
Superior edition


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Picard S3 is going to be the Star Trek what The Rise of Skywalker was to Star Wars.
Make of that whatever you will.

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this dude was great
was his name soval?

sjit op

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I needed to erase the old ones because comment got too long.

WARS WON BY /deck/:
The TV Timeframe Terror
The Cutting Board Constipation
The Miramanee Boogaloo
Holodeck Cuddle Debate
TNGeezer Losing Cope Meltdown
TNGeezer Losing Cope Double Down
Tranny Next Generation Secret
Paramount+ Filtration
Neutral Alliance Beatdown
Nazi Tendi False Flag Fiasco
Anti-LD Meme Thread Removed
Orville Pissing Scene
Trek Luthor
Trek Luthor Strikes Again
Tranny Spam Triumph
TNGeezer Transphobic Insanity
Schizo Screeching YouTuber Meltdown
Old Fart's Filter Frustration
The Foiling of Victory Theft
Trek Luthor Returns
The Foiling of Victory Theft Part II
The Jansa Luthor Demystification
Unfunny Fake Kurtzman Quotes Beatdown
Picard Masonic Madness
The VGR-PIC Cyber Conundrum
The Foiling of Victory Theft Part III
Janny Destroying Anti-LD TNGeezers
The Foiling of Victory Theft Part IV
Dukat Is A Fucking Cuck
Tendi Is Not Trans You Retards
Dax Is Trans Though
ALL TNGeezers Think Nomad Is From Doctor Who
TNGeezers don't know how Internet browsers render text
ENTrails BTFO'd forever
TNGeezers don't think Vina could emit pheromones after Talosians made her appear as Orion
Tendi is not trans
Jadzia is trans
Ezri is trans
T'pol is trans
Trek Luthor destroys TNGeezers again
geezers don't like apuposting
Stupid ESL retard thinks that the word "propaganda" in English language can refer to real information as well as false information
geezer didn't recognize the Caitan child from Prodigy on a picture
I saw the VHS on a convent and crazy geezer said it was only on CD-Rom
Crazy Geezer is stupid
geezer dabs on Cadet Biollante but I still love Biollante and hate geezer
Blaming MKUltra bro for spamming /trek/ while it's Jansa and /pol/ and 2.0 and nazis
Jansa is stupid and can't count
Based! Geezers utterly anally raped again!
NuTrek shows got renewed. Fuck the fucking geezers!
Glorious falseflag posts making fun of TNGeezers!

WARS WON BY /trek/:

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This wasn't a stunt, Brent Spiner tried to run over Patrick with a Tesla in one of his cocaine binges and they just decided to work it into the plot.

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>LD discussion
You never talk about Lower Decks though, you just post smug reaction pictures and screech about TNGeezers.
Whenever someone talks about Lower Decks, like JC for example, you just post more smug reaction pictures because he dares criticize your precious show.

In other words, take your meds. This is textbook paranoid schizophrenia.

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you can't leave out 270/170 that's like leaving the original sin out of the bible

I used to think /trek/ was the worst thread on Yea Forums but even with the autistic Yea Forumsfaggots and the other mentally ill residents, it doesn't come close to how terrible the rest of Yea Forums has become. Look at the Yea Forums catalog right now. Some super sperg is spamming porn and CP and all sorts of shit.

Do the Yea Forums faggots really think they're a bother? You're such small potatoes compared to how horrible the rest of this site is. You're not even annoying to me anymore, you're just like a goofy autistic mascot.

>The TNGays actively attempted to *censor* LD discussion by mass reporting LD posts, shitting up /trek/ with goreposting, and trying to get mods to end /trek/ permanently.
Not a bad thing to end /trek/. People like you destroyed it anyway.

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oh boy transa is sperging out again, never change /trek/ (actually please do)

Correct. No one's censoring LD discussion, except LDfags themselves when the discussion doesn't go the way they want it to (ie anything else than unbridled praise)

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Fuck you, TNGeezer. You don't know shit about me.

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maybe it's a self driving Tesla commandeered by the evil AI from the last season that also travelled back in time?

This post brought to you by severe autism. Not funny "I like trains autism" but Chris-Chan-tier danger-to-yourself-and-others autism.

Transa can't get over the fact that we've discovered she was Trek Luthor all along!

LDfags are actual schizos.

Remember to report all troll posts.

You just proved what OP said again.

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Funny, considering that LD trannies tried to persuade us that even knowing who Chris-Chan is should be considered a sign of mental illness.


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kek, already on it

>No one's censoring LD discussion
1. Mass reporting Lower Decks posts in an attempt to get LD posters banned is censorship.
2. Gorespamming and similar things are also a form of censorship. The aim is to cause both LD posters and people who enjoy LD posts to leave /trek/.
3. Trying to get the mods to permanently shut /trek/ down is also, obviously, an effort at censorship.

Stop the lying. Stop the gaslighting. Admit that the TNGeezers are fragile, whiny, censorious bitches who would rather destroy /trek/ than see posts they dislike about new Star Trek shows.

Cry more about it

Everybody on Yea Forums knows who Chris-Chan is. Nobody has ever claimed otherwise.

