Roasties seething

Roasties seething

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>25 year old girl
>25 year old

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This casting is pretty catched

No one likes old bags. Get over it.

Women can't understand kino

Skarsgard is too old for the role. He's also just 9 years younger than Kidman who plays his mother. Hollywood just hates young men.

I realised that Yea Forums is lying about female aeging when I met a female coworker who's 29 and looks 17

omg it's literal pedophilia

>He's also just 9 years younger than Kidman who plays his mother.
That is actually ridiculous.

They played a married couple in Big Little Lies

Proof or shut the fuck up.

Women just can't stand the sight of another woman younger and prettier than them, that's all.

is it true we see her naked?
shes got a kino shitter

if you can't see why women are upset, just imagine you saw a white woman who wasn't getting fucked by a nigger, you'd be upset then too

This will be the best kino of the 21st century and it will make nonwhites and women absolutely seeeeeetthhhhhheeeee

There's no way I'm going to post her here

Women really do be this sensitive about "representation" in movies too. It gets annoying, please just enjoy.

The wold would become a better place if single childless white women over 45 just started mass suiciding

It probably wouldnt even be a big problem to troll them intu it, it could be sold as saving the planet or making room for poc or something

You now remember the 'Shave your head to spite Trump' psy-op

What would have been historically accurate ages? I imagine a prime Viking would be like 18-30 and he would take a bride who was like 12-16.

Give it 5 years and she'll be a crazy wrinkly old bitch with an endless list of demands and nothing but crusty old puss to offer in exchange.

Most women were married off at 12. Getting married after 20 was rare for both men and women.

only dicord trannies think spamming blacked threads bothers anyone

women loose their attractiveness fast after 25 men don't

>all women

She's already pretty crazy, hardcore leftist but she looks damn good

as much as i want to produce kino, money is more important. i have a family to feed. my 14-year-old wife will be upside if i have no income. i know i should producing shows with 30+ women, but i just know it's not viable.

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How come women get pissed when an older guy has a younger girl, but neither women nor men ever care when a young guy dates an older woman?

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it clearly fucking does bother a bunch of "white supremacists" who get mad at asians when they see a nigger fucking some wh*te whore

Why would they care?


Makes sense. They should make that movie instead.

Stop thinking about black dicks ya faggot

Considering how unstable and depressed they are it would even have a margin of success, especialy among the fat ones
There are so many angles that could be taken, environmentalist, efilist, newagey, whatever mix of defetist nihilistic discourses that help them rattionalise it, it could even besold as a empowerment thing

"asians" even being in that equation tells you a lot about "asians" (mutts)

I was allways going by the assumption stormfags spam bbc threads to incite racial hatred

it's just bitter whores older than 30 that are upset the older guys they used to fuck are still fucking attractive younger women

yeah watching the trailer i got the impression that he felt a bit miscast.

that's my line lmao
they're not in the fucking equation you nutjob
stormfags are the ones talking about fucking nigger ass and niggeer pussy and are fine with niggers fucking white women lmao

whaaaat you mean Yea Forums really isnt this based redpill dispenser and reality is actually totally different

Should have cast this prime beauty instead. Incels cannot handle a mature woman.

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The ultimate goal is to raise the age of consent to 25. Notice all the articles the last few years about how the human brain isn't completely developed until 25?

Only people who spam this fucking degenerate Jew produced shit are mentally ill cuckolds who get off to annoying others with their shit fetishism. Literally no different than mentally ill bronies and furfags who were plaguing this website before the white demoralization campaign.

Do you currently have a black dick up your ass right now by chance? You flaming homo

nah it's 100% /pol/tards spamming it but they're spamming it unironically
lmao what the fuck are you on about

I've never understood how women can argue there's some double standard about age. Anyone with eyes can see that women have WAY higher value on the sexual/dating marketplace than men from like 15 - 29, then men finally get their turn from like age 30 to mid-40s or so once they're established IF they're successful, and then it's pretty evened out after that.

It's like they just conveniently ignore their youth when for a long time they were treated as special without having actually done anything and men needed to be thankful if women even paid them any attention.

People used to be shocked when I gave them my age and pegged me for a high-schooler. When I tell people my age now no one bats an eye. It catches up with you and I take care of myself via diet/lifting/cardio/skin care.

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>Hellooooooooo beautiful

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That's never going to happen, because if that science were to be applied to policy then the right to buy alchohol would have to be raised to 25 first and big liquor would never allow that.

This but 25 instead of 45

it's almost like literally the only thing women have of any value is their youth
tight young pussy is worth more than oil coated gold but it has an expiration date that makes milk blush

and all women have to do is accept a man for marriage when they're young. Pick a good man and he'll stay loyal with you into old age. But if she waits until she's 30 then those men aren't going to be waiting anymore.

All the girls in the comments are either ugly or post wall roasts

You know what, you’re right

30 isnt that old, most men in theyr 30is and 40is would marry a 30something right away, most couples having kids are in theyr 30is, its that the bitches think theyr cunts shit gold untill they get to 40, then its realy too late

you can get pregnant at 9

The same reason people are deeply disturbed and disgusted my MtF trannies but barely care at all about FtM trannies or just kind of feel sorry for them

>most couples having kids are in theyr 30is
but they got together before then. A woman who spends her 20s rejecting all of the men she could marry is not a woman I would trust. Women who actually value marriage and commitment don't wait until 30 to make that decision. If she was 28 and still only having casual sex or chasing after bad boys then it's a red flag.

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fucking retard

fucking post it you piece of human garbage

Worse yet is that those cunts spend their teens, 20s and up to mid 30s fucking random dudes, wearing out their only depreciatng value prospect.

So not only would you get a barren womb at 40, but a thoroughly tainted and used cunt as well, attached to a desperate creature unable to form a lasting relationship.


Big liquor didn't want the drinking age raised to 21 either, but they lost. Ditto big tobacco.

To the best warriors and providers went the best brides. That's how it worked. Age didn't mean shit. In merry olde England the nobles were marrying 13-year-olds just because they knew they had their choice of pussy, so they went with the unused variety.

a woman will love the first man who gives her a good dicking for the rest of her life
this is either the first, second or third man she sleeps with outliers aside
if she has not settled with that man, she has fucked up.
if a man settles with her who is not that man, he has now fucked up as well
if children begin to appear, the fuck up factor (for everyone on the planet, to some degree) increases exponentially.

Girls were married off as young as 12 but the husband would usually avoid impregnating them before the age of 15 because the birthing was hard on a girl who hasn't finished growing

The uterus wall is 30 years.
If a woman has not had at least one child by 20 she is on the edge of being a spinster(wine aunt).
If she hasn't been stable and sane enough to have a boyfriend or marriage by thirty, she is just batshit insane, damaged use goods, in the bin headed to the landfill.
Any woman who looks at her social media and dating apps for validation of her worth is not going to make it.
Red flags all around.