and slowly work your way into cuter girls. I can not stress enough how important confidence is to women, even an ounce of self doubt they can smell it. You can start on hinge, if meeting irl is difficult. Most girls at the gym don’t wanna be approached unless you’re hyper chad. You shouldn’t approach girls irl unless you kind of get they’re into you (looking at you multiple times etc)

LMFAO. Thank you for the laugh. I dont know why I actually expected a handsome man. Disappointing but funny


huh you have good bone structure


close actually french

>completely average chin
>bad lips
>awful nose
>incredibly narrow skull
Stop samefagging lmao. That is at best mid tier bone structure

samefagging as whom?

I was wrong, you really are just a beta male

cope, seethe, dilate, ynbaw, etc

I look like young Johnny Depp I am much more handsome than you. You have a funny skull shape. Not even a strong chin very sad to think so highly of yourself

Edit it with an apustaja

>even an ounce of self doubt they can smell it.


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what a bizarre seethe

women are entirely visual and the most shallow creatures on the planet

get over it I guess?

>I can not stress enough how important confidence is to women,

so even if i´m talking about mindless thing with her, i should feel confident about it?


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No lol. Incels and lookist fags like you are. It is much more likely to see women settling in relationships than men.

Dios mio, es El Classico

Hey Paul!

yeah because they get dried up and have no choice anymore you dumb motherfucker

c l a s s i c

whoa I didn't know he smoked and got all the ladies. He's just like me.

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based smokin user, blue camels faggot here

he´s just like me

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>young girls choose less attractive men cause they are dried up
>terminally online incel who browses lookism 24/7 understands the world

>>young girls choose less attractive men cause they are dried up
no they choose them for the money so they can divorce them later lol

if you think women are satisfied with freak retards like Paul Dano when they're actually secure in their relationship(married, entitled to their money) you are beyond gone

just don't drag other unfortunate retards down with you by convincing retards that women actually settle for beta retards with tons of cash without getting a little on the side and fully taking advantage of the fact that dumb niggers have 0 leverage without money and a prenup

I smoke hipster cigarettes

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>you are lonely because you are lonely
even if that is true, how do I magically control my subconscious and erase all "self-doubt" and "insecurity", these aren't even real things

this is really shit vague advice, it is probably understandable, you have been socializing near continuously for most of your life whereas most here have been alone for years, so how could you explain to us how to talk to a girl, what to talk about, how to key into what music she might be into and make a witty joke about a fashionable artist or whatever the fuck it is you do, so you just come out with this broad useless "advice" as though we already have this information, we don't