Why are you making this shit up? And we all know the goreposting was your false flag anyway.

>endless console warring still shitting up /trek/ like three years later
I'll check back next year I guess

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>Trying to get the mods to permanently shut /trek/ down is also, obviously, an effort at censorship.
As a general. Trek threads can be made anyway.

Did I say otherwise?

Why would I cry? Your side lost. You got BTFOed by the mods and jannies who determined that /trek/ was the proper place for discussion about Paramount+ Star Trek shows. Your mass reporting and other censorship efforts failed.

To bring about real change, /trek/ would have to be completely restructured. As long as trolling and hate continue to pay off (You) wise, things will stay the same.

>Mass reporting Lower Decks posts in an attempt to get LD posters banned is censorship
No one does that when you're discussing the show, only when you're posting off-topic schizo garbage accompanied by a smug cartoon girl.
When was the last time that happened? All I know is that one of you LD shits keeps spamming gay porn.
>The aim is to cause both LD posters and people who enjoy LD posts to leave /trek/.
Funny, considering your deranged schizo spam is what actually makes people leave.
>Trying to get the mods to permanently shut /trek/ down is also, obviously, an effort at censorship.
You're delusional. No one wants /trek/ to get shut down, except (You).

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He isn't making it up. All of that happened.

They're the same autism.

>/trek/ was the proper place for discussion about Paramount+ Star Trek shows
This is a shill.

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>invaders from Yea Forums are still mad TWO YEARS later that their invasion plans were halted

>No one does that when you're discussing the show, only when you're posting off-topic schizo garbage accompanied by a smug cartoon girl.
Not even that. No one does that at all. And even if that'd happen, the schizo couldn't know whether he was reported by one person or a hundred people. He's just making shit up as usual.

Are LDfags just trolling or are they actually mentally ill? It's really hard to tell.
If it's actual mental illness I'm willing to cut them some slack.

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I think it's both mental illness and ironic shitposting

Be that as it may, /trek/ is to discuss ALL Trek properties, exclusively available in entirety on Paramount+ for only $4.99/month. Two more seasons of Lower Decks and Prodigy are coming!

You're also mentally ill. You've been having the same argument with these faggots for three years now. The fact that you haven't just walked away from it, the fact that you even acknowledge it at all, puts you on the same spectrum as the other shitposters.

Just saying.

The one who periodically starts sperging about le ebil goreposting is possibly the only legit LDiapershitter left. At least he's been doing this for 2 years, so I assume he's an actual LDfag.
Oh. And try to ignore the fact that he's most probably the goreposter himself.

In this case it's trolling.
It's not hard to spot, if it's the andorian or uses the word geezer it's in bad faith.

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>No one wants /trek/ to get shut down
I do. But it's only because the damage is done and I don't see the general recovering any time soon. See

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Neutral here. You're right. It's all the other posters' fault for noticing. Not the ones who always start the shitshow.

>You never talk about Lower Decks though
I firmly believe that the Romulans are behind framing Freeman for the Varuvian bomb, and this partially explains the cool reaction in Picard toward helping Romulan refugees.

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>why yes I am mad at your transparent bait so please continue

You "notice" when something first happens, user. If you're still noticing the same fucking autistic argument years later, you're part of the problem. You're perpetuating it by not starving out this faggot who is clearly out for attention. Think about it. This is not a hostile post.

>You're also mentally ill
I'm OCD.

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>I'm OCD.
I don't believe you, unless you list every time a LDfag started something, what date/time and a link to each archive post.

You're either an ESL or a retard who doesn't understand simple English words. If a bird shits on you, you can notice the shit, even if that happened before. Stop trying to pass as smart. It'll never work out for you.

>The new Spock
Never fails to crack me up

>I just wanted you guys know that I'm gay. It started when my dad raped me when I was young. But then he showed me this TNG article and it made me laugh, so now I post it in every thread when I think of the rape. This keeps me from killing myself. Please inform me how this makes you laugh if you've experienced the same from your dad.
Never fails to crack me up.

Why though? Were there any clues for Rommie involvement? Also TNG's The Drumhead makes it pretty clear there was widespread Anti-Romulan hate in the Federation albeit that was before their Dominion War Alliance

Post about Star Trek not /trek/

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>watch as I dazzle everyone with my intelligence by being overly pedantic for no reason at all!
Great post, user. Top notch stuff.

The romulans are established as having a particular sneaky-sneaky agenda specifically with respect to turning the Klingons around here and there. The sudden direction change from a 'rogue' Klingon captain seems off, and that one Klingon's willingness to deal with Pakleds seems even more unlikely unless the deal was brokered somehow.

I suspect that given the mutual history of Vulcan/Romulan espionage, T'Lyn will be instrumental in proving Freeman's innocence.

What's her endgame?

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>watch as I dazzle everyone with my intelligence by being overly pedantic for no reason at all!
Great post, user. Top notch stuff.

>framing Freeman
McMahan told us not to speculate, so I won't. He'll pull something out of his ass like he always does and it'll get resolved within one episode.
If the finale proved anything is that the show is not worth thinking about, because they'll go with whatever is most "le random" every time.

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To do science on the bridge like Jadzia Dax.